Friday, February 13, 2015

Supreme Court should treat Jarle Andhøy Appeal – Aftenposten

Supreme Court should treat Jarle Andhøy Appeal – Aftenposten

Without insurance or approved application for travel in polar traveled Jarle Andhøy to Antarctica in 2012 to look for traces of the sailboat Berserk. The sailboat sank in the area with expedition members last year.

Andhøy reaction after the judgment in the Court of Appeal was that it was contradictory.

– The judgment states that I have the right to sail on the open sea south of 60 degree. But I am not satisfied that Hålogaland Court of Appeal believes that the coast near Antarctica is not the open sea, said Andhøy. He supported the UN treaty, which he believes otherwise.

– We need a predictable and clear legislation to punish people. We are going to appeal on the primary issue of Arctic regulations are clear enough to be used as punishment basis. It is difficult for one who is on the ocean to know when he breaks the rules, stated Andhøy defends Brynjar Østgård NTB then appeal to the Supreme Court was delivered in November. (© NTB)

Published: 13.feb. 2015 09:42


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