Friday, December 19, 2014

- Embarrassing of Anundsen –

- Embarrassing of Anundsen –

(Dagbladet): – I am fairly confident that this case is not over, says Abid Raja (V), which sits in the Parliamentary Control Committee, to Dagbladet after a late Friday meeting of the Committee.

That committee could not take weekend and Christmas holidays earlier, because the Attorney General Anders Anundsen (FRP) answered parliamentary questions about asylum children matter more hours in overtime. First round at 17.30 got control committee response letter, which made today’s meeting was pushed on.

Notifications more questions

At tonight meeting it was decided that the committee will consider further actions at its next meeting, 6 January. It is partly because the committee has received a bunch of surface material from the Ministry of Justice, which committee members have time to review.

But Raja can already state that he is not impressed by the delayed response committee got its former head tonight and told Dagbladet that he is confident that Parliament will end up asking more questions to the Minister of Justice:

– I have several unanswered questions. And my recommendation to the committee, I’m going to write that we should ask several questions to the Minister of Justice. I am fairly confident that the committee will share my views and are sure it is going to be done, he says to Dagbladet.

questions Raja still believes unanswered, goes partly:

• Does the justice minister has said in Parliament, stood in the style of what he has done?
• Has the matter gone beyond any children?

In reply letter admits Anundsen that he never read the letter that would ensure that his political guidelines were followed, although the Ministry of Justice received a copy of the Police Directorate (POD).

Read the full letter of reply here.

– Embarrassing

When Police Directorate in winter sent the letter with his instructions down the police system – where ANUNDSEN told not to prioritize long remaining asylum children were left out – went letter in copy to the Ministry of Justice, so that they could verify that POD had understood the order in the Minister’s letter of allocation right.

But there was not read:

“Allocation Skrivet has the ministry not been read with aim to ensure the quality of the content of the already transmitted disposal leaflet is samvsvar with formulations in the award letter, “ states in ANUNDSEN answer to Parliament.

Thus was not revealed by mistake Anundsen – but by Bergens Tidende.

– Embarrassing, says Raja.

– Now, the Prime Minister stood in Parliament and accused police director of poor management because he had not received with the contents of the justice minister’s award letter. And then it turns out that the Ministry of Justice received a copy of the Police Directorate letter – without it being read. It can only be described as embarrassing – especially when the government has been so hard in klypa faced police director, he says to Dagbladet.

– Does not

Although Anundsen has gone so far as to regret the matter of parliamentary rostrum, believes Both Anundsen and Police Directorate that the error has not been practical consequences. Police have whatever perceived political signals, it is claimed:

In response, he writes that POD has estimated that 49 more long remaining asylum children could have been sent out of Norway, if there was such government policy guidelines had not flash picked up by police.

Raja does not the explanation for good fish standing up because the leader of the National Police Immigration Service (PU) Kristin Kvigne (PU) on several occasions has said that they have not changed their practice:

“We have not got any political pressure from the Ministry that we should get out more minors who have been long in the land . It is an initiative that is in the bottom, and it was there also under the previous government, that will be getting out while remaining families. We deported where we can, “ said Kvigne Dagsavisen November 5th.

When Bergens Tidende revealed that the order in the Ministry of Justice award letters were not picked up in PODs disponseringsskriv wrote Kvigne in an sms to the newspaper:

“It’s true that this is our overriding priorities.”

“We have therefore not received instructions about changing practice,” underlined PU boss, who continued: “It’s Immigration which manages the regulations.”

– We work according to the same political guidelines we have had since 2010, says, kommunkasjonsrådgiver Monica T. Olsen PU Dagbladet said kommunkasjonsrådgiver Monica T. Olsen PU Dagbladet in October.


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