Sunday, December 21, 2014

- Woman assaulted and raped – NRK

- Woman assaulted and raped – NRK

Police received by 04 am on Sunday message that a woman in their 30s had been assaulted and raped by Brynagjelet just east of Voss.

examine witnesses: Sheriff Voss, Ivar Hellene, says that several witnesses to be questioned in the case.

Photo: Hommedal, Marit / NTB scanpix

The incident allegedly took place just before the woman reported to police.

– A patrol found the woman near the place where the rape allegedly took place and took care of her. She was rushed to rape clinic in Bergen, says police operations manager Morten Rebnord.

At 9:30 o’clock, a man in his late 20s arrested for rape at home at the residence’s Voss.

The incident allegedly took place outdoors. Police have hung a tarp over the walkway at road 13 in Brynagjelet, two kilometers east of Voss. Crime Technicians are working to ensure tracks terrain.

SECURES TRACK: Police secures track both on the main road and footpath in Brynagjelet.

Photo: Arne Hofseth

The woman sits on Sunday morning in questioning by investigators at Bergen police. The arrested was at 11:30 o’clock also driven to Bergen.

RAPE: Woman in 30s and the man in the late 20s years should not have known each other from before.

Photo: Arne Hofseth

– He will rape reception for examination, before he will be questioned by investigators from Voss says sheriff Voss, Ivar Hellene.

He will not go into what the accused has so far explained. Both the involved resident in Voss. The sheriff says the man and woman do not know each other from before.

– We have not information that they have teamed up before the incident allegedly took place, said Hellene.

It was Bergens Tidende who first publicized case. NRK gets confirmed that several witnesses have given police information about the event.

– We will examine a few witnesses now say Hellene Sunday morning.

Monday will decide whether the man should be prepared for custody.

RAPE: Police have been informed that a woman 30s have been raped outdoors by Brynagjelet, two kilometers east of Voss.


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