Friday, July 3, 2015

Rohde declined to be ordførerkandidat for Labor – NRK

Rohde thanked However, declining the offer Dagbladet writes, referring to several key sources.

For the autumn leaves Labor to election in the capital with Raymond Johansen as Governing Mayor candidate and Tone Tellevik Dahl ordførerkandidat.

– Some said yes, others thanks

– I thrive in my life as a lecturer and writer, and I’m sure Ap have found the best candidate in Tone Tellevik Dahl says Rohde Dagbladet.

Raymond Johansen will neither confirm nor deny that he contacted Rohde.

– I’ve been keen to get with many on the list and recorded it for the nomination committee. Some said yes and was set, others declined when they were asked by the Nomination Committee, he writes in an email to the newspaper.


It is known that the lawyer Geir Lippe City last year Our asked to be Aps ordførerkandidat. He also thanked no, but agreed to stand on Aps City Council list in Oslo.

According to Dagbladet sources were also former Minister of Culture Turid Birkeland contacted regarding enlisted as ordførerkandidat. Birkeland says even she did not receive any formal inquiry, but she is aware that “many names were mentioned”.

– It was anyway no question for me to be ordførerkandidat. But it would be fun to sit in city council, so I now stand on the list, says Birkeland.


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