Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tajik favorite to become deputy Labor – NRK

Tajik favorite to become deputy Labor – NRK

While Labor comet Tajik so far seems to have the support of 62 national convention delegates, has Jette Christensen (31) and Anniken Huitfeldt (45) support of respectively 45 and 26 delegates to his candidacy for vice-chairman.

Dagsavisen bases its preliminary summary of open declarations of support from the county and interviews with anonymous sources.

Helga Pedersen (42) resigns as deputy under the convention in April. She will be replaced by two deputy leaders, so the party can ensure Trond Giske (48) a place in the management (deputy) without breaking with the party rules on gender balance in management.

– Hadia is knowledgeable, have good political acumen and clear voice. We believe she will complement Jonas and Trond in a good way, says head of Telemark Ap, Terje Aasland.

Ahead of the congress is working on the nomination committee to get a unanimous recommendation. So far it seems to still have a big job ahead. There is also considerable excitement to which candidate the three northernmost county teams will support.

The three represents 39 national convention delegates. South and North Trøndelag, which neither has declared support for a candidate, sending 33 delegates to the national convention.

17.02 .2015, at. 08.19


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