Wednesday, February 11, 2015

was forcibly last year will have their reprocessed. – Aftenposten

was forcibly last year will have their reprocessed. – Aftenposten

There are SV behind the proposal that all long remaining asylum children who were sent out between January 1 and December 18 last year will have their treated again.

In autumn 2013 was Right / FRP government agreed with the Christian Democrats and Left that there should be created new rules for dealing with asylum applications from families who had lived in Norway. Barns best to be emphasized more than before.

But because of stalled negotiations between the four parties, did not come with the new rules in place before December 2014.

Sent out before new rules came into place

Meanwhile, a number of children who had lived in Norway, shipped out of the country. Figures from the National Police Immigration show that 80 children who had lived more than four years in Norway, were sent out during 2014.

During the hearing on asylum children in Parliament Friday could not Attorney General Anders Anundsen (FRP) guarantee that it was not sent out kids who could have had a residence permit with the new regulations.

Pending report from the Ministry of Justice

Now considering both KrF and Left if they should stand behind SV proposal is treatment in municipal committee in Parliament.

KrF Geir S. Toskedal is rapporteur for the proposal that emitted asylum children to new procedures, but has not yet concluded. He now waits for an academic report from the Ministry of Justice if there is a LEGAL possible to take up again the cases – without creating a precedent.

– Just today saying my heart “yes” to give these children a new procedure, while my head saying “wait,” says Toskedal Aftenposten.

The dilemma is that the decisions that the children would be sent out of the country and deported, were appropriate for the current legislation.

Politically the many returns of long remaining children in 2014 still problematic set up against the cooperation KrF and Left from the government.

NOAS: At least 24 children in 8 families

Four of the children behind the statistics of returns of long remaining children are Tega (9), Iwinosa (4), Odos (7) and big sister Lisa. They were sent with Mama Josephine Eni from Kongsvinger to Nigeria after four years in Norway in late September. At least the boy had lived his entire life in this country.

Norwegian Organisation for Asylum Seekers (NOAS) has gone through many of the cases of 80 children who are sent out during the last year.

Adviser Mari Sail Trim says NOAS have found 24 children from 8 different families that they believe would have had ample opportunities to stay in Norway, if they get their case if they got a reconsideration under the new rules.

– This is mostly talking about cases where families have been more than four and a half years in Norway, and has at least one year of schooling. About half are from Afghanistan, while the rest are from Nigeria and other countries, says Sail Trim.

She emphasizes that there are probably talking about more children with the opportunity for a positive decision on retrial because NOAS have not received gone through all return cases.

Requesting answers to how many children it comes

Left has not concluded whether they support the proposal for a new procedural for all returned, while remaining children.

But parliament Abid Raja has asked Attorney General Anders Anundsen to account for how many seconded children that could have ended with a residence permit if the application was processed under the new rules.

In a written letter to the minister, he shows that Anundsen and the Prime Minister in December promised “a total review of all mailings of long remaining children” that may have been sent out because the wording of the letter of award to Polidirektoratet was not conveyed down the ranks.

Solberg : Difficult and challenging

The question has been further highlighted by the hearing, since it came out that the police had not though instructions from the Ministry of Justice that children who have lived in Norway should no longer take precedence in the queue at forced returns .

Now calls Raja information about what the review shows and reminds us that there are over two months since it was announced.

– When will such a review exist ?, he asks and adds to a question about the impact Anundsen believes the review should be for those concerned.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg does not close the door completely that it may be appropriate to bring home children who have been returned, but when she got questions about this in Parliament Wednesday she replied that “it will be difficult and challenging.”

VG citing Wednesday central Conservative sources that it may be necessary to accommodate the requirement to retrieve some of the returned asylum children back to avoid a major political crisis with the Christian Democrats and Liberals.

Published: 12.feb. 2015 5:45


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