Friday, February 13, 2015

Central FRP politician believes chief Hordaland should withdraw – Aftenposten

Central FRP politician believes chief Hordaland should withdraw – Aftenposten

Reviews shotguns now against Hordalands Police Geir Gudmundsen Monika case.

Progress justice policy spokesman Jan Arild Ellingsen completely agree conclusion of an editorial in the magazine Police Forum about Geir Gudmundsen and others in police management in Hordaland should go off.

– You mean the chief should resign?

– Yes. Of course. Can we have a police chief being stripped naked, which is not clear on what kind of leadership responsibility he has or should have? He called it a collective failure. This is so cowardly that it is a shame. A leader must stand upright, must take responsibility. Instead he blames others, he said.

Salty criticism

Ellingsen comes with salty criticism, but is also somewhat surprised that no Public Prosecutions report published Monday and concluded deficient investigation, not coincide with work now done in Norwegian Bureau for the Investigation of Police Affairs.

– We can now get more results. There are two main paths. Either police management even more beatings from the Bureau or be acquitted of criminal offenses. Anyway it will create more turmoil. If special unit agrees that has come of criticism from Public Prosecutions – how can the Police Directorate then defend having such a police commissioner?

– Now Police Gudmundsen regretted case to Monika’s mother. Is not that enough?

– It is not at all. Absolutely pathetic it is. There are ugly things that emerges here.

– What’s ugliest in your eyes?

– Missing responsibility for their actions. The lack of management understanding that has been revealed. One of the worst is over explanations, attempts to convince her mother that her daughter had committed suicide.

Tajik: Respect for Notifier

The head of the Justice Committee in Parliament, Labor Hadia Tajik, will not say anything directly about the future of police management in Hordaland. But between the lines there is criticism against action pattern:

– I have many opinions on the local handling of the case, but it is not compatible with my role as chairman of the justice committee to express them. However, I have great respect for the whistleblower and the policeman Robin Schaefer has done, by saying from internally. It should not have been necessary, and he has been a hero who has stood in it, says Tajik.

She believes that in connection with the specific questions raised by the case, it is natural to have a larger discussion about how to have a good labor management in the police. – We need culture of transparency, headroom and with leaders who are good value carriers for the entire police force. Police reform, which is not so far away now, must not only act on the structure and service locations.

– You will therefore not say anything specific about the fate of police management?

– I have, as I said many meanings and has followed the case closely, but I should with my duties not go too far into the particular case.

Gudmundsen: No Comment

Police Geir Gudmundsen has refused to give any comment to the requirement of his departure. Instead orients police management in Hordaland that the only comment they want to give provisional, is the same as police commissioner Gudmundsen has given in connection with the book as policeman and whistleblower Robert Schaefer has released.

From police officer’s comments:

– It is expected that the Bureau of next week comes with its report. I do not know what they will conclude, if we have done something punishable or reprehensible in connection with the investigation of Monika case, but independent of it is we all started with an action plan. This involves both internal measures to restore a good working environment, management supervision and development, not least measures to ensure good quality investigation. Along with representatives, employees and my management team, we will do what we can to ensure that everything is being done to rectify errors and deficiencies pointed out. I apologize that I can not comment on the contents of the book.

Did mother would hide shame

The policeman Robert Schaefer had to go to her mother’s counsel to reach with its warning that the investigation did not measure.

Then had his managers concluded that the eight-year-old girl had committed suicide by hanging himself in a belt. At the house bar signs of burglary, was considered the mother’s attempt to hide the shame of his daughter’s suicide.

“No offense is considered proven”

Monika Sviglinskaja was found dead by his mother 14. November 2011.

The case was dismissed in August 2012 that “no criminal liability was proven”, the strongest dismissal justification.

– The case has been investigated with all scenarios eye, said police inspector Sidsel Isachsen then.

“Thorough investigation”

Hordaland Police also sent out a press release in which the long processing was explained that it was “important for the police to do a thorough investigation.”

Now sits however a 32 year old man charged with murder. It is the preliminary result after the case was resumed. Husband DNA found on the belt and Monika yourself.

Public Prosecutions Report

Police Management handling of the case was criticized in a report as a working group of Public Prosecutions delivered Monday. The report stated that the investigation was inadequate.

Police Geir Gudmundsen regretted then “strongly” the super-load mother Monika Kristina Sviglinskaja, had to undergo.

Norwegian Bureau for the Investigation of Police Affairs is investigating the matter. Four police officers have been given the status of a suspect. It is expected that the Bureau will take a decision on the matter during the current month.

Published: 13.feb. 2015 10:01 p.m.


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