Sunday, December 21, 2014

towards brighter times – Fredrikstad Blad

towards brighter times – Fredrikstad Blad

On Sunday 21 December, the shortest day in 2014. Three minutes after midnight on Monday night turns sun.

Midwinter occurs once a year. Then the northern hemisphere farthest from the sun. This day is the shortest day length.

In Scandinavia were solstice celebrated with Lucia Day. But when the Julian calendar was abandoned in favor of the Gregorian, retaining one Lucia celebration on December 13th, and came out of step with the solstice.

Prim Spell Award was a sun. This day would not work with something that was rotated, nor bake. Christmas beer should also be completed by December 22 so it did not come “solstice” in it, according to Wikipedia.


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