Monday, July 6, 2015

Ban: – MDGs saves lives – Sunnmørsposten

– The report confirms that the global effort to achieve the objectives have saved millions of lives and improved the lives of even more millions of people, said Ban Ki-moon at the official launch of a new progress report on the MDGs Monday.

– Our efforts show that it seems to set goals, he said.

Ban spoke via video link from Oslo, where he has participated Monday in an educational conference together with, among others, Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) and Rwandan President Paul Kagame.

According to Ban is 2015 standing as a distinction for mankind. He noted that the deadline for reaching the Millennium Development Goals expire this year, while world leaders in September to adopt a new set of sustainability goals to replace these.

The Millennium Development Goals were adopted in 2000, and the UN has chosen to measure progress over 25 years against the situation in 1990. (© NTB)


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