– The house looked terrible. There was blood everywhere, says a witness to Rome Blad.
Police were notified about the case Saturday night. 21.30, police found a bloody man in the residence, and a few minutes later, a man was arrested.
– We got a call from a yet unknown caller. The message was about brawl. When we arrived the place was only blood again after at least one injured person, said operations manager Bjorn Jahr in Romerike Police.
Blood slots were police said visible both in the home and outdoors.
– We can not say with certainty how this happened, but preliminary, we assume that the quarrel started inside the residence, says Jahr.
The injured were sent to Akershus University with serious injuries. The condition was unknown Saturday night.
More Home Guard soldiers got smoke damage when it caught fire in an aggregate in the military Vatneleiren Sandnes tonight.
There was a fire in a hot air units that caused the annoying smoke. Several people suffered minor smoke damage, police officials on Twitter Saturday night.
Police was notified about the incident at 20.26. Then it was also all emergency services on site.
– It was the Home Guard task forces who had exercise and who had started the unit in the camp. Something caught fire and ten soldiers were exposed to smoke, says operations Frank Roland Rogaland police.
Three of the soldiers had to be transported to the emergency room because of smoke damage Saturday night. The fire department had to extinguish the fire in the unit.
The decision came under county team meeting at Elverum Saturday, reports Hamar Arbeiderblad.
– Those who have wolf close to him, especially in Trysil, Engerdal and parts of Eastern Valleys, experiencing insecurity. We have to take seriously. They want the pepper spray as a weapon to protect themselves. Today pepper spray registered weapons and not available to most people, says the first woman Aasa Gjestvang Hedmark Centre said.
“People feel that wolf moves within residential areas and courtyards, where it creates fear. It is dangerous when wolf learns that it has nothing to fear of the people, “it says, among other things in the decision.
Parliamentarian, Trygve Slagsvold Vedum from Stange in Hedmark, supported also pepper spray resolution. But he is not sure whether it will lead to something:
– I’ll see if this is something to take on to the national level. I understand why people on Slettå and other areas in Hedmark feel unsafe because of the wolf says Vedum the newspaper.
The children of the Afghan woman who was killed in Hamar last fall, will still be in Norway. Their father is jailed, accused of murder.
The Afghan asylum seeker Narges Josefi (27) was found stabbed to death in Hamar on 28 October last year. Her ten years older Afghan husband was arrested after two days and charged with murder.
The family was really out of the country, but now the kids got to stay in Norway. It was counsel Inger Johanne Reiestad Hansen filed a reversal of Immigration Appeals earlier decision.
– These children lost both the mother and father at the same time, and they have experienced a very traumatic situation. It would have been a completely tragic decision if they should be deported, she says to Hamar Arbeiderblad.
Your kids can only Norwegian, has never been in Afghanistan and do not know their grandparents. Now they are given asylum in Norway initially for three years, but it allows for permanent residence, according to the newspaper.
– Det are vile treffe bones Na er at reisende of vile avstå Brother Fly med oss, da det er usikkerhet rundt HVA kommer til å we skje, sier finansdirektør Norwegian Frode Foss and E24 til lørdag ettermiddag.
Brother and dag og med 70 har Norwegian pilot lagt ned arbeidet, etter at de ikke til enighet kom med selskapet and forhandlinger hos riksmekleren and Natt.
Fra og med alle onsdag skal imidlertid of Parat- organiserte pilotene – ytterligere stykker 650 – ut streik, og kan dette ramme for bare muligheten selskapets inntekter.
Da én kabinansatt ble TATT ut streik and fjor, kostet det ifølge selskapets egne beregninger Millioner 101 Kroner.
Denne Gang omfanget av er Konflikto betydelig Stories dermed og kan bli inntektstapet for Norwegian desto mere omfattende. Men det er også ting we Peker and motsatt retning.
– Veldig uheldig
– er vi na Noen få timer inn and you Brudden, og er streiken and gang. Tiden vile vise of HVA økonomiske konsekvensene lish av dette, men det er Helt klart veldig uheldig at vi har in slik situasjon, sier Foss.
VERKEN finansdirektøren eller Bjørn Kjos ønsker å kvantifisere den mulige Effekt streiken Khan has på Norwegians inntjening.
– NA jeg vil ikke spekulere and saints. Vårt Fokus er om å ta HANDS passasjerene, sier Kjos.
(Saken fortsetter videos under VGTV Brother:)
Når gjelder selskapets utgifter det, sier Foss folgende:
– Produksjon på Pros rundt regnet 20 BC vil ikke bli gjennomført flybevegelser Vares. Lish for det så Vidt in kostnadsreduksjon for bones.
– Tjen kort på sikt
Analytiker Aschehoug Haakon and DNB Markets MENERS at streiken kommer på et Günstig tidspunkt for Norwegian.
Énmannsstreiken ble annonsert and første halvdel av ever, senior and det godt inne andre kvartalet. Dette er sett tradisjonelt you Günstig Kvartal for flyselskapene, mens fjerde første og (av med unntak Julen) er mindre günstige.
– Den store and forskjellen tidspunktet gjør at dette in FAR Annen Effekt. Februar er ikke in måned of Tjen hang og heller ikke seas. Det inthis er at Pasko kommer relativt tidlig ar, men om flyene lish stående på Bakken vil det ikke få Noen negativ P & amp; L-Effekt (profit and loss, JOURN. ANM.) And det korte bildet, sier Aschehoug, og Legg til
– renamed Selskapets kan svekkes Dersom streiken vedvarer, men Helt på kort på sikt Tjen faktisk selskapet hang at flyene ikke flyr.
I Analytikeren heller voldsomt bekymret at ikke for godt for Norwegian kundene skal forlate.
– All historical tilsier at disse tingene glemmes ganske strong. Når folk Booke sommerferie skal det vil være da Prisa we avgjør, Norwegian og er ofte billigsten kundene kommer tilbake igjen.
(Dagbladet): Norwegian pilots go on strike after negotiations broke down night. 70 pilots have gone on strike, and it is clear that the negotiations between airlines and unions have been harsh.
English will recoup pilots to keep traffic alive. Employee Organization Parat raged in the morning hours today and accused Norwegian for strikebreaking, and believe the practice their objectionable.
– This is clearly not strikebreaking, said CEO of Norwegian, Bjørn Kjos, at a press conference in the company’s headquarters at Fornebu today.
– Thinking of passengers
It is thus full klinsj between union and pilot association and Kjos.
Friday wrote Dagbladet that a dozen pilots are on the way from abroad – Spain and / or England – to Oslo and Copenhagen needed to be inserted for the striking pilots.
– We see that English will hire external pilots who organized strike wrestling, said the head of Norwegian’s pilot union Halvor Vatnar at a press conference this morning. .
– When one party does something that prevents a strike, it is condemnable. It makes our system does not work. I am unsure whether Norwegian recognize the consequences of what they do, said Parat leader Hans-Erik Skjæggerud.
Their vision is thus totally opposite of boss Kjos.
– Had we concretely replaced people and machines, it may well be called strikebreaking, but it is Group that has lots of pilots around the whole of Europe. We do not take over the specific machine and replaces the crew, says Kjos.
He points out that there are only pilots in Norwegian Air Norway who are out on strike, the Norwegian company is about an fifth of husbandry.
– I can say that it is not strikebreaking on the basis of clear advice I have received. It is Ryanair who hires material and personnel. There we use several subcontractors, says Kjos.
– We will not do anything illegal, and we expect that no one else does either, he says.
The trade unions Parat has announced that it will come sympathy actions if other pilots being hired, but Kjos will not comment on it.
– It feeds on with sympathy both from Norway and from abroad, and we are aware that in several quarters now considered sympathy actions to mark disgust against Norwegian approach, says Parat leader Skjæggerud.
Swedish pilots have already announced that they go out in sympathy strikes from Wednesday. Also the European Transport Federation (ETF) have announced that they will now consider actions, according Skjæggerud.
Kjos regretted, however, that there was a strike, but it was nevertheless quite clear that the distance between the parties was large in the negotiations.
– We are the first to regret that we have not been able to reach agreement with the pilots, he said.
However, he emphasizes that the company will work to get passengers on the air, and that the company will keep its own program.
– We have a responsibility to safeguard the passengers. That’s what we do, he says.
English will try to implement the flight program as normal, and do not expect major delays on their flights.
– There are never any guarantees against delays. Stay tuned on our website and social media. Is it delays you also get sms, says CIO in English, Lasse Sandakerveien-Nielsen Dagbladet.
Here you can read our story on how you as a customer are affected by the strike and what you are entitled to.
February measurement provides 41.8 percent to Labor, an increase of 1.2 percentage points since the last survey in November.
Government largest party Right get 20.8 percent of the poll, up 1.3 percentage points from November. Progress falling 1.2 percentage points to 11.7 percent. Government support two parties also lose support. KrF goes down 0.4 percent to 6 percent, while Left gets support from 4.4 percent of the respondents, a decrease of 0.3 percentage points.
SV gets 3.8 percent in the poll, down 0 , 1 percentage point, and the Center falls 0.7 percentage points to 4.8 percent.
The Greens get 4.2 percent, up 0.4 percentage points from November. Red stands unchanged at 1.4 percent, while category other collected gets 1.2 percent, down 0.1 percentage points from November.
Mullah Krekar set custody for four weeks, it emerges in the ruling from Oslo District Court.
The ruling came Friday afternoon.
Police petitioned Mullah Krekar custody on the basis of statements he has come in two television interviews, NRK and a Kurdish TV channel.
Krekar is partly charged with threats to Halmat Goran. Goran is one of Kurds Krekar has previously been convicted for threatening, something mullah serving a sentence for until January this year.
The Court concludes that detention will not be a disproportionate interference in the matter . The request for detention is therefore to follow, writes Oslo District Court in its ruling.
– We are pleased that we have been heard with our arguments, police said VG.
Krekar was arrested Thursday and prepared for imprisonment in the Oslo District Court Friday . Soon after the remand hearing said police attorney Vegard Rødås that it could be relevant enterrorsiktelse against Mullah Krekar.
– It’s going to be appealed on the basis that we believe it is incorrect and the way the court considers the statements on . We menet it is the same statements that are repeated and this must at least have an impact on recurrence risk, unless the court agrees that there is double punishment, says Brynjar Meling, Krekar’s lawyer, told VG.
When the appeal will be submitted is somewhat uncertain. Krekar itself is still not informed ruling.
– I still have not come through to the central jail so Krekar is not informed yet, says Meling.
Here are the full verdict:
Najumuddin Faraj Ahmad, born 7 July 1956, was arrested by police on 26 February 2015 charged with a criminal offense § 140 and § 227 Penal second sentencing alternative. Oslo police have endorsement of 27 February 2015 petitioned ruling for custody of the accused for a period of four weeks, with reference to the police indictment of 27 February 2015 and the Criminal Procedure Act § 171, first paragraph. 3.
The court finds that the accused is reasonably suspected of criminal offenses that may result in higher punishment than imprisonment for six months, namely for violation of Penal Code § 140 of the Penal Code § 227 second penalty option as described in the indictment.
The court in assessing probable cause particular emphasis on the following:
In an interview with NRK aired on Dagsrevyen 20th February 2015 came accused concerning Halmat Goran with the statements reproduced in the indictment. The accused was aware that key parts of the interview were broadcast on national television. The statements are thus emerged publicly. Further statements – in the context – their content solicitation and inducement to implement a homicide action against Halmat Goran. Based on prehistory and accused former criminal linked to statements regarding the same person acted accused intentionally. Although the accused did not acknowledge guilt, he confirmed the statements during the remand hearing, and he did not take away from any of their statements although he noted that they were made in an interview with NRK, which together lasted two hours. The statements are also likely to evoke serious fear in Halmat Goran. Also statements for the Kurdish television station NRT has some of the same content. The statements are concrete enough to trigger criminal liability.
The defender has argued that the accused in 2012 convicted of approximately corresponding threats facing the same person and therefore covered by the prohibition. The Court finds that although statements have roughly the same content and reality, they are now repeated several years later and is therefore to be regarded as new criminal offenses. Solicitation of murder or threat of murder is not punishable even if the corresponding threat has been put forward earlier. Each new statements that time has reasonable distance from the previous statement will be a new crime or possibly be part of a continuing offense if there is little time between statements and nothing is adjudicated. Here it is both adjudication of previous statements and several years between statements so this is new offenses.
Furthermore, the Court finds that the conditions for custody are present by the Criminal Procedure Act § 184 cf. . § 185 cf. § 171, first paragraph. 3 being imprisonment believed required to prevent the accused commits a new offense that can lead to higher punishment than imprisonment for six months, namely the penal code § 140 and / or the Criminal Code § 227 second sentencing alternative. The court has the assessment placed particular emphasis on the accused after release from atonement on 25 January 2015 has already given interviews to three TV stations where the criminal statements or parts of them have been produced in different versions. Moreover, the accused while incarcerated had a “constructive” media break, but under detention hearing, he was not prepared to confirm that he would operate with a new media break in the future. Moreover perceive court that he not only operates to TV and press media, but also that he occasionally has been active on the Internet.
The court finds that remand for four weeks will not be a disproportionate intervention.
An important point in this context is accused role as an authority in the Kurdish jihadist. His listeners ask him for advice. They listen to him and take him seriously. During the remand hearing gave the accused himself stated that many people listen to him and do what he asks them about. He therefore influence to many – not least this will apply young people who are unsure of what to do in these times of atypical actions in certain environments. The accused gave in court not manifest any desire to change their shape and working methods.
Incarceration considered after this sufficiently justified, cf. Criminal law § 170a.
Incarceration options under the Criminal Law § 188 will court’s opinion is not sufficient because of the danger of new offenses in the public space.
The petition for custody up to four weeks is therefore to follow.
A man is accused of having interrupted ekskjæresten pregnancy against her will.
It should he have done by mixing abortifacient agents in her drink on two occasions, explains the prosecutor in the case, Attorney Kaia Strandjord VG.
It was adressa.no who first publicized case.
– This is a very special case. Here the woman suffered a miscarriage or termination against her will, says Strandjord VG.
She says that the case is so special that it lacks jurisprudence in this area.
The woman in early 20s from South Trøndelag miscarried in the twelfth week in March last year. It was her GP who discovered drugs in her urine samples that should not have been there.
GP beating alarm and called the police.
Can get 21 years in prison
Now the woman 25 year-old ex-girlfriend accused in the case. The man, who was the father of the unborn child is prosecuted under Penal Code Section 231 and Section 245. It is the first indictment point, which is about to cause “serious injury to body or health” under very aggravating circumstances, which is the most serious .
According Strandjord he can for this be levied supreme penalty.
– When the woman is inflicted such a significant injury as a embryo is located maximum sentence of 21 years, she says to VG.
– Awake GP
The prosecutor points out that this is a matter that there are similar to Norwegian jurisprudence. Meanwhile roses she GP who raised the alarm.
– Here we are talking about an incredibly awake GP who has taken responsibility and raised the alarm. It is exactly this kind of GPs we need, she said.
The woman has claimed Strandjord no physical injuries, but mentally it has happened very tough for her.
Her counsel told VG that she will not comment on the case until she spoke with his client.
Bought drugs over the internet
The 25-year-old ex-girlfriend should have given the woman two abortifacient funds not be bought without prescription in Norway. He allegedly ordered preparations on the internet, explains Strandjord.
How man has cheated in women drugs and subject to man will appear at the trial, which is scheduled for 9th and 10th March in Sør-Trøndelag District Court .
“The whole damn island should have been blown away ..!”.
So goes one of the posts on the closed Facebook group “FRP friend since” according activist website Radical Portal.
The post – allegedly written by a man from Troms – referring to Utøya, scene of 69 murders when terrorist Anders Behring Breivik conducted the worst terrorist attack on Norwegian soil ever 22 July 2011.
PST – We are familiar with the matter
In another post characterize terror at Utøya as “hunting training,” writes Radical Portal.
The utterances evoke strong reactions in the AUF, which has now notified the police.
– These utterances are hateful and cruel. We take them very seriously, says Mani Hussaini, head of the AUF.
Police Security Service (PST) also confirms to Nordlys that they are familiar with the matter.
– We are familiar with the matter yes, but I would not comment on how PST considering it or what we will eventually do with it, says Trond Hugubakken, Director of Communications PST.
He adds:
– But we make continuous assessments of such initiatives and how we should deal with it.
More than 1,100 members
Facebook group “FRP friend side” has over 1,100 members. Among them are also Kristian P. Wilsgård leader in Troms FRP and political advisor for health care in Tromsø.
He reacts with disgust when Nordlys read the statements that should have fallen in the group.
– I think that’s distasteful and I will take strongly opposes it, saying Wilsgård.
In another post in the Facebook group writes a person that previously AUF leader Eskil Pedersen “Stuck on Utøya and had a thought about trying anything other than to save his own ass “and further:” Do not think that this nausea Auflederen dare prove. “
Wilsgård stresses faced Nordlys that the statements in no way Representantive what FRP members think about the 22 July terror.
– I do not think much about that individual settles on the line. July 22 was a tragic event that affected an entire people. We will take over us and show respect for those affected, he said.
– Makes me kokforbanna
More Labor politicians have Friday night posted link to Radikal Portals side hate speech on social media. Among them is Cecilie Myrseth leader in Troms Ap. On Facebook she is ready in his speech:
“To put it bluntly: Fyfaen for bastards.”
– This makes me simply kokforbanna. This is about an incident that happened during four years ago where 69 youths were killed because they were members of the AUF. Then comes this kind of speech … It is absolutely cruel, elaborates Myrseth to Nordlys.
FRP politician Line Miriam Sandberg, District Administrator for food, culture and health in Troms, is among those who have commented post to Myrseth.
“It is a NON OFFICIAL site where many just been added. I strongly oppose this and know that it is not representative of what FRPere believes, “writes Sandberg.
” Just sad that some shearwaters off such spray! “Writes Hanne CS Iversen, former deputy in Parliament for Troms Progress.
– Private friend group
Cecilie Myrseth think it is good that central FRP-ers say they deplore statements.
– I assume they also go out publicly and denounce this. For this statement it is completely impossible to ignore, says Myrseth.
The man who is administrator in “FRP friend page” group says to Radikal Portal that Facebook group has nothing with FRP to do.
– This is a private group of friends that are closed and do not have any affiliation with FRP, he writes in a message to the website.
Police believe that the diocese for many years may have tampered with membership figures who have secured them millions.
On Thursday morning trooped twelve police officers up in Oslo Catholic diocese. A dozen people are questioned, and it was seized several documents and computers.
Now the diocese, Bishop Bernt Eidsvig & Administration charged with aggravated fraud.
VG has been in contact with Eidsvig who do not want to give a comment:
– I’m not going to comment on the indictment or this matter as long as it is with the police, says he told VG.
Massively member cheating
In a number of cases have Dagbladet revealed medlemsrot church.
Police are now underway with the investigation, and Friday informs police prosecutor Kristin Rusdal that they have started to go through seized documents.
– The investigation will show how the concrete has gained several members who have not joined itself, but it should be talking about the use of the Phone or anything similar, said Rusdal VG.
It all started with that Communication Manager Agnieszka Bryn Humanist Association, found that she was registered as a member of the Catholic Church in Norway. The matter was discussed in Dagbladet.
The church had not at that time a concrete answer on why Bryn were enrolled without their will, but admitted that it could apply to more.
Bryn case was the start of a long series of cases referred the extensive member mess. As recently as yesterday wrote VG Oslo Buddhists who accuse the church to snikinnmelde Buddhists in their Christian congregation.
67,000 people
In an e-mail to the County, and Dagbladet has learned from an employee Roman Catholic Diocese of Oslo, states that “more than 67,000 people have been added to our index of five people who we all know in greater or lesser degree has used the telephone directory as one of the sources “.
According to the newspaper Eidsvig in 2012 been made aware of the church’s membership registrations, without it being done something.
The church was, by order of the county, have to rectify the member lists. It was therefore sent out letters to about 79,000 people who are registered in the period 2010-2014. The many revelations ended with the County Governor of Oslo and Akershus Newsletter Roman Catholicism in Norway for membership cheating, so Our Country publicized Wednesday.
– As the case has evolved, with all the information we put on, we thought it was appropriate to report this now, said Merethe Helstad, head of the legal department at County Governor of Oslo and Akershus the newspaper.
The church explained long membership with the increasing immigration from Catholic countries, but eventually admitted that they had adopted some “shortcuts.” Asked by Dagbladet on how the data collection was black bishop following:
– Specifically I do not know. It is not I who have done this. But as I understand it, they are found in available public records, such as telephone directory.
After the newspaper experience should the Catholic Church have found Catholic name in the telephone directory, searched up person your number in the National Register and reported them.
– The question is whether you have an intention, I think, to register people who are not Catholics. We have never tried it. We registered persons who are not, it is well no doubt. But I do not think that it is a clean registry anywhere in any denomination, without any apology, said Eidsvig.
Halmat Goran has in recent years lived at a secret address after threats Mullah Krekar was convicted in 2012.
Goran believes Krekar has repeated and sharpened threats against him in NRK interview. He does not deny that he is afraid.
– Krekar says he has 600 followers awaiting orders from him to go to IS-controlled areas. For these 600 followers living in Europe, it is easier to go to Norway. Therefore I should be afraid, says Goran TV 2.
– What do you think that you have to live in hiding?
– It is our duty to work for that we should have a society where it threatens, it is terrorist, running freely, while the one who has been threatened, are imprisoned in their own home.
Jailed for threats
Krekar was on Friday remanded for four weeks because of threats he made in NRK interview Wednesday. During the remand hearing argued defends Brynjar Meling that Krekar was convicted of the same threats in 2012 and that it would therefore involve a double hit to imprison him again for this.
“The court finds that although statements have roughly the same content and reality, they are now repeated several years later and is therefore to be regarded as new criminal offenses. Solicitation of murder or threat of murder is not punishable even if the corresponding threat has been put forward earlier “, writes Judge Finn Haugen ruling.
– Kurdish tradition
Under NRK interviewed said Krekar that he would send a gift if someone kills Halmat Goran. In the hearing explained Krekar what he supposedly meant by the statement:
– I have said that if he is killed, then they get a gift. There is a Kurdish tradition to give a gift when you are happy. For example if you have a child, or your son get into university. If someone gives me this message, so they deserve a gift, said Krekar.
– The court finds that the accused is reasonably suspected of criminal offenses that may result higher punishment of a prison in six months, namely for violation of Penal Code § 140 of the Penal Code § 227 second penalty option as described in the indictment, writes Judge Finn Haugen.
Penal Code §140 public inciting or prompted initiation of a criminal offense or glorified such
On Friday 20 February 2015 in an interview on NRK premises at NRK in Oslo, which was broadcast on national television on Wednesday 25 February, he stated about Halmat Goran, which he by judgment of 6 December 2012 was convicted of murder threatened: ‘I’ll send a gift to whoever kills him. ‘ This statement came after he immediately prior to the interview had specified that: ‘Not only those who listen to me, but everyone knows the punishment could kill him. All! ‘ The call must be seen in the context that he, through his authority in parts of the extreme Islamist environment over time. on several occasions and facing a larger circle of people have stated that Goran must be killed.
Straffeloven§227 other straffalteroativ for under particularly aggravating circumstances in word or deed, having threatened with a criminal offense that may result in higher penalty than 6 months in jail, under such circumstances that the threat was fit to evoke serious fear
In a TV interview with the Kurdish channel NRT sent Thursday 12 February 2015, as well as in television interview as described in In post, he proposed statements Goran Halmat as described in items I and similar statements, which after they mail In-described circumstances were suitable tila evoke serious fears. It is very aggravating threats applies solicitation murder, that he conveys threats to a very large group of people through national television and threats as they are set forth, by their nature, will trigger an uncontrollable and irrevesibel effect in the violent extremist groups they reach out.
The ruling was in line with police claim.
– Two Krekar
When Mullah Krekar arrived remand hearing clock 14.06, he had the following message for journalists were:
– I think only of my religion. I do not think other Mullah Krekar. There are two Krekars and two roads. A Krekar I am, and I have the road to god my Mullah Krekar and other and other road is the PST and the Conservatives and other uses. The media and Islam phobia. I am responsible for the initial Mullah Krekar, not the other.
– It is a shame that you should straight into prison again. It is a shame for Norway. There are 51 time I have come to court, says Krekar.
Retrieved by police Thursday
Krekar was arrested at his home Thursday night. Background are statements he made during the interview with NRK on Wednesday.
RIGHT AGAIN: Krekar arriving hearing Friday afternoon. Photo: Ola Haram / TV 2
Krekar is accused of inciting criminal acts and to having placed in the interview.
Krekar pleaded not guilty when the indictment was read. Meanwhile he agreed to answer questions.
– Is there anything you said in the interview that you believe today is clearly wrong, or that you regret?
– No, I think it’s been misinterpreted.
– Can you understand that the NN may be intimidated by your statements?
– No, I think not. He has been afraid before.
PRESS: There was a lot of press in the Oslo District Court today. Photo: Ola Haram / TV 2
Krekar said that there is nothing new in what he has said, however, and he may well repeat statements 20 times.
– Instead of laying low, select you give these two interviews? You could well refrained set up in NRK, the judge commented.
Islam-infringement is a mortal sin
In the hearing came judge into it with proportionality, whether to cause death to create a drawing that many find highly offensive and insulting.
– Do you perceive it as a proportionate sanction? judge asked.
– This with violation of Islam, so there are two different interpretations. Some accept, others not. I’m with those who do not accept this. Part of the explanation is what Islam believes and this is a violation of Islam, and they shall die as punishment , responded Krekar.
– Traditional gift giving when one is happy
The charges against Krekar was on Friday extended to include threats. Police believe he has made threats that offenses under Section 227.
In the indictment emphasizes a statement which fell about Halmat Goran, that Krekar is convicted of murder threatened.
– I’ll send a gift if someone kills him, said the mullah told NRK.
At the hearing explained Krekar what he should have meant by this statement:
– I has said that if he is killed, then they get a gift. There is a Kurdish tradition to give a gift when you are happy. Eg if you have a child, or your son get into university. If someone gives me this message, so they deserve a gift.
The second point covered by the indictment are statements in an interview with the Kurdish channel NRT. The interview was sent on 12 February.
Krekar influence
– If I asking someone to go to death, so do maybe 50, says Krekar questions from police inspector Vegard Rødås about his influence.
– So you think you have great influence when ?, asks Roda.
– There are religious influences, political influence. It is from person to person. One can get ten answers to the same question, but one can see which comes from the Quran.
It’s hard to get concrete answers, says Roda and concludes questioning of Krekar.
Meling: – Krekar says what he thinks
Police believe the terrorist danger Krekar exposes Norway for, is intolerable and must be a stop to.
– Kreakars statements helps aggravate terrorist danger, said police inspector Vegard Rødås in court.
The police will ask for four weeks imprisonment for Krekar.
The European Human Rights
Krekar defends Brynjar Meling says that there is nothing new in it Krekar said.
– He says the same as he has said all the time. He is convicted for having said this earlier and double jeopardy is not allowed, said Meling.
Meling believes it is problematic that the prosecutor cites this as a terrorist threat and that in so case would used terror clause if this was the case.
– The only new feature is that Krekar says he would have given a gift to those who have made the Qur’an believe is right punishment, says Meling.
The allegation that there was nothing new in Krekar statement is the prosecutor disagree with.
– It is not true that if one is convicted and has served for murder threats earlier, then it is not so that one can threaten people on life year after year without being punished for this. On the contrary, he should be punished harder for having made this threat again, said Roda.
(Dagbladet): Government in Council today approved a special attorney for the accused Mullah Krekar threat. Also present were Crown Prince Haakon when they secret PST evidence was submitted.
– It shall be a condition for consent that the evidence be known only for the special prosecutor, according to a report from the King in Council.
Meanwhile, the government agreed to the police to submit a graded PST report in the Court of Appeal, and use this as evidence in the appeal about mullahs forced relocation to Kyrksæterøra.
“Ministry of Justice may after consideration decide that evidence that might otherwise be kept secret in the interests of national security, may be submitted in connection with court proceedings following case: Case of trial by Oslo police district’s orders facing Najmuddin Faraj Ahmad (Mullah Krekar) about notification and specific whereabouts. It shall be a condition for consent that the evidence be known only for the special prosecutor, cf. The Immigration Act § 133 “, according to the minutes of the Council of State.
Can not talk Krekar
It is not yet known who the “special prosecutor” will.
Mette Yvonne Larsen lit Dagbladet earlier today that it is not her.
The competent lawyer will be made familiar with the PST graded report, but he may neither speak with Krekar or his lawyer Brynjar Meling.
As Dagbladet wrote yesterday will not Meling see the hemmelighetsstemplede report, and he says he is critical of this new evidence.
– We do not know what we will defend ourselves against. Mullah Krekar can not guard against it because he can not speak with the lawyer, and I can not have contact with this lawyer. There is a legal problem, says Meling NRK.
Expanded indictment
Krekar was yesterday arrested after TV interview that was shown on NRK Wednesday this week.
He is charged with violating the criminal law § 140 public inciting criminal act. The background is the statements he made in yesterday interview with NRK.
According to TV 2 was the indictment this morning expanded to include threats.
– Offences
In the interview he said among other things that people who make caricatures of Prophet Muhammad deserves to die.
– It is obvious that the statements he said to NRK yesterday are punishable under the Penal Code § 140. It has a maximum penalty of eight years to encourage criminal acts. It is obvious that he can be punished for statements, says law professor Stale Eskeland Dagbladet.
Krekar is portrayed for incarceration at 14.00 today.
Police Inspector Vegard Rødås let down alleging four weeks custody for Mullah Krekar in Oslo District Court Friday. Krekar not acknowledge guilt by accusation.
Krekar was at 15.30 o’clock taken back to jail. It is stated that the court will make a ruling during the afternoon.
– It is a shame that you have into prison again. It is a shame for Norway. It’s 51. I’m in court, said Krekar.
The prosecutor argued danger of recurrence risk. Roda shows that Krekar has repeatedly repeated threats against various parties, and that he sought at least three television stations to promote their views.
Disputed statements NRK
The controversial mullah was produced for remand in ward 828 in Oslo courthouse at 14:00 today. The hearing is open to the public and the press, declared the judge when the remand hearing started.
Krekar said he was willing to answer questions from a judge, prosecutor and defense counsel.
The reason for the charge is statements in an interview with NRK.
– Those who make the Muhammad caricatures, must die. They trample on our dignity, our principles and beliefs, he said among other things.
Displayed terrorist danger
The prosecutor believes the statements in the interview must be seen in context of overall terrorist danger.
– PST says it is 90 percent chance of terrorist attacks on Norwegian soil in 2015, said Roda and believes Krekar solicitations are helping to underpin this threat.
Roda showed the terror in Copenhagen.
– As young people come not on such actions on their own. They did not arrive so extreme interpretations that they go to such steps. This is because they are influenced and brainwashed by people Krekar, said the prosecutor.
Says he is misunderstood
Krekar came into the courtroom a few minutes after his lawyer Mehling. He did not want to answer if he regretted having set up to NRK interviewed before the court was set. Nor afterwards.
Asked by judge regarding NRK interviewed says Krekar that the statements in the interview must have been misunderstood. Moreover asks judge concrete Part of the indictment that goes on threats to freelance Gorman. Krekar said he did not realize that Gorman may have been intimidated by the statements.
– I am innocent of this, said Krekar questions from the judge after police inspector Vegard Rødås had read up points in the indictment
Claims question is cut
Krekar is accused of inciting criminal acts and to have come with threats in the interview with NRK earlier this week.
In court he When asked why he showed up in the interview.
– You must answer questions one is asked, even if the question is new. But the answer is that given earlier. There is nothing new in the answer, and I may well repeat it 20 times. But it’s not something I want to repeat, said Krekar.
He argues that NRK has deliberately cut issues.
– This interview lasted over two hours. They promised me to publish 15 minutes first on the internet, and then two hours on the internet. Had they published the interview we had not needed to discuss here and now, said Krekar.
Got questions about IS
Police Inspector Vegard Rødås wanted to know why Krekar spoke in Arabic in the interview with NRK .
– Arab words are shorter and more meaningful. Six sentences in Arabic quickly becomes ten sentences in Norwegian, said Krekar.
– It was not because you wanted to reach out to another larger group? That you would reach out to Arab part of the world?
– It felt more appropriate to speak in Arabic. Partly because of the content and themes of the interview, said Krekar.
Furthermore asked Roda about Krekar had contact with ICE?
– No, replied Krekar.
– There are Kurdish articles stating that IS has contacted you. Votes not this? Roda would know.
– Neither I nor ISIL have made contact with each other. It is impossible to have control on what is written in all media, said Krekar.
Arrested Thursday night
Krekar was arrested by police outside his residence Thursday night. Background are statements he made in an NRK interview Wednesday.
Earlier Friday morning it was announced that police have expanded indictment to include threats. Krekar is previously charged with inciting criminal acts.
– The charges are expanded. We believe he has made threats affected by Penal Code section 227, said police inspector Vegard Rødås the Oslo police told Aftenposten Friday morning.
– I can confirm that Bernt Eidsvig and finance chief is charged with aggravated fraud, says prosecutor Kristin Rusdal Oslo Police to NRK .
According to police, the church has received 50 million million in state aid that they should not have had. The church has registered immigrants from Catholic countries as members without asking.
Implemented raid Thursday morning Oslo police conducted a raid Thursday in the premises of Roman Catholic Diocese of Oslo.
Just before the clock 09.30 started 12 service people from the financial and environmental Crime Section of the Oslo police to ransack diocesan offices.
Secretary of Roman Catholic Diocese of Oslo, Gunhild Ficarra, saying that they soon will come with a press release.
– We are in close dialogue internally. We know simply no more than what is in the media, says Ficarra NRK.
Attorney Lars Holo, representing Roman Catholic Diocese of Oslo on holiday abroad and says to NRK that he can not comment on the expanded indictment against Bishop Eidsvig.
Tajik now supports seven regional organization – Oslo, Oslo, Oslo, Aust-Agder, Hedmark and Møre og Romsdal – which together have 123 of 301 delegates at Labor’s national convention, it Dagsavisen.
Region Created in Møre og Romsdal has changed opinion after having given their support to Jette Christensen as deputy.
– Both Hadia and Jette has had major responsibilities in the party. Hadia has the advantage that she has been minister while she has good contacts out in the counties. Therefore, we believe that she will be a superb deputy, says deputy Berit Tønnesen in Møre og Romsdal Labour.
After that Dagsavisen understand, acting nomination committee inning now whether to go for either Tajik or Anniken Huitfeldt. Huitfeld has like Tajik become increasingly support. Huitfeld stands strong in his home county of Akershus, and will now also support in Østfold. She is also well-liked trønder counties. But even if the two trønder counties advocates Huitfeld will Tajik still have more delegates behind him than Huitfeld.
Mulla Krekar blir fremstilt for varetektsfengsling etter sine ytringer i et NRK-intervju fredag ettermiddag. Samme dag får han oppnevnt en særskilt advokat hos Kongen i statsråd.
Årsaken til at Krekars sak havner på kronprins Haakons bord fredag er at politiet har hemmelige bevis mot mullaen som de mener styrker deres sak om at han må tvangsflyttes til Kyrksæterøra, fordi han utgjør en trussel mot rikets sikkerhet.
Beviset består av en ny, gradert rapport fra Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste (PST), som må opp for Kongen i statsråd dersom den kan brukes i ankesaken i Borgarting lagmannsrett.
Sjelden ordning Dersom denne blir godkjent, vil det oppnevnes en særskilt advokat som kan vurdere om bevisene er holdbare. Ordningen brukes i saker der det føres bevis om forhold som holdes hemmelig av hensyn til rikets sikkerhet eller forholdet til fremmed stat.
Det er bare andre gang denne spesielle loven blir brukt i norsk rettshistorie, ifølge Aftenposten. Den første saken omhandler utvisningen av eks-Taliban-minister Abdul Rauf Mohammad.
Krekars forsvarer Brynjar Meling får ikke oppgaven som særskilt advokat fordi han en part i saken. Meling er kritisk til den nye bevisføringen.
– Vi vet ikke hva vi skal forsvare oss mot. Mulla Krekar kan ikke gardere seg mot det for han kan ikke snakke med advokaten, og jeg kan heller ikke ha kontakt med denne advokaten. Det er et rettssikkerhetsproblem, sier Meling til NRK.
Advokat Mette Yvonne Larsen har nødvendig sikkerhetsklarering, og er allerede blitt spurt om å påta seg jobben, skriver VG. Hun har ikke ønsket å kommentere saken.
Statsministeren reagerer Krekar er også siktet for offentlig å ha oppfordret til straffbar handling i et intervju som ble sendt på NRK onsdag. I intervjuet sa han at personer som lager karikaturer av profeten Muhammed fortjener å dø.
Krekars uttalelser fikk blant annet statsminister Erna Solberg (H) til å reagere.
– Jeg vet at disse uttalelsene ikke er representative for muslimer flest i Norge. Vi har alle vært vitne til stort engasjement for fellesskap og samhold – og det å ta avstand fra ekstreme holdninger, sist i forbindelse med ringen av unge muslimer rundt synagogen i Oslo, sa statsministeren til NTB etter at intervjuet ble sendt.
Krekar er også politianmeldt etter et intervju med et kurdiske TV-selskap. Anmeldelsen gjelder nye trusler mot Halmat Goran. Kurderen har tidligere brent deler av Koranen.
Police were alerted to the fire bell 2:44 Thursday night. When emergency services arrived, there was a fire in a large garage which contained several vehicles.
– No one was injured, but 40-50 people had to be evacuated, said operations center in Sogn og Fjordane police.
Hordaland Police and Road Traffic Management Centre reported that a large landslide had occurred between Odda and Utne and Fv. 550 were closed. The message was based on an observation from a person who had abode on the other side of the fjord.
– It still rages. People should not drive the road now, Eli said Solberg, traffic operator at the Public Roads Administration, around 16.30
The fire department is now moving to the site with crews from both sides of the slide, wrote 110 exchange at Twitter. While Norwegian Rescue Dogs announced that five-legged was on its way.
When BT spoke to Solberg from Road Traffic Management Centre ten minutes later it turned out however that the slide was not as dramatic as first thought.
– It turns out that the slide has been over a rasoverbygg. The road is still open. We should perhaps have been a little more careful when we reported about the slide first time, she says to BT.
It is evident from the Bureau’s annual report, which is now public, that only one of the 20 policemen who are deprived of their job is a woman, newspaper VG.
In four of the cases were the police officer deprived job because corruption.
– Cases that have led to debarment position, among other things acted on gross corruption, sexual offenses, abuse of power, embezzlement and drug use. Although critics of the Bureau’s work often expressed that more should have been punished, must number of cases and penalties assessed by society’s expectations of police, could be termed as many enough and serious enough, writes Bureau report.
The Bureau further writes that during the past decade, prosecuted, indicted (tilståelsesdom) or granted writs to 196 people employed in the police. 15 employees have been notified so-called waiver, where it still has not been prosecuted even though there is enough evidence the accused’s guilt. (NTB)
It should be about an amount of 50 million and a practice that has been going on for several years.
– First we had a search warrant decision against the diocese, but now also the two accused. This is a serious charge. There is a huge amount. And there is talk misappropriate of community assets. To be one of those type of case, this is serious, says police attorney Kristin Rusdal Oslo police.
Attorney Kjell Clement Ludvigsen bishop Bernt Eidsvig that his client.
Long questioning
Police undertook Thursday a search warrant at the premises of the Diocese Akersveien in downtown Oslo and should also have been bishop residence.
Several key people in the case set Thursday in interrogation in Police Headquarters on Greenland.
– It includes the bishop and the Chief Financial Officer. There are the two who have been charged, but several are being questioned. They cooperate and testify voluntarily, says Rusdal.
She denotes interrogations as fairly extensive, and expects that they will continue beyond Thursday.
It was Thursday not likely that the police will covet any custody in the case.
– We will decide when including interrogations are done. Currently there are no indications that there is a danger of destruction of evidence or evasion in this case, she says.
The lawyer can not currently estimate how long it will take to investigate the case.
– It depends on what we find in the seizure. This should have been ongoing for several years, and I expect that there is a fairly extensive material, she said.
Members Cheat
There are undertaking Oslo Catholic Diocese who is charged with aggravated fraud of 50 million.
Around twelve police officers entered the diocesan offices Thursday morning. County Governor of Oslo and Akershus has reviewed Roman Catholicism in Norway for membership cheating. Church may have received millions of dollars more in state aid than it was entitled to.
The Catholic Church found Catholic name in the telephone directory, searched up person your number in the National Register and notified them.
– The bishop has spoken several times to Dagbladet, where he has stated that one can not see that any criminal provisions are violated. They maintain that it is not committed any criminal offense, said diocesan lawyer Lars Holo VG.
Powerful medlemsvekst
Bishop Bernt Eidsvig were advised practice in 2012. The following year adopted episcopal council to liquidate method, but the practice of it should nevertheless have continued.
Eidsvig have regretted that decision was not implemented immediately. He said following Dagbladet Tuesday:
– The question is whether you have an intention, I think, to register people who are not Catholics. We have never tried it. We registered persons who are not, it is well no doubt. But I do not think that it is a clean registry anywhere in any denomination, without any excuse.
According to the diocesan attorney Lars Holo is the surprised reaction.
– They do not agree that there has been a punishable offense, and they is puzzled by the indictment says Holo NRK.