Saturday, November 19, 2016

Hareide will fight for more money for light rail – NRK

Hordaland KrF his nominasjonsmøte have on Saturday decided that Knut Arild Hareide should top your list for next year’s general election.

Torill Selsvold Nyborg from the Mountains and Line Meyer from Bergen follow on the next two spots. It means that Nyborg as good as guaranteed a place in Parliament next fall, while newcomer Meyer has a good chance of getting into.

Line Meyer (27) was selected after a benkeforslag from lokallaget in Bergen during the meeting at Stord.

– If we make a good choice and gets two representatives into the Parliament, something that certainly isn’t unthinkable, so she will get the stortingsplass. Knut Arild will guaranteed go in government, ” says Sondre Olsen, fylkessekretær for the Sector.

– the Aim is to get into two

MORE MONEY: Bergen will have more state aid to the light rail. It will Better help with.

Photo: Opposisjonens traséforslag / Scanpix

Meyer danket out Beate Husa from the Strait, which was put on the third place on the nominasjonskomiteens list after the Tone Marit Dyrkolbotn resigned.

– I’m incredibly proud to get to stand on the top of the stortingslisten to Hordaland KrF. We have got a strong list with many good candidates who are motivated to do a good election. The goal is to get two representatives in the Norwegian Parliament for the christian democratic party has in the county of Hordaland, and I have great faith that we will succeed, ” says Hareide in a press release.

Want more money for light rail

He warns that, among other things, he will use the upcoming stortingsperiode to help bergenspolitikerne, who are struggling to finance the bybaneutbyggingen and wish that the state takes a larger part of the bill.

light rail in Bergen

Photo: Hommedal, Marit / NTB scanpix

  • The light rail in Bergen was opened in 2010 and is an electrical skinnebundet public transport facilities.
  • In 2013 had The light rail to an increase in passengers of 13 per cent. In the same year opened the first extension from Nesttun to the Lagoon mall.
  • today carries The light rail about 35,000 passengers a day.
  • Phase three from the Lagoon towards Flesland was ready in June 2016.
  • There is also work with plans forelengelse of the path towards the Mountains in the north, as well as the One in the west.
  • Funded by local funds through tolls and county grants. The light rail will also receive state support.

the Government has so far not gone on to take more than 50 per cent of the bill, while bergenspolitikerne hope they will get the entry up in the 70 per cent.

On the next year’s budget is the only set of 50 million, bergensbyråd Anna Elisa Tryti (Ap) recently called a transgression.

– We need representatives in Parliament who will fight for the Bergen and Hordaland, and the most important issues we face here in the county. We will fight for more funding for light rail in Bergen, create new jobs, and facilitate to take the whole of Hordaland in use, ” says Hareide.


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