Friday, February 6, 2015

Hurricane Warning: Island communities evacuated and over 20 meter waves expected – Aftenposten

Hurricane Warning: Island communities evacuated and over 20 meter waves expected – Aftenposten

The extreme weather is expected to reach Trøndelag, Nordland and Troms Saturday morning.

For exposed locations in Salten, Lofoten, Vesterålen and South Troms alerts Meteorological Institute Saturday afternoon and evening northwesterly winds up in 33 meters per second. This corresponds to hurricane force Beaufort scale. The wind Saturday may reach 45 meters per second.

– There are also high waves against the coast, and in combination with the ebb this can cause local flooding in coastal and fjord areas, according to the alert Salten Lofoten, Vesterålen and Troms.

Meteorologist Justyna Wodziczko says to that people living in the storm area should stay home.

– Although I am afraid to go out in this weather.

Up to 25 meter waves

Average wave height will be up 12 to 14 meters in the northern parts of Nordland, with individual waves up to 22-25 meters. In Troms expected individual waves of 18-20 meters.

Trondelag expected in strong wind of 30 meters per second, with gusts of 30-40 meters per second. Also Helgeland, Saltfjellet and Ofoten get similar storm.

The extreme weather caused by a strong low pressure system in the Norwegian Sea. The low pressure system moves eastward, so the night of Sunday decreases wind.

Ole heading to divide into two

Nordlys citing a StormGeo meteorologist writes that there is a danger that storm can divide into two.

– One low pressure system will hit Lofoten, Vesterålen and parts of Salten. The second low pressure will develop in the lee of the main low pressure and will rapidly move northeast towards Troms, says meteorologist Fagerlifjell Tromso newspaper.

evacuated island communities

The aged between 16 and 19 people in the island community Givær West Fjord, was on Friday evacuated, NRK reported.

– We have had a meeting in the local emergency management team here in Salten. We recommend evacuating population Givær, says police chief Geir Ove Heir in Salten Police District.

One of the residents who agreed to be evacuated, Ann-Kristin Dørmænen.

– I think they exaggerate a bit. We have been out in the weather before. But we have three children and have decided to be on the safe side this time, she said.

The island is part of Bodø municipality and it has also been the subject of a program at NRK series “Where no one would believe that someone could live.”

Hever force readiness

For a week ago blacking storm big you of Northern Norway, and it went five hours before the last customers got power back.

When the storm again frames, doubling preparedness in Troms Kraft, Hålogaland Kraft and Ymber in Finnmark, said Arvid ÅSMOEN, power supply district manager.

It is especially the risk of icing on the lines and subsequent power outage concerns.

– Troms Kraft alone have a long line network – equivalent stretch from Tromso to Hawaii. Overall mains in Troms 16,000 km long. We can not predict neither if we get some power outages, or where any outage frames. The only thing we can do is to increase preparedness and give good advice, says ÅSMOEN.

He encourages people to have additional lighting available, such as candles or torch, as well as alternative sources of heat.

Secure loose objects

Use the time before the storm is going to secure loose objects, think of where you park your car and check that the moorings on your boat can withstand a storm sounds appeal from information manager Pål Rune Eklo Gjensidige.

He thinks Norwegians have something to learn from how Americans are preparing for severe storms.

– In the US, they won with proper storm and they are good at preventing injuries and prepare before it strikes. With the increasingly stormy inward Norway, we have something to learn there, says CIO.

It is only just a month ago extreme weather Nina hit Sogn og Fjordane, Hordaland, Rogaland, Agder and Telemark. After the very strong winds had subsided, joined the insurance industry about 7,000 reported injuries for a total of around 350 million.

Read also:

Published: 05.feb. 2015 9:13 p.m.


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