Sunday, July 5, 2015

Male (34) died after staying in jail – NRK

– I can confirm that the man is dead. Norwegian Bureau for the Investigation of Police Affairs was notified this morning at 09.30 am, says the head of the Bureau for Police Affairs in the western region, Ellen Eikeseth Mjøs NRK.

Mjøs would not comment on when the man was confirmed dead or something cause of death.

Bergens Tidende publicized case first.

The Bureau says to NRK that the man’s family is notified of the death.

– Injured itself

It was Wednesday afternoon that 34-year-old was found dead in jail in the basement of the police station in the city center. Police informed NRK on Wednesday that the man must have hurt himself, but police would not comment on how this happened or what he has injured himself with.

The man was in police custody on suspicion of violence and reclamation conditions. The man was prepared in the emergency room before his inauguration he notes.

– He was not prepared for the doctor, but it was made a specific assessment of the police if the man had a need to get to the doctor.

Starta lifesaving

Wednesday at 6:17 p.m. was summoned healthcare. The man was discovered unconscious in their cell say when police officers would take him in for questioning.

CAMERA: There are surveillance cameras in ceiling in all the cells at the police station in Bergen.

Photo: Stock Photo

– It was started lifesaving treatment on the spot, said operations manager in January Steimler NRK Wednesday night.

But the man his life was not to save.

Bureau investigating the case

The Bureau has since Wednesday investigated the case.

– We have initiated a series of questioning of seven officials who have had something with the man to do. In addition, we have gone through the video footage from the cell man put on, and we have a good overview of what has happened, says Mjøs.

She says video footage a particularly important material for them in the ongoing investigation.

– The recordings provide valuable information about the entire stay and are a key part of the investigation. These displays photos from cell cell time and from place man was brought in.

The Bureau will do more interviews in the days ahead.

Not the first time

It is not the first time a person has died in police custody .

In 2011, a woman was found dead in custody at police headquarters in Bergen. The woman was found when she was discharged. Also at that time was special device activated.

Deputy Chief in Hordaland Police said at the time to NRK that they have routines that says there should be supervised every half hour on the cells.


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