Sunday, July 5, 2015

Moose on city trip drowned in the lake – NRK

The police, fire and game board tried to help the moose swam so tired that it drowned after an unwanted meeting with people.

Dining Guests were a bit surprised

Guests sat ate at one of the restaurants at the Town Square downtown got a bit of a surprise Sunday afternoon. Suddenly two moose running down Kirkebakken past restaurants.

Both police and game Tribunal was the forecast to get the moose away from the center.

One took off from Hamar west, while the other races further down towards the lake. Not against the proverbial cliff tower in the center, but at Tjuvholmen. The whole shoreline was filled with bathers as elk swam beyond in the lake to get away from people.

But on a hot summer day, there were many people out in small boats in the lake. And they were also curious about the unusual bathing guest. So curious that the police had to report that boaters to stay away from the moose. For it was stressed out and did not know how it was going to get away.

Tried to get it ashore

So while the moose was of great entertainment for boaters and bathers, fought it in a hour in water to swim away. Police and fire brigade took boats out to the moose to try to get it into the country. But then it was so worn that it drowned.

It was enough stressed even before it came out in the water, and were even more stressed out when it could not swim away from people, says Ove Magne Dufset in wild Tribunal in Hamar.

He says that the moose was last year’s calf. It is not so unusual that elk pulls down the center of Hamar, but since it was 29 degrees in the shade think Dufset it must have been something that has alarmed it from the woods today.

Normally it will remain stationary in the woods when it’s so hot. So when it strayed in the center with lots of people came as both stressed and warm, he said.

The other elk was last seen at Ankerskogen, where admittedly also a swimming complex. But it disappeared into the woods again without using the pool.


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