Saturday, February 7, 2015

Exploration Campaign after four youths in the mountains –

Exploration Campaign after four youths in the mountains –

(Dagbladet): There are severe storms, very poor visibility and high winds in the area where the traditional dog race Femundløpet yesterday.

The four will have to be used to the mountains and have settled in le weather ravaging mountain.

Between 15-17 year

– I can confirm that four youths aged 15 to 17 years, added in the lee of the weather ravaging mountains around Rora now. It blows properly and it is very jagged. But this is mountain won youth who knows what to do in such situations, says Communications at Femundløpet John Harald Knutsson Dagbladet.

He denies the other media claim, namely that young people are missing. And told Dagbladet that two of the youngsters are together, while the other two are in different places in the mountains.

– They are not missed. We know where they are, and they are all in good condition. It is not dangerous to life or health. Our exploration crews and crews from the Red Cross is heading towards them now to provide assistance, but it is difficult conditions. We try to reach them from several quarters, said Knutsson.

It should be crews from the Red Cross in South Trøndelag and Hedmark now working to reach the weatherproof youngsters.

have called home

– Have you been in contact with them?

– I have not, but their parents have talked to them on the phone, saying Knutsson.

– How dramatic is the situation as you see it?

– It is not dramatic in itself having to lie in hiding for wind, but since the weather is so bad, we believe this is serious enough that we send out people to help youths, he said.

Some media reports with five youngsters missed. Knutsson confirms Dagbladet that only talk about four.

– There are four youths, not five, no, he says.

– We have ongoing contact with all four, no one has been injured and is really in good spirits, impressive enough, says jury leader further said.

Jury Management has chosen to freeze Femundløpet F400 with two hours. Leegaard confirms the extreme weather in the mountains is crucial.

– Several mushers in F400 wants to run, but although they certainly can take responsibility for their own driving, we must override bit and think more security. They get simply not run on such weather situation is as of now.


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