Saturday, November 19, 2016

Police officer in Bergen indicted in overgrepssak – NRK

It is the VG that reports the indictment of a police officer in the West standings. The newspaper writes that the policeman shall not be suspected to have a central role in the case.

By NRK, the know to has the investigation been going on for a long time, and up to 20 people indicted in the case.

According to the newspaper ransacked the police the residence of the officer yesterday, but he is not yet arrested.

the Case is being investigated by the South West police district because of the habilitetshensyn.

the FBI involved in the investigation

the Case started in the summer of 2015 when the FBI hacked and took over a side with overgrepsmateriale on the so-called “dark web”, and distributed an invisible program that traced the IP address to the users.

press Conference Sunday

Advokat Erik Johan Mjell said that he got an inquiry from politimannens union on Saturday morning, and was asked to assist the man.

I don’t know if he is indicted, but I have had a conversation after I received the request, ” says Mjell to NRK, who do not want to elaborate further.

Saturday night has NRK been in contact with lokallagsleder in the Police Association, Kjetil Rekdal, in the West standings.

I have no comment to this, in the evening, ” he says.

the Head of the Police Association, Sigve Bolstad, would rather not comment on the case at the present time.

the Police in Bergen called the previous Saturday evening in a press conference Sunday afternoon. In the invitation, type the police that it is about the investigation of the sexual abuse of children.

“the West police district invites you to the press conference by politihuset in Bergen, on Sunday, 20. november at 1400. Entrance A. sentralvakten. The theme of the press conference is related to the case regarding the investigation of the sexual abuse of children.”, they write in an email.

Narkovarselet in the West standings

  • 21. april 2016 notified a recognized in the division for organised crime in Bergen about the consequences of nedprioriteringen of fighting of the rough drug offences.
  • In a 52-page report claims the investigator according to VG that the organized narkotikakriminelle get away, that big narkodepoter not aksjonert against even if the police know about them, and that the investigators get flamed by the supervisor if they go to the actions which imply an increased workload.
  • the Superintendent of the West police district, Kaare Songstad, concede that the drug field has been discouraged in a period of time, and explains it with restans of criminal cases, and increased efforts against the organised crime against children.
  • the Alert was in our processed by a working group at the politihuset in Bergen, who came with their recommendations to improve the situation. West politidistrikts varslingsgruppe treated the matter in the autumn, and came with their input.
  • the Case is now at the Police, who recently sent the West police district a letter with eight matters they have agreed with the superintendent.
  • Spesialenheten for police matters has been notified that they will obtain information in the case to consider whether the police have done something punishable. The public prosecutor in Hordaland has, in its assessment of the case gone to great lengths to “absolve” politidistriktet.

Notified storsak

the Police in Bergen have been under severe pressure after the vg’s the disclosure of the so-called varslersaken. A police officer at the section for organised crime in the bergenspolitiet notified that the police in the city dropped to investigate the grove narkotikasaker.

Politidirektør Odd Reidar Humlegård.

Photo: Roald, Berit / NTB scanpix

Politidirektør Odd Reidar Humegård told on Friday to the Newspaper that the police in Bergen working with a very extensive case, which has forced them to prioritize hard.

BACKGROUND: Report: Bergenspolitiet dropper large narkosaker

– This will set the bergenspolitiet in a new light. It is also to explain why other cases are downgraded to the times, said Humlegård to the newspaper.

Read more about this case:



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