Monday, October 31, 2016

Barth Eide, ready for the Parliament – the Newspaper.en

(Dagbladet): the nomination committee in Oslo Party has sent its proposal to the stortingsvalgsliste for the election in 2017. Former defence and foreign minister, Espen Barth Eide, is of a unanimous nomination committee placed in a safe place.

Barth Eide is currently director of the World economic forum and the Cyprus special advisor to the united nations.

the Chairman of the committee, Signe Horn, believes the committee has come forward to a strong list:

- the Committee has emphasized that the list should be a combination of candidates with experience and new talent. We believe that the proposal as now exist, have the features that are necessary to win the election, ” says Horn in the case, which is posted on the Oslo Aps website.

Horn believes there is great commitment evidence of a strong partiorganisjon.

the nomination committee has taken into account the input that has come from the political party, and have had many good candidates to choose from, ” states Horn.

After that Hadia May be notified in the transition to Rogaland, and is nominated on the top there, has it been easy for a candidate with a minority high on the Oslo-list. Zaineb Al-Samarai is now unanimously set from the nomination committee to on the list. Oslo Ap has six mandates in Parliament today.

Al-Samarai, who came to Norway as a refugee from Iraq as a 7-year-old in 1994, holds a law degree and sits for the other period in Oslo city council for Ap. She now works as a communications advisor.

the Setting is now sent to hearing in the political party.

Nominasjonslista for Oslo Ap is adopted at the nominasjonsmøtet 22. november.

This is the first 10 on the nominasjonskomiteens unanimous suggestions:

1 Jonas G. Støre

2 Marianne Marthinsen

3 Jan Bøhler

4 Siri G. Staalesen

5 Espen Barth Eide

6 Zaineb Al-Samarai

7 Didrik Beck

8 Inger Helene Vaaten

9 Fredrik, Between the

10 Jon Reidar Øyan

Former AUF leader The Pedersen is proposed on the

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KrF-Hareide reject budsjettenighet without Left – VG

Knut Arild Hareide laws Trine Skei Grande eternal allegiance during budsjettforhandlingene. But if the negotiations collapse completely, he will not reject him to save the government.

– We have an agreement between four parties. It is not so that I only have written a contract with the Siv and Erna, I have written it with the Trine also. The agreement commits me. Therefore, it is completely out of the question for me to have a budsjettenighet where there are only three parties, ” says Knut Arild Hareide of the VG.

today he put forward KrFs alternative to the government’s proposal for budget for next year. There goes Hareide & Co. in the throat on the progress and the Conservative tax cuts and gift pack to motorists:

• Nearly the whole of the relief to motorists, 950 million, will be removed
• the Party reduces the government’s proposed tax cuts for next year with close to nine billion

This will also increase the cash assistance from 6.000 to 9.000 money in the month and create a private utreisesenter for families with children.

VG mean: Need cash be rejected

<p>MORE FREER: Knut Arild Hareide, here together with, among others, prime minister Erna Solberg (H), Left-leader Trine Skei Grande and the minister of transport and communication Ketil Solvik-Olsen (Frp) while Solberg talks with lærlinger på Rosenberg på Hundvåg in Stavangerunder a besøk where in the last week.</p>

SEVERAL SUITORS: Knut Arild Hareide, here together with, among others, prime minister Erna Solberg (H), Left-leader Trine Skei Grande and the minister of transport and communication Ketil Solvik-Olsen (Frp) while Solberg speaks with apprentices at Rosenberg at Hundvåg in Stavangerunder a visit there last week.

Photo: Carina Johansen, NTB scanpix

Now start the drama

In addition to Sector-leader on the weekend landsstyremøte in the party provide clear information about whether or not he believes the party still should support a government led by the Right, and Erna Solberg or whether the party should also consider supporting a government led by the Labour party, Jonas Gahr Støre

Left-Trine: Will wipe out the progress bom-victory

Thus now stands the bourgeois samarbeidsprosjektets “mother”, prime minister Erna Solberg, ahead of their most demanding budsjettuker.

If the four parties are unable to agree on a budget for 2017, will Solberg be forced to threaten that the government will go off if not the Parliament will adopt a budget the government can rally behind, a so-called kabinettsspørsmål.

Must have a majority

And the situation is not Better-the leader in any way clear on what he will do. The government does not need support from both of the two støttepartiene to survive such a reconciliation, the Right and the progress party also has a majority with the Left or Sector alone.

– It is a hypothetical question, ” says Hareide.

– Where is there a opening for the government?

– We go into the talks to achieve an agreement. What we do on the hypothetical issues, it should not I say something about now. But we are not going into a room where there sits four parties with a goal that it should be three. I see it as unacceptable that we should only be three.

Carl I. Hagen: Erna humble progress party’s government ministers

– But if the government chooses to set kabinettspørsmål, then you are open to be the one that saves the government?

– It is a question we will consider later. It is a hypothetical issue.

– It is not particularly more hypothetical than that of the four parties cannot agree on the budget?

– We go into this to find solutions. To talk about the crisis and kabinettspørsmål I don’t think is the way to find a solution, ” says His manager.

Erna: To listen

on Tuesday put the Left forward its alternative budget. The negotiations on next year’s budget starts Wednesday this week.

I have not been studied KrFs budget proposal, but we should listen to them when they have put forward their budgets. Then they will meet with our dealers in the Parliament, and then they must prioritize what they really want to stand on, into the budsjettforhandlingene. After that, we put ourselves down in order to find good solutions, ” says Erna Solberg to VG.


NSB with the “secret” busstilbud – buses run almost empty – Aftenposten

Togstreiken that has hit thousands of passengers for over a month, was called off Sunday morning.

Still want the trains on many routes will not be in the route before Tuesday morning.

This is because if you need out Monday to move the train and personnel in place.

NSB tried yesterday to get in the buses that they could put in for lokaltogene, but only got a hold of 23. These was in the morning inserted in the direktetrafikk between Ski and Oslo S.

NSB announces on its homepage not on the offer, and the company’s pressevakt told not about the offer when Aftenposten spoke with her on Monday morning.

Running with four people

Emma Osnes Eliassen took the bus for trains from Ski to Oslo city centre 08.45 this morning. According to her, there were only eight people on the bus.

Eliassen got to hear about the nearby bus connections via her mother, who heard about it on the radio.

I tried to find information on the internet, but nothing came up, ” she says.

the bus driver and managing director of Autoreiser, Tore Bergheim, confirms that there have been few passengers on the bus his in the morning.

– I’ve run four trips between Ski and Oslo S and have well had four passasjasjerer on average, he says to Aftenposten.

Sources Aftenposten has talked with the get stated that the NSB staff at Oslo S, has informed the passengers that there is a bus to the train to the Ski. Thus, running the buses practically empty back.

Dare not inform about the offer

After the Aftenposten understand, it still buses every fifteen minutes between Oslo S and Ski on Monday.

director of information in the NSB, Åge Christoffer Lundeby, says the company does not communicate the nearby bus connections to the customers because the offer is too bad.

– the Offer is far too small, so it is only to terge people if we disclose it, he says.

instead running the buses with five passengers on board. Isn’t it also to terge?

– It is better that we overoppfyller anyone’s expectations but that we are linking thousands of people today. It is a conscious strategy that we are doing as well as we can with the to set up the buses, but we can’t communicate it because we create expectations we can’t meet, says Lundeby.

Monday morning informing the NSB on its homepage that it is set in 23 buses for the train on Østfoldbanen. The company encourages customers to take advantage of the other transport, because it takes almost 200 buses on the route to provide customers a full alternative.

Reisegarantien apply

NSB put up 23 buses in the traffic between Ski and Oslo until at ten. What happens out of the afternoon, Lundeby’t currently say anything about this.

It is the same situation in the afternoon. We are always working to find replacements. They are not good enough, so they can find another solution, should do it, ” he says.

On the question from newspaper Aftenposten about the reisegarantier comes Monday, when the strike is over, the answer Lundeby that he must investigate.

– NSBs conditions of carriage apply today, and provided that the customer has a valid NSB ticket, we cover the costs for the cheapest alternative travel, provided that we do not have a private option, type Lundeby in a text a little later.

On the question whether the NSB will provide information about the reisegarantien to customers, answer Lundeby that the company will now post information about the rules that apply.

So is the situation Monday:

  • commuter Train in southern california, and all the train on Østfoldbanen run first as normal from the and with on Tuesday at 03.00.
  • R20 Halden-Oslo will run as during the strike, without a stop between Rygge and Oslo S, Monday, 31. October.
  • train connections between Oslo and Stavanger, Bergen and Trondheim are running as normal from night to Monday.
  • commuter Train in Bergen and Vossabanen will also run as normal from night to Monday.

NSB recommend everyone to go in on the NSBs website to check on train on your route goes and if it is in the route.


No avgiftsultimatum from Hareide – NRK

Sentrumspartienes powerful reaction government drivstoffultimatum ensured that the climate and the green skatteskiftet stands again as konfliktsak number one before the autumn budsjettforhandlinger.

In its alternative national budget goes This hard and increases the charges with five billion more than the government proposes.

the Party will, among other things plusse 20 cents on diesel and 15 cents on gasoline beyond the government’s proposed increase of, respectively, 35 and 15 cents.

But at the same time as the four samarbeidspartiene has promised the other a tax – and avgiftsomlegging that will provide significant emission reductions in 2017, the christian democratic party has no “ultimate claim on which measures” taken in use.

– Although we have a small increase on the drivstoffavgiftene beyond the government’s proposal, so it is not so that we must have it in place as long as we see a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, ” says Knut Arild Hareide to NRK.

Want to use green taxes on the welfare of the

Budsjettavtalen from last year also says that increased taxes on the CO₂ to give a “sectoral reduction of other taxes and fees”.

But the principle goes Better away from in its alternative budget.

Green skatteskifte in budsjettavtalen

This was Right, Right, Left and the christian democratic party has agreed in budsjettavtalen:

“the Storting asks the government in the budget for 2017 promote the proposal for a green skatteskift as part of the follow-up of the setting from the green skattekommisjon. Such a shift should involve an increase of taxes on the emissions of CO2 motsvart of a sectoral reduction of other taxes and fees. Duties and skatteomleggingen shall be of a size that amplifier through the and provides significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions”

During the press conference said Hareide that he does not go on the premise that the money the state takes in on the environmental charges, and to automatically give tax relief on the other end. The party will use the income from increased environmental charges also on welfare benefits.

– Means that the Sector will not follow this section of the agreement?

the core issues: families with children, school, climate, and poverty is KrFs headlines ” says Knut Arild Hareide.

Photo: Ruud, Vidar / NTB scanpix

of course, We must be on the principle, when we shall find an agreement. But now we add up our primærstandpunkt, answer Hareide.

According to the Sector also breaks the government’s model for a green skatteskifte with budsjettavtalen. They believe the measures do not provide significant greenhouse gas emissions, and that motorists are compensated too well.

When the government itself put forward a budget where they look away from the consensus, they cannot expect that we shall follow it. Someone has obviously changed the rules of the game along the way, said KrFs fiscal policy spokesman Hans Olav Syversen during the press conference.

Green skatteskifte: Fuel and compensatory measures

  • the Government’s proposal to green skatteskifte in the budget for 2017 means that bensinavgiften be increased by 15 cents, dieselavgiften with 35 cents and mineraloljeavgiften by 20 øre per litre.
  • the annual Fee is reduced by 12 per cent, the rates in pendlerfradraget be increased by six cents and avskrivningssatsene for trucks, vans and taxis will be higher.
  • introduced a tilskuddsordning to reduce bompengetakster outside the major cities. The government will spend 500 million on this purpose, which will give a reduction of around 10 per cent in bompengesatsene on the state and fylkesveiprosjekter.
  • Total gives the two points net tax avgiftsreduksjoner for motorists in excess of 900 million.
  • Source: Ministry of finance/NTB

Some must lose

In its alternative budget reverses the Progress, therefore, the government’s proposal to lower the annual fee and bomsatsene.

But for Fp, there is no question to go with the increased drivstoffavgiftene without sugar pill for motorists in other ways.

SMERTEGRENSE: – the Left need to show a little respect for that Frp actually has moved very far from his primærstandpunkt, and that we can’t walk anymore and are depending on that it is net easing in the package, ” says Example.

Photo: Bendiksby, Terje / NTB scanpix

– It is very much on the green side that is forhandlingsbart, but just in the package there is a balance that is important for us to maintain, ” says the progress party’s fiscal spokesperson Hans Andreas Example.

But for that the four parties shall agree someone must give up. This says they can’t see for themselves to support the budget without that also Left is with. Thus it boils down to who need to lose face: klimapartiet Left or bilpartiet Frp.

– Now we have not begun to negotiate yet, so it is too early to speculate about what happens if the do not agree, say Example.


The Full argument in the FLUFF about oil drilling in Lofoten – the Norwegian broadcasting corporation

It brews up to a hefty violation in LO on environmental impact assessment in marine areas outside Lofoten and Vesterålen.

Next year is the question high on the regarding the LO-congress, which is held every four years.

Said yes four years ago

At the previous congress in 2013 adopted the LO to work for an environmental impact assessment in closed and unopened parts of the Barents sea, the Norwegian sea and the Skagerrak.

But the time there was a significant minority consisting of, among other things Fellesorganisasjonen and Norwegian Tjenestemannslag that would protect the waters outside Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja.

What happens in congress next year is not clarified, but recently passed congress to the Commerce and the Office that they should follow in the tracks of the trade union and the Norwegian Tjenestemannslag and support the setting to protect the areas outside Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja against oil drilling. Also El – and IT-connected has notified that they support the proposal.

Thus increasing the probability of a majority for the protection of the LO-congress in may next year.

Facts about oil exploration in Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja

  • Discussion about whether it should be opened for oil drilling in the waters outside Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja, have raged since the mid-1970s.
  • the Right and the progress party want oil operations in these areas, and the Ap want to konsekvensutrede areas. The other parties in Parliament will not have petroleum activities in these areas.
  • the Right and the progress party are in this election period bound by the cooperation agreement with the Progress and Left, saying that it is not to be opened for an impact assessment of the areas.
  • Opponents fear the consequences for nature, the environment, the fishing industry and tourism by a large oljeuhell. Supporters believe the likelihood of an accident is very low.
  • the Norwegian petroleum directorate estimates that in total there are 1.3 billion barrels of oil equivalent in the investigated sea areas outside Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja. 36 per cent of instances are gas, 64% oil.

Source: NTB

– Not “our LO”

But it provokes more industritunge trade unions in the LO.

During the LOs oil and gasskonferanse that this week will be held in Bodø, it takes more to prepare for the break with the LO, and create their own industrikartell on the outside of the Norwegian confederation of trade, type

Roar Abrahamsen, who is the head of the largest department in the trade unions, the Department 5 on the west coast, believes it is useriøst to require the permanent protection of Lofoten, Vesterålen and Senja.

He has with him Day Unnar Mongstad in Industry, Energy, and Atle Tranøy from the trade unions when he proposes to break with the LO in a petition that became known today, according to Newspaper news agency.

The three fears a LO where symbolpolitikk from public officials and Trade and the Office lays the premises for the industripolitikken. It is not “our FLUFF”, they write.

About the LO-congress overkjører industry, should management in Industry, Energy, trade unions and any other “to consider initiating a process and debate for utmeldelse of the LO in order to establish a Industrikartell between the said associations”, called it in a statement.

To NRK elaborates on the Roar Abrahamsen in the trade unions, why they want to start a debate about utmeldelse.

If they are public employees overkjører industry at the LO congress next year, can’t we live with it. It is usolidarisk to suggest lasting protection without regard to industry, employment and welfare.

– Is this a declaration of war?

Call it what you will. But I believe it is honest and fair, and I am convinced that we have with us the industry in LO on our requirements.


Now reveals Hareide what he is going to argue with Siv and Erna: Will raise a … – the Newspaper.en

(Dagbladet): the Sector believes their alternative budget will provide a greater klimaeffekt, among other things, because of the increased drivtoffavgifter, than the government’s proposals for the national budget.

the Government received fierce criticism when they do not leave a carbon footprint in the budget, but not His view of how large the cuts in the CO2 emissions of their proposals will lead to.

No retailerøfor the calculation, nå requires Left and christian democratic party has the answers

- WE can not say the exact effect in thousands of tonnes, we have the ikka apparatus to calculate, but we know that our budget will lead to larger cuts, says party leader Knut Arild Hareide to the Newspaper.

Monday, let the Progress forward its alternative budget.

- This proposal will make the budget of the government better in the areas of children, school, family, climate, and poverty, said Hareide when he opened the press conference.

- Within this is the children and the family the most important commitment, he said.

Together with the Liberal alternative budget, which will be presented on Tuesday, this becomes an essential starting point for budsjettforhandlingene with the coalition parties.

Both will have Hareide, but they have two entirely different måter å view the på


This is some of the key requirements of the KrFs alternative budget:

  • Raise drivstoffavgiftene with 20 cents on diesel and 15 cents on gasoline. This is in addition to the government’s proposal, which was to increase these fees with respectively 35 and 15 cents.
  • the Progress want to create a separate utreisesenter for families with children, to compensation for detention at Trandum. They will also use 20 million to the increased barnefaglig expertise in the entire asylkjeden, writes the newspaper Dagbladet on Monday.
  • This will increase the cash assistance by 50 per cent from 6.000 to 9.000 million in the month. The party also proposes an increase in the barnehagemidlene allocated more staff and more barnehagelærere of 346 million kroner, reported NRK on Monday.
  • Both the Progress and the Left will scrutinize the government finansskatt. The scheme should, according to the government’s proposals for the national budget give 1.8 billion in revenue, writes DN.
  • This sets off from 600 million to strengthen the current child benefit. The party will also fight for minstepensjonistene in budsjettforhandlingene that start to the week, reported NTB on Sunday.
  • Want to prioritise more teachers in front of the several hours in school. Will ensure two teachers in the 3. 4. and 5. class.

This is the Liberal demands in the negotiations. Frp deny can give budsjettkrise

- We follow the Green tax commission recommendations to a large extent, but we take greater consideration to the districts. We compensate including the agricultural sector, and also proposes to raise the pendlerfradraget, said Hans Olav Syversen of the press conference.

- We redistributes, creates more jobs and provides for a more social profile. It is also a powerful suggestions on klimaområdet than the government have added up to, ” Syversen.

Negotiations between the left, Right, Left and KrF, starting on Wednesday.


Although cash is a controversial point, there are probably other requirements that will create the highest temperature in the budsjettforhandlingene between samarbeidspartiene and the coalition parties.

The green shift will be central, and that Dagbladet has previously written, probably will the introduction of a flat CO2 tax and increased fuel surcharges to be among the Liberal party’s main demands into the negotiations.

the Case is updated.

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This will increase the cash assistance by 50 percent – NRK

today announces the Progress of its alternative budget, and proposes a number of initiatives within family policy.

We increase the funding to the kindergarten, family benefits and cash assistance. It is because we want to make it even easier to get the children. It is good familieordninger in Norway, but we believe we must do even better, ” says Knut Arild Hareide (KrF).

the Party will also have more quality in pre-schools and increase family benefits by four per cent, and goes in for a package of over two billion to families with children.

– We want a real freedom of choice for families with children. There should be a real opportunity to both choose the cash and spend more time with the kids, so it must be increased. We also choose to give priority to child care centers, ” says Hareide.

the Party proposes an increase in the barnehagemidlene allocated more staff and more barnehagelærere on the 346 million.

Want to cut it completely

the Left seems KrFs proposal is a bad idea.

And I think it shows that cash assistance has been a sacred cow for the Sector, says Left politician Guri Melby.

They propose to cut all cash assistance in their alternative budget.

CUTTER: the Left will remove the cash assistance completely, ” says the Liberal Guri Melby.

Photo: Onsøien, Ole Gunnar / NTB scanpix

– cash assistance leads to that the women are at home longer than they should have been, especially innvandringskvinner being held outside the labour market. The left proposes to cut all cash assistance and rather spend the money on free kjernetid and more barnehageplasser. It is what gives real freedom of choice for all families with children, ” she says.

She refers to a recent report from Nav that states that cash assistance helps to keep women at home, instead of in the job.

It maintains a traditional stereotypes. And it makes the women who preferably should have been in the workplace stay at home, so it is both a poverty trap and a proposal that stands in the way of integration.

Look at collaborations

Saturday will KrFs landsstyremøte clarify the party’s regjeringsstrategi up to the elections in 2017 and discuss whether the party should continue its cooperation with the blåblå the government or whether they will support the Labour party at next year’s election. Therefore, the Progress and Hareide interested to hear who is willing to raise the cash allowances.

To cash assistance have a further life, so it is crucial that the Sector can affect Norwegian politics. We are the only party that really put the promises of the cash assistance and with the freedom of choice for families with children. We see that the parties both to the right and the left attacker cash assistance. I think that’s regrettable, ” says Hareide.

Although there are split opinions in the Right, believe the fiscal spokesperson Svein Tick that Hareide has more to bring on the civil side.

cash assistance has been a part of the good bourgeois family policy. If Hareide looks to the other side he will see that they have made significant cuts in its alternative budget, ” he says.


Residential building destroyed in a fire at Flateby – Romerikes Blad

A resident had to jump out of the window when a residential building at Flateby in Enebakk burned down to the ground on the night of Monday.

the Resident – a man in the 50-years – was alone in the house when it began to burn.

– He jumped out of the window and may have suffered fractures in both legs. The man was transported by ambulance to the Hospital, ” says operasjonsledere in the Follo-the police – Kari Monsen to Østlandets Blad on Monday morning.

the Police got the message about the fire just before at 02.00 on the night of Monday, but in spite of the efforts of the crew from the Follo Fire department Ski and Enebakk and reinforcements from Romerike was not design to save.

House and a garage is completely burned, and crews are still on site to verify the remains of the fire, ” says Monsen at 06.00-the time on Monday morning.

Monsen can’t currently say anything about deployed under a false alarm.

is it too early to think anything about, but kriminalteknikere will investigate the incident location on Monday, ” says Monsen.

Series |

Branntomta in Flateby


Sunday, October 30, 2016

New roads several years earlier – Daily

the E6 Kolomoen-Moelv is an example of a veistrekning with delåpning already in 2018, as in the NTP (National transport plan) located inside with the opening 2023 or later.

It informs the chief executive officer Ingrid Dahl Hovland in New Ways AS, to Dagsavisen.

For fagsjef Holger Schlaupitz in Naturvernforbundet is this bad again.

– When the roads are completed earlier, will reisetidsreduksjonene contribute to the increase in traffic as a result of a new path, come earlier also. It again leads to that there will be more years of increased emissions of greenhouse gases, he points out.

– New roads are in the route

the Government advocated for the creation of a separate veiselskap in the white paper “The right way – reforms in veisektoren”, which was in april of last year.

– We propose to establish a company that will plan, build, operate and maintain any long road stretches, stated transport minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen (Frp).

New Roads AS was formally founded 4. may of last year, as a fully government owned limited liability company. The company became operational from the 1. January of this year.

– New Paths AS is in the route, observes, now the company’s managing director, in the first year of operation is approaching the end.

We have established three veiutbyggingsavtaler with owner Ministry of transport and communications, to an overall development for 19 billion. Three bompengeproposisjoner for the relevant routes was approved in the Storting in the spring. Overall this is approximately 19 kilometres of motorway with veiåpninger in 2018, 2019 and 2020, continues Ingrid Dahl Hovland.

– Continuous

You have announced that you are going to build “faster and more cost effective”. How comes it to expression?

– That we should build roads faster comes to expression at that we use shorter time on the planprosess, tendering processes and the actual developments, when we get there. By building longer and contiguous stretches reduced the expenses of the up – and rigging of plant and equipment, and in addition, we receive lower management costs, respond Hovland.

She also points to the standardization of solutions, such as bridges and road (underground tunnels of various kinds), and less “tailoring”, in order to reduce the time spent in veiprosjektene. The contractors with their expertise, are also involved at an earlier stage than what has been usual, in order to reduce the planleggingstida.

In addition, New Roads AS a slim byggherreorganisasjon, ” adds Hovland.

concretely this means about 85 employees at the turn of the year 2016-2017.

– the Nature and the environment lose

The Hovland tells, performed very poorly in the ears with Holger Schlaupitz in Naturvernforbundet.

– the Purpose of the NTP has been to integrate and coordinate transportplanleggingen. Now happens the opposite. New paths will then be the portfolio is not part of the assessment in the transportetatenes basic document about NTP. These veiutbyggingene added only to the reason, points out Schlaupitz.

the Parliament adopted the New paths will then be the portfolio through a short white paper, completely independent of the NTP and other transport, in the early summer of last year, adds he.

– What are the consequences of this?

The major motorveiutbyggingene get to sneak in the queue. They are adopted first and is then used in the further planning work. Nature and the environment is the loser.

– These are all major developments that will largely go parallel with the railway and to undermine the train’s competitiveness, and in addition, contribute to more traffic in more urban areas, he continues.

18 stretches of road

New Roads AS to build the 18 stretches of road spread over four development projects. In march, the enlightened veiselskapet that five of these routes would be prioritised in the first phase until 2019-2020. These are:

the E6 Kolomoen-Moelv.

E18 Tvedestrand-Arendal.

E18 Gangplank-Dørdal.

E39 Kristiansand, Vest-Vigeland.

the E6, Trøndelag.

These routes have been prioritised based on the following six criteria:

How profitable veistrekningene is for the community.

Ulykkesbelastningen on the routes.

the Opportunity for holistic development of long stretches.

How clear the routes is to be built out.

the EU requirements such as requirements for safety in tunnels.

The extent to which projects contribute to mernytte for local communities.

– It is very difficult to see any focus on climate and the environment in these criteria, but it might not be something else to expect when the goal is to build out to get more cars on the roads quickly, commenting on the Schlaupitz.


Togstreiken is over – ABC News

Facts about lokførerstreiken

* Lokførere in English Lokomotivmannsforbund (NLF) went out on strike after that there was not agreement in the arbitration between the LO State and Range 28. september. Members working in the NSB, and NSB-owned CargoNet.

* the Arbitration stranded when the NSB did not want to tariffeste the level of education for lokomotivførerne.

* the First was 71 lokførere taken out in the strike, as is the outlet has been increased several times. From Wednesday 26. October was 124 drivers in the strike.

* These were distributed at the Bergen (7), Kristiansand (7), Birmingham (28), Oslo (19), Skiing (29), Moss (33), Trondheim, norway (1).

* It was not set up buses, and reisegarantien did not, thus, the cost of alternative transport is not refundable.

* Over 60 konduktører was laid off as a result of that the trains did not go.

* Thursday 27. October, the parties to the compulsory mediation at Riksmekleren. The mediation did not lead up, and the strike continued.

(Source: LO State, NTB)

There will be no commuter train on Østfoldbanen before Tuesday morning, although lokførerstreiken is over. On the other hand will langdistansetogene begin to go on Monday morning.

– We need time to position the trains and personnel for route. Many trains in Eastern norway will therefore still be set, type NSB on their websites.

commuter trains in Eastern norway, and all the train on Østfoldbanen run first as normal from Tuesday morning at 03.00.

Regiontoget between Halden and Oslo will on Monday also run that during the strike, without a stop between Rygge and Oslo S.

train connections between Oslo and Stavanger, Bergen and Trondheim are running as normal from Monday morning at 03: 00.

The same applies to the commuter train in Bergen and Vossabanen.

the Ceo of NSB Geir Isaksen encourage travelers to check if the flight they plan to take, the route. The last few weeks have nearly 300 trains have been set every day as a result of the strike. Tens of thousands of togpendlere in southern california and at the Sørlandsbanen have been affected.

a New standard

Two long meklingsmøter earlier this week ended without result, but Saturday was the momentum in the talks. On the initiative of the riksmekler Nils Dalseide directed the parties a joint request to the Ministry of transport and communications to put in place a national standard for competency and training for engineers.

When the answer from the ministry was positive, was the strike in reality. Sunday morning went to get in place the final details.

– It provides equal conditions of competition for all those who operate on the railway, ” says Isaksen.

Also, the counterparty Norwegian Lokomotivmannsforbund and LO State is satisfied with the solution. Associated wanted really to get a national standard into the collective agreement, the employers ‘ side rejected.

– Now we get in place a good regulation, and we have a secure and safe education of lokførere, says forhandlingsleder Charles Gran in the LO State.

Not possible

Rolf Ringdal in Lokomotivmannsforbundet says the result had not been possible without the strike. On the question of why the enquiry to the government did not come before, he answers as follows:

It was now riksmekleren took the initiative, and it was now the government responded positively, ” he says.

” I think we must acknowledge that there has been a maturation of both the parties and by the authorities in this question. Even though it in retrospect seems like a natural solution to get to the former, there has been no basis for it, says Isaksen.

Both believe the government’s jernbanereform, allowing for competition, is the backdrop for the strike.

– Acted quickly

transport minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen (Frp) denies that he could have intervened before.

This was a conflict between the two parties in a tariffoppgjør. There is a long tradition in Norway that the state does not interferes in the tariffoppgjør, ” he says.

First, when it came a formal request from the parties overall, could the government take action, according to samferdselsministeren.

I consider that the parties say they have tried other slots, and that it was riksmekleren that contributed to the inquiry could be sent. I have constantly said that the door mi is open, but I can not act on the basis of views that are submitted from a single party through the media, ” he says.

Read more: Solvik-Olsen: Acted as quickly as I could

Critical resistance

socialist left Kirsti Bergstø believe the government is been pushed in place.

The last few weeks will stand as a monument to a government that does not take togsikkerheten enough seriously. That samferdselsministeren now seems to give up is a relief, ” she says.

the Sps parliamentary leader Marit Arnstad believes Solvik-Olsen could have resolved the conflict at a far earlier point in time.

It is quite strange that it would take the ministry and the minister five weeks before they gave the parties confidence to a national standard, as they all the time have had the opportunity to give, ” she says to NRK.


No consensus in the togstreiken

Togstreiken can go towards an end

New proposed solution on togstreiken


Togstreiken is over – but the trains on Østfoldbanen goes not before Tuesday – VG

After five weeks of the strike the parties shall be finally obtained in the country a solution. According to the NSB trains will mostly start to go like normal again on Monday.

At a delayed press conference on Sunday morning could riksmegler Nils Daleide announce that the Norwegian Lokomotivmannsforbund (NLF) and the employer Range and NSB had reached a solution to the month-long togstreiken.

The recent past has been characterized by full buses and long traffic jams on the pleasant hills at the gates to Oslo from Follo and Østfold – since all of the commuter train on Østfoldbanen was set. To usual these trains about 20,000 passengers daily, also Sørlandsbanen was affected.

– the Parties agree on a new collective agreement and was agreed to request assistance from the authorities regelverksutviklingen. It recently came an answer from the authorities, which have had great importance for the solution. Conflict of interest is resolved, ” says Dalseide.

Background: What have they really been arguing about?

Happy lokførerleder

the Background for the conflict was that lokførerne would have a requirement of a national standard for lokførerutdanningen into the collective agreement, while the NSB would wait for the requirements from the authorities.

After a joint request from the parties on Sunday, has the Ministry committed to set in motion an effort to establish a national standard for competency and training for engineers.

– We have received a commitment letter in which the government promise that the national standard should be described. It should be made a cases, as well as a review and change of regulations that maintain it, we have been busy. This is not only a NICE solution, but one that should apply to everyone on the entire Norwegian railway, ” says the head of the Norwegian Lokomotivmannsforbund (NLF) Rolf Ringdal.

you Got with you? NSB cut 300 jobs

do Not train on Østfoldbanen before Tuesday

English Lokomotivmannsforbund (NLF) went out on strike 28. september after that there was not a consensus in the negotiations.

The last weeks have nearly 300 trains have been set every day as a result of the strike. 124 lokførere was Thursday in strikes after the recent escalating Wednesday. Thousands of togpendlere in the Eastern regions and is affected.

– There are many who will be called in from maternity leave and strikes. Hopefully we get the trains in place quickly. I encourage all to follow with on apps, says ceo for NSB Geir Isaksen.

see also: the Strike has cost Us 5000 dollars

Sunday night, still came the message that the lokaltogene on Østfoldbanen does not begin to go before Tuesday.

– We need time to position the trains and personnel for route. Many trains in Eastern norway will therefore still be set, type NSB on their websites.

Also arbeidsgiverorganisasjonen Range are very satisfied with Sunday’s result.

– We are pleased that the government now regulates the competence requirements and that such requirements are not tariffestet in the NSB and CargoNet, “says managing director Anne-Kari Bratten of the employers’ association Spekter to the NTB.



Believe Solvik-Olsen could be resolved togstreiken previously – NRK

Togstreiken is over after five weeks, and the political the dishes is started.

Marit Arnstad, the Centre party’s parliamentary leader, believes the government could have stopped togstreiken earlier.

– It is quite strange that it would take the minister and the ministry five weeks before they gave the parties the confidence for a national standard, as they all the time have had the opportunity to give.

Completely pointless

the Ministry has committed itself to initiate a work order to establish a “national standard of competences and training for engineers”, after a combined desire from both the Range and the Lo State, on the initiative of the riksmekler Nils Dalseide.

A national standard for lokførerutdanningen means according to the transport minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen, “to elaborate on what the regulations actually say, so that no one is in doubt”.

Arnstad am baffled that not the minister took the initiative for this political solution until after five weeks of strikes.

There has been confusion related to the regulation that exists. Then it is completely meaningless that it should take five weeks before the government sees that they can contribute to a solution in the case, says Arnstad.

– Has extended the strike

Deputy chairman of the transportkomiteen for Labor, Eirik Sivertsen believes togstreiken has lasted unnecessarily long.

Photo: Labour party

Also the deputy head of the transportkomiteen for Labor, Eirik Sivertsen believes Solvik-Olsen could have intervened earlier.

– Based on what comes up in the media, it seems as if samferdselsministeren could have resolved the strike at an earlier point in time, to enter into this agreement with the parties.

If that is the case, have samferdselsministeren unnecessarily prolonged this strike, and inflicted many thousands of people a difficult life, ” says Sivertsen.

socialist left arbeidspolitiske spokesperson, Kirsti Bergstø think the last few weeks will stand as a monument to a government that does not take togsikkerheten enough seriously.

– the Government promises that one should have a national regulation. Therefore, I think it has been strange that it took so long before, there came a solution, ” says socialist left arbeidspolitiske spokesperson, Kirsti Bergstø.

Photo: the Storting (parliament)

– It is a conflict that has yelled for a political solution from day one, because lokførerne fear the competition of competence and confidence. This is a direct result of the government’s commercialization and the postponement of tenders by the Norwegian railway, says Bergstø.

– Acted as quickly as I could

transport minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen does not believe he could have done things differently.

I think Marit Arnstad know perfectly well that when you have a conflict between the two parties in the labour market, it is not the state to go in and fix it. It is against all tradition, ” says Ketil Solvik-Olsen.

– Once the parties were agreed on what they wanted of the state and sent a request, could we act, and we did very quickly.

Solvik-Olsen believe it would broken of dealing for a minister whether he would propose a national standard, but that the parties themselves had asked it.

What will you say to the passengers who have been five weeks in the queue under the togstreiken?

I think it is regrettable, and that is precisely why I think it is good that now have come to an agreement. It means that many thousands of passengers could come to a normal situation.

– All salute to the parties and to the riksmekleren, ” he concludes.

I am very glad that the parties now have found a consensus, says transport minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen from the progress party.

Photo: Larsen, Haakon Mosvold / NTB scanpix


Riksmekleren: Togstreiken is over – NRK

* Lokførere in English Lokomotivmannsforbund (NLF) went out on strike after that there was not agreement in the arbitration between the LO State and Range 28. september. Members working in the NSB, and NSB-owned CargoNet.

* the Arbitration stranded when the NSB did not want to tariffeste the level of education for lokomotivførerne.

* the First was 71 lokførere taken out in the strike, as is the outlet has been increased several times. From Wednesday 26. October was 124 drivers in the strike.

* These were distributed at the Bergen (7), Kristiansand (7), Birmingham (28), Oslo (19), Skiing (29), Moss (33), Trondheim, norway (1).

* It was not set up buses, and reisegarantien did not, thus, the cost of alternative transport is not refundable.

* Over 60 konduktører was laid off as a result of that the trains did not go.

* Thursday 27. October, the parties to the compulsory mediation at Riksmekleren. The mediation did not lead up, and the strike continued.

Source: NTB


Finally, the fire snuffed – Haugesund Newspaper

associated energy through below: the Clock 6.45 on Sunday morning, the last report from the fire department. They were then finished with etterslukking, but will be on the spot and follow with, ” says operasjonsleder Rune Square in the South-West police district.

Clock 18.13 Saturday night sent the police out the message that the evacuation is terminated. It burned then still in baugseksjonen on the ferry. There was also some smoke in the previously evacuated area.

the Situation is still unclear, enlightened police clock 16.30, but it was as clear improvements. The risk of fire in waste oil and diesel should be less.

the Reason why this drag out in time, is that the fire department gets a part reantenninger in the ferry. We hope to get this under control as soon as possible, ” said commissioner Anna Østensvik on a allmøte in Bømlohallen, according to TV 2.

– the Fire department will appropriate control of the fire at 14: 31, but struggling to get further into the ship because of the radiant heat, ” says operasjonsleder Oddvar Olsen.

High temperature

Vaktleder 110-pbx, Emily Eilertsen told Saturday afternoon that they had reasonable control on the fire on the ferry.

They are working on from pocket to pocket. He confirms the challenge of the strong heat.

– It is red hot metal and a liter of water provides quite a lot of steam, ” he says.

He tells me that they have sent out a completely vaktlag from Haugesund and from California alone, it sent out nine røykdykkere.

– Now I look at the pictures from the fire, so it looks like there is more white smoke, which is positive, but it is enough a good deal of work remains to be done, ” says fireman.

It was likefør at 9 Saturday morning it was reported about a fire in a ferry on Rubbestadneset.

– There is nothing that suggests that will be some people on the ferry, ” says operasjonsleder Rune Square at the South-West police district.

Fire fighters are in place. Brannfolk from the Haugesund and Stord have turned out to assist. Also a redningsskøyte are in the area, but operasjonslederen can’t answer whether it participates in the slokkearbeidet.

a Lot of smoke

Police evacuated the boboere in the area due to the smoke. They called on the people in the area to stay indoors close windows and doors.

the Whole village was affected by the smoke.

– It has gone out of a so-called UMS-notice to have the 600 phones in the area, said the Place of Haugesund Newspaper earlier Saturday.

Kiwi-shop and the hotel is located in the area were closed.

associated energy through below, the municipality opened Bømlohallen to stay for those evacuated.

We bet on the fact that we get to open again in the afternoon. We have received signals that the fire department begin to get control of the fire, ” says Lasse Breivik on the associated energy through below the hotel, on the phone from Stockholm.

the Hotel was evacuated to 14 guests on Saturday morning. The police had then organized buses for the evacuation.

– All went well. Guests who arrived by boat from Bergen, the clock 11.50 were picked up directly at the pier and sent to the Bømlohallen for more information and further transport. We had representatives there, ” says Breivik.

Guests of the hotel are forwarded to the associated energy through below, fhs. From the in the evening to 63 guests staying at the hotel.

– Now awaiting us feedback on whether, and possibly when we can take up normal operation again, but we are working on options for guests, ” says Breivik.

Maren Haugland is managing director of Kiwi Rubbestadneset. She was also not in the village when it began to burn.

– I got a text message from an employee. When had the police arrived and given information that we had to close the shop, ” says Haugland on the telephone from the mountain.

Burns still

Square says that it still burns well in the ferry clock 13.20.

We are afraid that the fire must now waste oil and fuel tank, ” says operasjonslederen.

It must have been the people working on the ferry when it began to burn.

We believe the fire to have started in the lounge and spread from thence. It is a large ferry. We use much resources at the place now, ” says brannvakt in Sunnhordland, says Eirik Minde to see.

the Ferry is in for service at the firm LOS Marine. In an e-mail informing the company that they immediately implemented its emergency response team and quickly gained control over the employees who were at the incident location. Those involved are now taken care of by the crisis-management team.

MF “Beach” goes to the common in company Ranavik–Skjersholmane. The ferry was built in 1982 and is owned today by Norled. It can take a capacity of 64 cars and the 422 passengers.

the Case is updated.

Series |

Fire in the MF “Strand”


Sykkelvelt probably the cause of death – NRK

– A medical doctor on site examined the deceased in the night, and the injuries suggests that he has fallen off the bike, ” says operasjonsleder Trude Carlsson in Trøndelag police district.

It was in the 23-time Saturday night that police responded to Heimdal after notification of a lifeless man. It was given life-saving first aid on the spot, but after a short time lit the police that the man’s life is not accounted to save, and he was declared dead. The police know not yet who the man is.

also Read: Investigating the deaths of Heimdal

– It is a residential complex at Heggstadmoen where there lives a part of foreign workers, ” says Carlsson.

the Police know currently nothing about the person, and neither witness knew anything about the man.

it May have happened something criminal in the forefront of sykkelvelten?

– No, the way it looks suggests it’s not on it.

the Man is now sent to St. Olavs hospital for autopsy.


Fire in the Kristiansand city centre – NRK

several hours have brannfolk worked to extinguish a heavy fire in the Kristiansand city centre.

There were buildings in Henrik Wergelands gate, next to Vestre Strandgate, that burned. Emergency services were alerted about the fire around the clock 02, and it burned vigorously on the spot when the fire department came to the site.

Messages from the fire department is that they have control in the sense that it will not spread further, ” says operasjonsleder Eyvind Formo in the Agder police district by 06-time.

A house completely burned down

Several buildings were evacuated. One of them is the Thon Hotel Kristiansand.

Henrik Wergelands gate 5 is completely burnt out. Numbers seven and nine, and a warehouse in the backyard against Christian iv’s gate is probably destroyed in the fire, explains the on-duty fire chief Hans Arne Madsen.

– We now believe that we have by 06-the time stopped the fire in the transition between Henrik Wergelands gate number seven and nine, ” he says.

By 06-30-time operated the etterslukking on the site.

A policeman was slightly injured in connection with the fire. He should have gotten some buildings. He was rushed to the emergency room, but came quickly back on the job again. There are no reports of other injured or missing in connection with the fire.

WEB TV: Dramatic hours

Fire in Kristiansand

Searched on the roofs

– We have notified Kristiansand municipality, so they can prepare to take care of the evacuees. They moved tentatively to the Hotel Ernst, says operasjonsleder Eyvind Formo in the Agder police district.

Guests at the Thon hotel in The street and guests at the Comfort hotel in Skippergata is evacuated and inserted on the Ernst hotels.

Guests at both hotels have now been told that they can get back to their hotel. It is, first and foremost, the smoke hazards at the incident location, which means that guests have been evacuated, ” says Formo.

It was at one time the set into a Sea King rescue helicopter that was assigned to search the roofs of the quarter and see if someone had taken him up there, ” says Formo.

Video from referrer

the Smoke could be seen from a long distance. (The article continues under the video).

Fire in the Kristiansand city centre

Hotellgjesten can come back

According to TV 2 heard witnesses on the spot the powerful smell from the fire.

There is one hotel in the quarter that burns and the one club down the block. On the latter, the hotel had many guests gathered in the lobby while the fire raged. Guests were evacuated, but have now been brought back to the hotels to eat breakfast.

There are also several old wooden houses around the incident location, located in kvadraturen in downtown of the city.

Krimteknikere in place

the Police can not yet say anything about how the fire started. But they are in the time of the investigation. Krimteknikere has been on the site and will continue to work beyond Sunday.

the Police want to get in contact with people that were in the area when the fire broke out around the clock to 03.00 on the night of Sunday, and who may have information in the case.


Saturday, October 29, 2016

At least 46 reindeer run to death by a train on the Rørosbanen – NRK

It was lokføreren himself who notified the police about the dyretragedien. It is uncertain how many of the animals that died in the påkjørselen, but the scope is still large, according to the Sør-Trøndelag police district.

the Incident took place around the clock 20 Saturday evening. Police have notified the owner of the animals. The owner and the Norwegian national rail administration was Saturday night at the place, where it was driven cleanup.

– Viltnemnda was also notified, so they could quickly get to the site to euthanize the animals that were injured, ” says Aaslund.

–As a battleground

Reineier Ole Aslak Mountains were shaken when Nea Radio met him on the scene of the accident by planovergangen on Harborg, ca. one and a half miles north of Røros.

It’s no use to explain with words what you feel when stuff like that happens. This is one of the worst visions of a reineier can meet. It is a battleground, ” says Fjellheim to the radio station.

Dead reindeer and intestines were thrown over the blood-red snow along the railway line. In the light of a single headlamp, it was not easy for reineieren to get a full overview in the darkness.

Reineier Ole Aslak Fjellheim found 46 dead reindeer after togpåkjørselen on Rørosbanen.

Photo: Elin Viken / Nea Radio

They are located here must have been run to death instantaneous. But we don’t know how many may be injured and be on the go outside of the is left dead. It ran a injured reindeer further along the line when we arrived, but I was not able to run it up again in the dark, says Fjellheim.

the Herd passed ferist

A two-metre-high sperregjerde runs along the railway on the site, just to stop the reinsdyra from getting out on the railway line. County road 30 between Røros and Trondheim, cross the railway here, and the road also goes over a ferist to prevent the reindeer from getting through sperregjerdet.

–Unfortunately, they have added planks in ferista here, so that it has become a free passage for the reindeer. So then it has come a large herd through the fence and onto the railway line.

Reineieren says he does not know who is responsible.

–I want to believe that there are those who run the vegvedlikeholdet here has done it. But I know it not.

Many reineiere affected

The financial loss to the reineierne is currently unclear. Ulykka happened in Gåbrien Sijte (Riast/Hylling reinbeitedistrikt), but it is also a reindeer from naboflokker involved.

–There can be more than ten reineiere that is affected. And it’s not just to talk about the economy. There are many fine breeding animals that are located here, many calves that should have been breeding for many years, says Fjellheim to Nea Radio.

Reineieren sugar heavy.

–No, this is indescribable. There is no can experience like this.


Arbeiderpartipolitiker in the county of Hordaland have been imprisoned in sedelighetssak – Bergens Tidende

the Man represents the Labour party in the municipal council and is charged with sedelighetsforbrytelser. The police is silent.

widget list

We know that he is imprisoned, but not why. We have not had contact with him and has not made us something internally in the party. We must wait until we know more, ” says a leading arbeiderpartipolitiker in the man’s hjemkommune to BT.

– A serious matter

It was Wednesday, 12. October that the man was apprehended by the police. The day after he was ” I in the district court.

I can’t comment on the case out that he was “I in four weeks,” says politiadvokat Asbjørn Onarheim in the West police district to BT on Thursday.

– It is a serious matter, he said when the man was imprisoned.

Politiadvokaten would not say anything about how many offended it is in the case or which paragraphs the man is charged with. He assisted colleague Jane Ringset Heltne under fengslingsmøtet.

Police believed there was danger that man would destroy evidence if he was on the loose and was therefore the opinion of the court pursuant to varetektsfengsling.

” We have asked varetektsfengsling of respect to bevisforspillelse. Then we can not advise on the merits of the details, ” says Heltne.

the Case is about the pornography, according to court berammingsliste. The court has laid down prohibitions about to refer from the ruling.

the Man’s defender, Ms Keller-Fløystad, will not say anything about the matter.

Appealed, but got no

After having been imprisoned in the district court, appealed the man the decision to the Gulating lagmannsrett. He argued for his release, but the appellate court dismissed the appeal in a decision 18. October. Also this ruling is exempt from public disclosure, with respect to the investigation.

the Labour party says that they do not have explicit written rules for how to handle such cases. Kristin Kallset is assistant secretary and says that every case is considered individually.

It happens because the investigation of criminal cases against elected representatives are not identical, and thus it is difficult with a common set of rules. But it is normal that the it comes to seeking leave and step aside while the investigation is ongoing, ” she says.

Earlier in the summer, wrote the BT about a KrF-politician in California who was charged with having molested more children.

– I have laid all the cards on the table facing the police and apologize strongly to what has happened. I’m sorry to those who have been exposed to this. I’m taking this terribly heavy, and have sought help, the man said to BT.

He resigned from all positions in his party after the case became known in BT.


46 reindeer died after togpåkjørsel – Adresseavisen

the Case is updated.

Police reported Saturday just before the clock 20.30 that train on the Rørosbanen had run on a larger number of reindeer. Påkjørselen happened in Glåmos area.

It was lokføreren as notified of the accident. The landowner is on-site and conduct the cleanup, said Arnt Harald Aaslund that is operasjonsleder by the police in the county.

the Police worked to notify reineier, while the train drove on.

46 reindeer are confirmed dead, notify the police on Twitter just after the clock 22.00. Furthermore, the report that both the landowner and the Norwegian national rail administration still working on the site.


At least 46 of reindeer taken by the train on the Rørosbanen – NRK

It was lokføreren himself who notified the police about the dyretragedien. It is uncertain how many of the animals that died in the påkjørselen, but the scope is still large, according to the Sør-Trøndelag police district.

the Incident took place around the clock 20 Saturday evening. Police have notified the owner of the animals. The owner and the Norwegian national rail administration was Saturday night at the place, where it was driven cleanup.

– Viltnemnda was also notified, so they could quickly get to the site to euthanize the animals that were injured, ” says Aaslund.


Opens for chat with the Nordmøre – Adresseavisen

the Case is updated.

– To have the whole county of Møre and Romsdal is out of the question. It to spend time on fredsmegling is not interesting for us. Want møringene and romsdalingene to keep on with fogderistriden, so they must just keep on with it. But Trøndelag, norway will not enter into it. We do not have the time for it. We are utviklingsfokusert. We have so many plans and thoughts that we will not accept to be on the grueling battle, ” says fylkesordfører Tore O. Sandvik to Adresseavisen.

request new and closer calls

Friday was Nordmøre Regionråds own assessment about the future regiontilhørighet for the Coast presented. It shows that Coast can get a positive development in a larger region consisting of the counties of Trøndelag and the whole or parts of Møre and Romsdal. This will also be a dynamic region of the country, and it will be able to take responsibility for future and bigger tasks to the regional level, believes the council. For a majority of Nordmørskommunene this is the preferred option in a new regionstruktur. A minority of Nordmørskommunene – Sunndal, Gjemnes, Averøy and Tingvoll – wish at the outset that the Møre and Romsdal will continue as its own region. But if the Parliament believes that the Møre and Romsdal is too small, want Nordmørskommunene gathered to go up north to a midtnorsk region.

the Study shows also that the current fylkesgrense challenge the structural conditions on parts of the Coast, and that this is particularly negative for the northern grensekommunene. Regionrådet requesting that the county of Møre and Romsdal county council initiate closer cooperation with South-Trøndelag county council on relevant areas, in order to remedy this, also regardless of the final result in regionreformen.

No to the whole county of Møre and Romsdal

Chair in Nord-Trøndelag, norway Anne Marit Mevassvik and Fylkesordfører in Sør-Trøndelag, Tore O. Sandvik emphasises that it is unacceptable to merge the whole county of Møre and Romsdal county with the new County.

– If the Coast wants to go in dialogue with the Trøndelag we have repeatedly said we are open to it, but a merger of the whole of Møre and Romsdal with new Trøndelag is not current policy. We will actively oppose such a proposal, ” says Messavik and Sandvik in a press release.

“Nabopraten” also showed that there is no will or desire for such a merger from the county council in the county of Møre and Romsdal, ” says Mevassvik and Sandvik.

– Nordmøre is Moldevendt

Sandvik emphasises that the Coast is welcome to be a part of the county.

We think it will be a strength for the region. We have a shared identity, industry and infrastructure. It is uncomplicated, ” says Sandvik, who say that there already is good collaboration between Nordmøre and Trøndelag.

But it is not a very close cooperation, because one graviterer against the various maktsentrene. Nordmøre is Moldevendt, whether they want it or not. Actually, we have a closer cooperation with Bristol than with Kristiansund, although it is the agricultural and identity would have been just as natural to have had an equally close collaboration with the Kristiansund and Nordmøre. Nordmøre is for example not a part of our marine strategic plan, which is a systematic plan with the private sector, academia and the public. Of course, it would have been a strength to have had with the Coast when we are planning the future of the havrommet. Trøndelag and Nordmøre has a lot in common, ” says Sandvik, which has had several visits of the nordmøringer the last few months.

More meetings

– What have you talked about?

I am concerned that if we are to be specific and formal as we must have with fellesnemnda. We have largely answered the question, both I and Rita (Ottervik, ed.anm.). Rita is more ready than myself to have with the Kristiansund and Nordmøre in the region to strengthen cooperation. But this must nordmøringene essentially take the position. We will not stand in the way, ” says Sandvik, who is completely convinced that the larger regions in Norway is required.

– We need to remove the part of the state’s micromanagement at the regional level. We need to get decisions made more effectively, and then we must have regions that can take part of these tasks. We need to get more speed on the regional development, and we do that best in the regions and not from Oslo and the state directorate and agencies.

– do you Think the Møre and Romsdal will be the own region in about 10-15 years?

– It can be imagined. It is one of the smallest in this case, but how Møre and Romsdal will organize themselves, they must find out by yourself. Trøndelag will be marked more on the national arena when Trøndelag is more and better from Trøndelag in 2018, says Sandvik, before he emphasizes: “But we are ready to allocate the features. There will be no rematch at where the administrative center and the County is left. When it is said we live not by politicians and in view. We live to have a talented business sector, ” says Sandvik.
