Saturday, December 6, 2014

PST to TV 2: The charges could be extended – TV 2

PST to TV 2: The charges could be extended – TV 2

LATEST: The charges could be extended.

– We have made seizures and now underway questioning says adviser in PST Martin Bernsen TV 2.

– Will the accused be prepared for custody?

– It is an assessment we do continuously. A possible incarceration meeting will take place on Monday.

– Is indictment expanded?

– It may be, said Martin Bernsen.

The man was arrested when Police Security Service together with police emergency troop “Participate” struck the man’s residence place this morning.

Central Figure

TV 2 know man is a key person in the extreme Islamist environment in Østfold. He is friend of several of those in Syria or that has come back from the war. 23-year-old has long been in PST spotlight.

2 TV made contact with PST and got action confirmed.

– I can confirm that the PST in the morning hours today have arrested a person in their 20s as a necessary step in an ongoing investigation, says communications director in PST, Trond Hugubakken.

Penal Code § 147 d

With imprisonment up to six years shall be imposed on forming, participating in Recruiter members or provide financial or other material support to a terrorist organization when the organization has taken steps to realize the purpose of illegal funds. Source: Lovdata

Low Profile

Norwegian-Pakistani has kept a low profile since he came back from Syria Friday 7 February 2014. He returned to Norway with gunshot wounds in leg and was immediately accused of having taken part in the terrorist organization in Syria.

It was the first time Norwegian authorities charged a Norwegian citizen after Penal Code §147 d. 23-year-old was not in custody at the time. Although he claimed to have driven with emergencies in the war-torn country.

After that TV 2 knows the man is now brought in for questioning, while progress enjoy protection against search on his whereabouts.

– There is nothing new in the matter other than that he has been arrested for questioning on matters before February 2014, saying the accused’s lawyer John Christian Elden to TV2.

It is currently unclear whether he will be prepared for detention in custody after questioning is completed and if the indictment is or will be extended.

Jacky from Fredrikstad

TV 2 has previously told about at least seven people who have traveled from the same street in Fredrikstad, Lisleby road.

Peter Neumann is a professor of political science and expert on radicalization and political violence. His research on western foreign fighters in Syria shows that friendship, rather than the Internet, is the main factor that gets people to become jihadists.

– For many of them traveling is of course the internet is important in radicalization, but the majority are radicalized through friendship. They already know one or two who have traveled before. With known people in place in Syria is much easier for the others in the buddy gang to follow suit, says Neumann TV 2.


The Norwegian citizen, who was long absent on social media, created a new profile on November 14 this year. Where he criticizes including PST latest threat analysis and claims it is merely a desperate attempt to get more money.

Multiple heading

According to TV2 mapping of the extreme Islamist community in Norway has at least 70 people traveled from Norway to Syria and Iraq. 12 killed so far and after that TV2 know have travel business from Norway in no way ceased.

The arrested and accused terrorist man Fredrikstad is not a previous conviction.

If you have tips about Norwegians fighting for IS in Iraq or Syria? When will our journalists talk to you. Send regular mail directly to reporters here. Alternatively you can send message / call encrypted.


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