Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Government says yes – NRK

Government says yes – NRK

It informs Ministry of Justice on Wednesday night.

– Police Directorate has requested an extension of the temporary arming of uniformed emergency personnel. Government has considered this. Justice and Public Security Minister has agreed to extend Armament until 15th February 2015, said State Secretary Hans J. Røsjorde (FRP).

Threat Assessment

The government says yes to further arming of police, said Undersecretary Hans J. Røsjorde

Photo: Eirik Hildal / NRK

Armament came as a result of the threat assessment from the Police Security Service and Joint counterterrorist center 31. October where, among other police personnel are specified as a topical target for a terrorist act.

– Police Directorate still considering this threat to police officers so severe that they do not consider ordinary bevæpningspraksisen as adequate, according to a message from Ministry of Justice.

Uniformed police

Bevæpningstillatelsen applies uniformed emergency personnel into three categories: IP1 (emergency squad), IP3 (police districts emergency units) and IP4 (general response personnel with annual training and approval test for service weapons).

In a recent survey says 55 percent of no permanent arming of police. Meanwhile, 38 percent of this, according to the survey Norstat performed for NRK.

Labor has made it clear that they will vote for a representative proposal from Left, and hence there is a majority in parliament against general armament.

SV: Thin grounds

Solhjell is critical to the justice minister’s approach

Photo: Junge, Heiko / NTB scanpix

Acting Bård Vegar Solhjell in SV is critical that the Minister of Justice extends the temporary arming of police without orienting Parliament.

– I think it was a thin grounds last that arming the police officers is a good answer a diffuse global threat, says Solhjell said.

SV vice chairman was not informed about the extension of Armament before NTB called him Wednesday night. Solhjell is critical to the justice minister’s approach and fear that what is now referred to as temporary measures could be a protracted scheme. He says this because it is not something that looks like the threat of IS towards Europe will go over with the first.

– But I am also critical of the way this is done. There have been no formal process with Parliament around this although this time has been ample time to prepare something, says Solhjell on.

– This appears to be a very small thorough process and weak justified he concludes.



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