the E6 Kolomoen-Moelv is an example of a veistrekning with delåpning already in 2018, as in the NTP (National transport plan) located inside with the opening 2023 or later.
It informs the chief executive officer Ingrid Dahl Hovland in New Ways AS, to Dagsavisen.
For fagsjef Holger Schlaupitz in Naturvernforbundet is this bad again.
– When the roads are completed earlier, will reisetidsreduksjonene contribute to the increase in traffic as a result of a new path, come earlier also. It again leads to that there will be more years of increased emissions of greenhouse gases, he points out.
– New roads are in the route
the Government advocated for the creation of a separate veiselskap in the white paper “The right way – reforms in veisektoren”, which was in april of last year.
– We propose to establish a company that will plan, build, operate and maintain any long road stretches, stated transport minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen (Frp).
New Roads AS was formally founded 4. may of last year, as a fully government owned limited liability company. The company became operational from the 1. January of this year.
– New Paths AS is in the route, observes, now the company’s managing director, in the first year of operation is approaching the end.
We have established three veiutbyggingsavtaler with owner Ministry of transport and communications, to an overall development for 19 billion. Three bompengeproposisjoner for the relevant routes was approved in the Storting in the spring. Overall this is approximately 19 kilometres of motorway with veiåpninger in 2018, 2019 and 2020, continues Ingrid Dahl Hovland.
– Continuous
You have announced that you are going to build “faster and more cost effective”. How comes it to expression?
– That we should build roads faster comes to expression at that we use shorter time on the planprosess, tendering processes and the actual developments, when we get there. By building longer and contiguous stretches reduced the expenses of the up – and rigging of plant and equipment, and in addition, we receive lower management costs, respond Hovland.
She also points to the standardization of solutions, such as bridges and road (underground tunnels of various kinds), and less “tailoring”, in order to reduce the time spent in veiprosjektene. The contractors with their expertise, are also involved at an earlier stage than what has been usual, in order to reduce the planleggingstida.
In addition, New Roads AS a slim byggherreorganisasjon, ” adds Hovland.
concretely this means about 85 employees at the turn of the year 2016-2017.
– the Nature and the environment lose
The Hovland tells, performed very poorly in the ears with Holger Schlaupitz in Naturvernforbundet.
– the Purpose of the NTP has been to integrate and coordinate transportplanleggingen. Now happens the opposite. New paths will then be the portfolio is not part of the assessment in the transportetatenes basic document about NTP. These veiutbyggingene added only to the reason, points out Schlaupitz.
the Parliament adopted the New paths will then be the portfolio through a short white paper, completely independent of the NTP and other transport, in the early summer of last year, adds he.
– What are the consequences of this?
The major motorveiutbyggingene get to sneak in the queue. They are adopted first and is then used in the further planning work. Nature and the environment is the loser.
– These are all major developments that will largely go parallel with the railway and to undermine the train’s competitiveness, and in addition, contribute to more traffic in more urban areas, he continues.
18 stretches of road
New Roads AS to build the 18 stretches of road spread over four development projects. In march, the enlightened veiselskapet that five of these routes would be prioritised in the first phase until 2019-2020. These are:
the E6 Kolomoen-Moelv.
E18 Tvedestrand-Arendal.
E18 Gangplank-Dørdal.
E39 Kristiansand, Vest-Vigeland.
the E6, Trøndelag.
These routes have been prioritised based on the following six criteria:
How profitable veistrekningene is for the community.
Ulykkesbelastningen on the routes.
the Opportunity for holistic development of long stretches.
How clear the routes is to be built out.
the EU requirements such as requirements for safety in tunnels.
The extent to which projects contribute to mernytte for local communities.
– It is very difficult to see any focus on climate and the environment in these criteria, but it might not be something else to expect when the goal is to build out to get more cars on the roads quickly, commenting on the Schlaupitz.