Thursday, February 5, 2015

Center rotates begging ban – the government pulls proposal – Sunnmørsposten

Center rotates begging ban – the government pulls proposal – Sunnmørsposten

– I relate to the parliamentary group has decided, but I have not changed my mind on the matter, says Klinge to

No longer majority prohibitions

The decision in Centre Party Parliamentary causes it no longer a majority in Parliament to introduce a ban on begging. Government parties Conservatives and the Progress Party was totally dependent on support from the Center to get this through. They had probably expected to get as long as the party platform calls this and adopted a beggar prohibition of not less than two AGMs. First congress in 2009, then congress in 2013.

In the afternoon it was also known that the government pulls proposal to introduce beggar ban.

– Was it a burden on the Centre to be left alone to support the government. Ended yourselves in the wrong company. Is that the reason that the parliamentary group has intervened in this way?

– I’m more concerned about what the case than who agrees with me. But a majority in parliamentary group has come to this position and I shall relate, says Klinge.

Read also: Begging ban international attention
Sunnmørsposten mean: Begging ban should end in tray

– The debate over the last few days have acted much about it shall be prohibited to help people. This has obviously never been relevant policies Center. In the situation is now, the most orderly also facing government parties to go public with the parliamentary group our not going to support a begging ban, and I have gone on to do it quickly, says Klinge.

– Unacceptable punishing complicity

Parliamentary leader Marit Arnstad will not respond directly to the parliamentary group here in reality of running the party’s national convention.

– The group has taken complete responsibility. It is done in consultation with Jenny says Arnstad to

– We have received several inquiries from members who have been deeply worried about this matter, points Arnstad.

She emphasizes especially the part of the proposal is to punish the people who contribute to begging.

– Punishing complicity begging is not acceptable. There can not be a criminal offense to give people clothes, food and shelter, she says, and emphasizes that it does not become necessary to support a new proposal for a national begging ban if the government were to put forward such.

– I can not imagine that we will support a ban no matter how it formed, says Arnstad.

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