Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Norwegians celebrated New Year with drunkenness and violence – Bergens Tidende

Norwegians celebrated New Year with drunkenness and violence – Bergens Tidende

In Bergen had an 18-year-old sent to hospital with eye injury after a close encounter with fireworks. He was seriously injured, according to Haukeland University Hospital.

In the center of Oslo, a man police said turned down by a motorist outside a pub in Rådhusgata. The man was seriously injured.

In the center of Halden was a man in his 20s turned down. He was unconscious several times and was sent to hospital, said Østfold police.

On Kolbotn square in Oppegård had many gathered to celebrate the New Year and it was near-brawl, reports Follo police. In Tønsberg was a man hit in the arm by a rocket.

Drunk children

Follo police could on Thursday also report that a binge drunk teenager had been taken care of. In Kristiansund had a 17 year old boy fired fireworks and then tried to run away from the police.

– He was flamboyant, was driven home to mother and reported, highlighting Romsdal and Nordmøre police.

Elsewhere notified police about full children. In Harstad police had to retrieve a binge drunk children under 16 years. Person was so drunk that he had to be sent to the emergency room, police said.

– The parents are notified. Not a good start to the new year, says the operations center in Midre Hålogaland police.


New Year’s Eve was fired fireworks at a value of 40 million, according to estimates from Statistics Norway. In Bergen was sent around 300 kg fireworks. In Stavanger, the sky decorated with 150 kg fireworks in rain and fog. Fog was also in Oslo, which contributed to poor visibility for the many people who wanted to watch.

According to the Oslo police met 50,000 people up at City Hall Square, without reports of

casualties. But the police confiscated a portion fireworks.

At the docks in Drøbak met 1,500 people up to see the fireworks. Follo police reported good mood of the place.

As good mood were it not for an inmate in Sor-Trondelag. He alerted the police that the house had been hit by a missile that neighbor had fired. An hour into the new year got police in Stavanger message that someone had fired rockets inside a bus heading to the city.


In Ålesund had fire brigade scramble to extinguish a grass fire on the city mountain Sugarloaf. In connection warned Sunnmøre Police against rockets antennas terrain.

– Do not send these up. This will now be reviewed, said in a statement, followed by three exclamation points.

Same Police also received notification heather fire on Ellingsøy in Ålesund.

Several places in the country came the messages about smoke from apartments. There was also a residential fire in Alta, and the police were notified about drinking and driving a number of locations around the country.

elevator ride and poems

In Trondheim got some people experience an elevator ride at the entrance to the new year. Firefighters had to be called to get them out of the elevator they were stuck in the mill Borg.

– Tip – do not skip the elevator, concluded Sør-Trøndelag police after the incident.

Follo police chose also their words carefully, marking the new year with a poem. “When we closed the gate to totusenogfjorten. May the new year be great. Good wishes from us dressed in blue. “


Norwegians celebrated New Year with drunkenness and violence – Aftenposten

Norwegians celebrated New Year with drunkenness and violence – Aftenposten

In Bergen had an 18-year-old sent to hospital with eye injury after a close encounter with fireworks. In Tønsberg was a man hit in the arm by a rocket.

The preliminary most serious incident took place in the center of Oslo, where a man police said was struck down by a motorist outside a pub in Rådhusgata. The man was seriously injured.

In the center of Halden was a man in his 20s turned down. He was unconscious several times and was sent to hospital, said Østfold police.

On Kolbotn square in Oppegård had many gathered to celebrate the New Year and it was near-brawl, reports Follo police.

Follo police could on Thursday also report that a binge drunk teenager had been taken care of.

In Kristiansund had a 17 year old boy fired fireworks and then tried to run

away from police.

– He was flamboyant, was driven home to mother and reported, highlighting Romsdal and Nordmøre police.

Elsewhere notified police about full children. In Harstad police had fetch a binge drunk youth under 16 years. The child was so drunk that he had to be sent to the emergency room, police said.

– The parents are notified. Not a good start to the new year, says the operations center in Midre Hålogaland police.

Published: 01.jan. 2015 1:59


Swedish man found dead at Stord –

Swedish man found dead at Stord –

En svensk statsborger er funnet død i et kafebygg på Kværnes anlegg på Stord, melder Mannen, som tirsdag ble meldt savnet av kjæresten, har trolig vært død i flere dager.

Det er så langt ikke mistanke om at noe straffbart har skjedd.

- Men siden han var alene og det er en mann i 40-årene, gjør vi som rutinene er: Vi bevarer åstedet til vi kjenner konklusjonen av obduksjonen, i tilfelle det skulle komme en overraskelse, sier operasjonsleder Jarle Utne-Reitan i Haugaland og Sunnhordland politidistrikt til BT.

John Arne Markussen

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Med vennlig hilsen John Arne Markussen, sjefredaktør


Father (47) and son (17) was found dead on a farm in Levanger –

Father (47) and son (17) was found dead on a farm in Levanger –

(Dagbladet): A father and son were early today found dead on a farm in Levanger in Nord-Trondelag, after the police call a “family tragedy”.

Police main theory is that the one man killed the other, to then commit suicide. The theory that it was a family tragedy, the police said was strengthened throughout the day today.

– There is talk of father and son. Son is 17 years old, father is 47 years old, says police lawyer Tove Jensen Rødde Suresnes at a press conference at 18 today.

Police do not want to go into what order the deaths have occurred in or to disclose the identity of the deceased.

– But we suspect homicide and suicide, says Rødde sandbanks.

The discovery of neighbor

Family members had not made contact with the residents on the farm and had asked neighbors go and investigate. The neighbor who passed away, found early today a dead man on the farm.

When the police arrived, it turned out to be two dead men. There were no other present on the farm, when police got there.

– There are no eyewitnesses who have seen something of the incident, said police prosecutor at the press conference.

Police believe the two may have been dead for a while and have not determined when the deaths allegedly occurred.

– At least one of the

two is suffered physical injuries, said operations manager Johnny Olsen Dagbladet earlier today.

Questioning and crime technical investigations

Father and son were both Norwegian nationals and is not acquaintance of the police. Police said at the press conference today that they can rule out that someone else was involved in the deaths.

– We can not exclude anything at this time. The investigation has strengthened main theory that it is a family tragedy, said sheriff Anne B. Ulvin at the press conference.

She says they currently have undertaken the examination of witnesses and crime technical studies, which have strengthened this theory. Crime scene investigations is closed for the evening, but will continue tomorrow.

– The deceased will be sent to autopsy, and is expected examined during Friday 2 January, police said.

A crisis team attends now the family of the deceased. Police will hold a press conference about new deaths on Friday.

Are you on the spot? If you have tips, photos, videos or information? Tell us on 24 00 0:00, send SMS / MMS to 2400 or use


Police theory: – Killings and even the killing of farm – NRK

Police theory: – Killings and even the killing of farm – NRK

– Two people have been found dead on a farm in Halsan Levanger Municipality. There are two men, and the police headquarters theory present time is that it is a family tragedy, says Anne B. Ulvin, sheriff Levanger, at the press conference 15 o’clock.

Police was notified about the incident clock 11:09, and pulled out.

– When police arrived the place was very unclear situation, and we chose to arm ourselves, says Ulvin.

There were no other present on the farm when police arrived.

One may have killed the other

The men were Norwegian and there were signs that one was exposed to violence.

– We are early investigation phase. As I said, the police headquarters theory that this is talking about a family tragedy, said police lawyer Tove Jensen Rødde Suresnes in North Trøndelag police.

– What we suspect is that the one killed the other, and so taken his own life. There is one theory we adopt, she explains.

(The case continues below)

FOUND DEAD: Police vehicles near the place where two men were found dead in Levanger.

Photo: Vegard Woll / NRK

Meanwhile investigator police preliminary wide, she says. Several criminal investigators working on site, in addition to being questioned. Gradually conducted autopsies of deceased.

– Given that we have not yet determined a final identity, we can not go out with their identity, nor with the family relationship between them. That’s where we stand at the present time, according Rødde sandbanks.

Can have happened prior in time

– There is a family that is not known to the police before, says sheriff Ulvin.

– This may indicate that this has happened a little before the police got the

message. It is in any case the theory we have right now, she explains.

There were family members who called neighbors and asked them to do research on the farm.

– The reason was that the family had not made contact with his family, who lived on the farm, tells Ulvin.

(The article continues below the video)

WATCH VIDEO: Police responding to press questions about the deaths in Levanger.

Neighbour found dead man

– When the neighbor came to the court, that neighbor one dead person . When police through increased property, we found even a dead person, said Ulvin.

Crisis Team Levanger Municipality is in place, and will follow up the family close.

– We have not finally identification of the two men found dead, and we are not finished with notification of all relatives, explains Ulvin.

Owner of the farm

The owner of the farm is the one who is found dead, confirmed Ulvin when a journalist asked about this at the press conference.

– Everything indicates that, responding sheriff.

Preliminary police will not say how many live on the farm.

Police will not elaborate anything about how long they think people may have lain dead on the farm.

– It may be slightly time, but will not estimate any time on it, says Ulvin.

(The article continues below the video)

VIDEO: Police on the spot where the two were found dead.

Death when police arrived

Both men were dead when police and paramedics arrived at the site.

No one is so far arrested in connection with the incident.

The men are Norwegian, according Operations Officer. He would not go out with age on the two dead, or what relationship they have.

Olsen would not say whether the men lived on the farm.


Fireworks thefts a number of places in the country – Fædrelandsvennen

Fireworks thefts a number of places in the country – Fædrelandsvennen

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    Two men found dead on farm – Adresseavisen

    Two men found dead on farm – Adresseavisen

    Two men are found dead on a farm in Levanger, police in Nord-Trondelag. They got the message event clock 11:09.

    – It was neighbors who reported to us, says operations Johnny Olsen at Nord-Trøndelag Police District

    If you have tips or images in this matter? Send email to or use codewords TIPS to phone number 07200.

    – At least one sustained injuries

    He says that they have now implemented investigation.

    – We suspect that a crime has occurred. At least one of the two is suffered physical injuries, says Olsen.

    He said that correctional professionals are at the farm where the two men were found.

    – They shall ensure tracks at the scene, for to establish what has happened, says


    No arrested

    Police have announced a press conference on the matter 15 o’clock at Verdal sheriff’s office.

    – Is anyone arrested in the case?

    – No one is arrested, responds Olsen.

    He said that the relatives are not notified. According Olsen live several people at the farm where the two men were found dead.

    Armed themselves

    For VG informs operation manager that armed police who managed to the farm where the two were found dead.

    – We can confirm that armed police who managed to the farm. The reason is that we got conflicting information from the public, he said to the newspaper.


    Mons gives wet New Year’s Eve in Northern Norway – Aftenposten

    Mons gives wet New Year's Eve in Northern Norway – Aftenposten

    Spider has updated its terms of use. These terms apply to the use of spider for all sites using spider (,, etc). In these terms, it is now more information:

    • What personal data processed
    • What information used to (deliver the services you have ordered, improve services and limit abuse, customize content to the individual
    user, as well as analysis of market trends)
  • How and for what purpose the information may be shared with Schibsted affiliates
  • Your right to get more information and access to recorded information.
  • You can read the whole new user agreement here.


    LATEST: Bergensbanen closed by landslides – NRK

    LATEST: Bergensbanen closed by landslides – NRK

    – Me fekk exactly the message that it has gone library database for landslide next Dale Garden, victory operation owner Morten crown in Hordaland Police NRK just after at 9:20.

    – It has gone over the railway line and further over Gamlevegen between two tunnels. Driving Rented Inga to train is tearing down, so there will be delays on the Bergen Railway today, put he added.

    30m Typha

    It should not vera someone persons, bilar or trains is taken by the landslide at Dale Hordaland. Police believe it will take time to clean slide, då the stones are large, and because the slide is very.

    – Stein has been describe as big as a refrigerator, and there are people on the road to check this. The slide is describe as circa 30 meters Typha, so ya gotta reikne that it takes some time to clean up, victory crown.

    Police fekk message about the slide at 9:14 and there was a person who was in area that the forecast upon.

    Passed EiT quarters before the slide

    NSB fekk quick message about the slide at Dale, and has received subsides all trains and evacuating the passengers.

    – avalanche plant mounted in the area worked excellent and

    the forecast all trains in good time, so there was never anything dramatic, victory Håkon Myhre, communications advisor in NSB.

    – Me is happy that when something like that happens, it happens without that there are trains in immediate an understand- ing. Eit trains on East side of Dale facility and a Bergen Sida Dale lasted stopped and då talks me that it eine train has passed EiT fifteen minutes before the landslide losing, he says.

    Alternative transport is set up

    Dei travelers who are on board local toga in the vicinity of Dale being evacuated over the bus, and it is seen up alternative transportation.

    – Me has received Started ein provisional bus shuttle which covers the something of need between Dale and Bergen and between Arna and Bergen victory Myhre.

    – Our focus uk is to solve the alternative transport section for our customers, add he added.

    Rail is going to come with ein statement of what that can be done and choir quickly it can be done.

    NRK update case.


    Tuesday, December 30, 2014

    Freezing Rain creates delays in air traffic and trouble on the roads – Rome Blad

    Freezing Rain creates delays in air traffic and trouble on the roads – Rome Blad

    – When there are ten degrees below zero in the ground and the rain, then freeze it immediately. Then it is simply not safe either to facilitate or to land, says media consultant at Oslo Airport, Lasse André Vang Stein said.

    Prioritizes landings

    Both runways were closed around the clock 15. Shortly after at 16, it was reported that one runway was reopened.

    – We are running on chemicals to get melted ice and prioritizes airplane to come in for landing. We have good preparedness for this, but the job must be done and it takes the time it takes, says Vang Stein.

    He had no idea of ​​how many flights were affected by inclement weather. Passengers are asked to come to the airport as normal and follow any delays and cancellations. Travelers must assume that the delays will propagate throughout the afternoon and evening.

    Oslo Airport has posted the following message on its website:

    “Oslo Airport has a message to all passengers. Because of weather conditions, it may be

    delays throughout the afternoon and evening. We apologize for any inconvenience. Passengers are requested to meet the normal time. For more information, please contact your airline. “

    – Very slippery roads

    roads in eastern is also very smooth, and several cars have already been exposed to accidents.

    Incident in Romerike Police reported the following on Twitter: “Message from the patrols out on Romerike on very slippery roads. Are minus degrees, but started to rain. Freezing rain. Sprinkle Cars notified. “

    So far there are no reports of serious injuries.

    • VIDEO: Can you control the car on slippery roads?
    • VIDEO: How fast can you stop on slippery roads?
    • VIDEO: How to turn away obstacles smooth finish!

    Pregnant woman with four children went off the road in Akershus –

    Pregnant woman with four children went off the road in Akershus –

    A car with a Swedish woman and four children went off the road at Aurskog-Holand Akershus Tuesday night. The pregnant woman is unharmed, police said.

    The woman was flown to Akershus University Hospital (Ahus) after the descent, police said.

    She is unharmed, said Hedmark Police on Twitter just before 23 Tuesday night.

    There were four

    children aged 12 to 15 years in the car, which after the descent were sent to emergency for the check.

    Police was notified about the incident at the 1930 time Tuesday night.



    Car with pregnant woman drove off the road – TV 2

    Car with pregnant woman drove off the road – TV 2

    A pregnant woman being taken to hospital in ambulance after a downhill on the border between Hedmark and Akershus Tuesday night.

    – The woman had pain in the legs and abdomen and is transported to Ahus University. The four children in the car being driven to the doctor for check, informs Operations Hedmark Police Bjorn Lagmansveen.

    Police writes on Twitter just before 23 the woman to be undamaged.

    The accident happened on County Road 21 in Romerike side of the border. There

    were six people in the car that ended up off the road. An adult man and woman and four children aged 12-15 years. The family will be from Sweden.

    Police said that the children were sent for a medical check, but to be unharmed.

    It was raining and freezing temperatures on site. Freezing rain may have caused the car fell off the road. Several other places in eastern there were slippery roads Tuesday night.


    Mother victim of violence – son charged with killing her – Adresseavisen

    Mother victim of violence – son charged with killing her – Adresseavisen

    When police arrived at the address, they found a woman who clearly had been exposed to violence, according to operations manager Øyvind Strømsborg in Romerike Police.

    – The person was pronounced dead shortly after emergency services were in place, he says to Rome Blad.

    Police were on the scene in 5:30 o’clock Tuesday morning after reports of trouble from detached in a residential area on Fjellhamar Lørenskog. There they found a woman in 60s dead. Her husband and the couple’s son was also in the apartment. Son, which is in the 40s, was shortly afterwards arrested and charged with murder on his mother.

    – Husband testimony is naturally very important, says police lawyer Jon Letnes, which will not elaborate how he believes his father the accused can illuminate murder case or whether he witnessed the murder plot.

    Notification racket

    It is not known how the son endorses the accusation. At a press conference Tuesday afternoon would Letnes not out with details about the killing, possibly murder weapon or persons involved in the case.

    – We believe that we have the right culprit, yet there remains much

    work, he says.

    The accused is probably produced for custody Wednesday.

    The defender, attorney Cato Johannessen had Tuesday afternoon not talked to the accused and therefore could not comment on the matter NTB.

    He aimed to meet his client later that day.


    The lawyer is not aware that the police have previously moved out of the residence in some regard. The accused is registered with any relationship with the police, but no serious, according to police lawyer Letnes.

    Crime Technicians worked Tuesday at the scene, and the property is cordoned off.

    – I have understood it that he was visiting and not staying there even says Letnes

    The murdered woman was through nearly 30 years employed in a municipality in eastern Norway. She has worked with domestic violence, newspaper VG.

    – Now we’re planning a commemoration on her last work in the municipality, says the head of health and social department of the municipality.


    Conservative politician from Hordaland acquitted of assault –

    Conservative politician from Hordaland acquitted of assault –

    A Conservative politician from Hordaland is acquitted of sexual assault on a minor girl.

    The man is elected for the Conservative council of a municipality in Hordaland. Earlier this month he stood indicted in Nordhordland District Court for assaulting a minor girl. She has heard by a judge explained that he assaulted her 10 to 15 times from 2010 to the summer of 2012.

    The judges believe it is not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the man has abused the girl and therefore chose to acquit him, writes Bergens Tidende.

    prosecutors in Hordaland has appealed to the Court

    of Appeal, said the man lawyer, Lars Christian Sunde.

    – He’s relieved the result in court, but is also prepared that it now becomes a new round in court, says defender, who did not want to comment on the verdict somewhat closer.

    Right-politician requested exemption from all political meetings in their municipality when he was reviewed. He has always denied having abused the girl.



    Gardermoen opened after iskaos – but soaped on the roads –

    Gardermoen opened after iskaos – but soaped on the roads –

    Are you on slippery? Have tips, photos or video? Tell us on 24 00 0:00, SMS / MMS 2400 or

    E6 / OSLO (Dagbladet): It is very demanding driving conditions in eastern and Oslo Gardermoen Airport was closed for a period.

    The time 16 reports Oslo Gardermoen Airport (OSL) on Twitter that both runways at the airport is opened after værkaoset that enabled them to shut all traffic on Tuesday afternoon, but roads in the area is slippery by freezing rain. Despite freezing rains the water settles and freezes the ground.

    Dagbladet ran E16 and E6 from Kongsvinger to Oslo this afternoon. The roads were very slippery and it was slow moving queue in and out of Oslo. Several cars standing with its flashers on along the road, and several hold around 60/70 km / h on the highway leading to Gardermoen.

    Police warn

    The same is reported by several police:

    – Warning to the Wayfarers in Østfold: Due precipitation and cold weather, it is sometimes very slippery throughout district,

    especially small roads, reports Østfold police.

    Oslo police report very slippery roads, and says that it sprinkled several places.

    – Message from the patrols out on Romerike about very slippery roads. Are minus degrees, but started to rain. Freezing rain. Sprinkle Cars notified, according Romerike Police.

    On heels

    The reason that Gardermoen was closed was that the runways were frozen.

    – It is freezing on the ground; ten degrees below zero and then it started to rain. It has frozen and is awful slick. We have to add chemicals before we can operate air traffic further, said pressevakt Lasse Vang Stein at OSL to Dagbladet 15.25 o’clock.

    Fly that should and must take off and travel towards Gardermoen, was told to wait.

    – But some are already in the air, so we are working full with getting it ready so they can land, says Vang Stein.


    Manslaughter in Lørenskog: Police do not know the subject – Aftenposten

    Manslaughter in Lørenskog: Police do not know the subject – Aftenposten

    Police were alerted to trouble at the site of a neighbor just after 5:30 o’clock. Shortly after emergency services arrived, the woman was confirmed dead.

    Tuesday clock 14 keeps police press conference at Lørenskog sheriff’s office.

    – In this residence encounters we three people: Mother, father and son , of which the mother is killed. When their son is accused of murder, lighted police lawyer Jon Letnes.

    The woman, who was in the middle of the 60s, was clearly the victim of violence, the police informed earlier today. The accused is in early 40s.

    – We believe that we clearly have the correct culprit, but much work remains. After the knowledge we have we considered it appropriate to aim he said Letnes at the press conference, without wanting to elaborate on what kind of information this is.

    – Know nothing about the subject

    We are not doubt that we have the right culprit, he repeated.

    The accused are former registered with any relationship with the police, but no serious.

    -Altså he no close acquaintance of the police, lighted Letnes. The accused was after that he knew of visiting parents.

    He would not say anything about the cause of death, the woman

    injuries and possibly murder weapon.

    – We must have some information for ourselves yet.

    Nor did he know the subject.

    – I know nothing about, said Letnes.

    It is scheduled detention meeting tomorrow. He stated that the police now interrogating witnesses and making surveys of neighbors. Anniversaries will be autopsied today, Tuesday.

    Letnes would not comment on whether the father was witness to the killing action, but said that he will be an important witness.

    – There are quiet people

    A neighbor Aftenposten spoke earlier today, says that he has not seen any trouble earlier from the family, or other types of events that indicate that there has been some strife in the family.

    – There are quiet people, he said to Aftenposten.

    Published: 30.des. 2014 1:55 p.m.


    Indicted mother involuntary refuses to eat – Osloby

    Indicted mother involuntary refuses to eat – Osloby

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    • What personal data processed
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    individual user, as well as analysis of market trends)
  • How and for what purpose the information may be shared with Schibsted affiliates
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  • You can read the whole new user agreement here.


    Son charged with murder of his mother – Nettavisen

    Son charged with murder of his mother – Nettavisen

    Shopping med annonselenker

    Drapsalarmen har gått på Fjellhamar i Lørenskog. En kvinne er bekreftet omkommet etter det politiet mener er en voldshandling.

    (Romerikes Blad) FJELLHAMAR: Politiadvokat Jon Letnes bekrefter overfor Romerikes Blad at det er sønnen som er pågrepet og siktet i saken.

    – Han er siktet for forsettlig drap på sin egen mor, sier Letnes klokka 09.13.

    – Kvinnens mann vitne til drapet

    Hendelsen skal ha skjedd på en privatadresse på Fjellhamar. Politiet ble varslet om bråk på stedet av naboer like etter klokka 05.30 og var kort tid etter på plass på stedet.

    – Ved politiets ankomst til adressen, så fant vi en kvinne som tydelig var blitt utsatt for vold. Vedkommende ble erklært død kort tid etter at nødetatene var på plass. Åstedet er sperret av, og vi har skaffet oss kontroll på det vi mener er gjerningsmannen, opplyser operasjonsleder Øyvind Strømsborg i Romerike politidistrikt ti Romerikes Blad. 

    Politiadvokat Jon

    Letnes opplyser at tre personer var i boligen da den første politipatruljen ankom åstedet.

    – Vi påtraff tre personer i boligen: Mor, far og sønn. Mor var drept, og sønnen er siktet for forsettlig drap på sin egen mor, sier Letnes.

    Sønnen er i begynnelsen av 40-årene, mens moren er i midten av 60-årene, opplyser politiet.

    Faren til siktede er gift med den avdøde kvinnen.

    – Han var tilstede da hendelsen skjedde, sier Letnes.

    Ingen kjenning

    Den siktede sønnen er tidligere registrert med noen forhold hos politiet, men ingen av disse skal dreie seg om alvorlige forhold.

    – Han er ingen nær kjenning av politiet, sier Letnes til Romerikes Blad. 

    Politiadvokaten ønsker ikke å opplyse noe mer om hvordan drapet skal ha skjedd, eller hva som kan være motivet for handlingen.

    – Vi kommer ikke til å gå ut med mer om omstendighetene rundt drapet eller på hvilken måte dette har skjedd. Det kan vi ikke på nåværende tidspunkt. Det er så tidlig i fasen, og vi må snakke mer med sentrale personer og vitner om detaljer rundt det som skjedde, sier Letnes.

    – Er det rus med i bildet?

    – Det har vi ingen formening om, svarer han.

    Eiendommen sperret av

    Han gjentar at det er tidlig i etterforskningsfasen.

    – Etterforskningen går sin gang med kriminaltekniske undersøkelser. Det vil være avhør av vitner, mens vi også vil foreta rundspørring i området. Vi er i startfasen, og noe mer enn vi har gått ut med nå, kan vi ikke si, sier Letnes.

    RB-journalist Jon Theodor Hauger-Dalsgard ankom åstedet i 08.45-tida.

    – Hele eiendommen er sperret av. Teknikerne er nå ankommet åstedet, og én politipatrulje holder vakt ved eiendommen, sier han.

    Les flere saker hos Romerikes Blad.


    Five evacuated after Hitra-fire – Sunnmørsposten

    Five evacuated after Hitra-fire – Sunnmørsposten

    The five were evacuated from their homes because of toxic fumes. Other neighbors volunteered to find other places to sleep for the night, said operations manager Ebbe Kimo in Sør-Trøndelag Police Adresseavisen.

    The nearest houses are located 40-50 meters away shop Alfo and an associated warehouse, where the fire started Monday evening.

    – There is much combustible material in the store, and passersby hear bangs and explosions, police said Monday night.

    – The buildings belonging to the store Alfo is completely destroyed and burned probably down to reason. The fire department’s priority to prevent the spread and trying to make a vannmur by built, says operations manager in Sør-Trøndelag Police Bjorn Handegard said.

    The nearest houses are located 40-50 meters away, and a few households are evacuated because of the smoke, police said.

    Ensures boats

    There is much combustible material in the store, including fertilizers and oil products. The premises formerly belonged Felleskjöpet and store still selling all of the company’s products.


    also owns a hall that can store boats, cars, campers and caravans, writes store on their websites. Everything is probably lost in the fire.

    Redningsskøyta assists with securing boats moored on the spot, police said.

    – The shop is located just off the harbor, and it is therefore difficult to rescue boats closest country, because it is too hot there. They go probably lost in the fire, said Handegard.

    Uncertain cause

    The fire must have started in the building’s second floor, but it is still too early to say what might be the cause of the fire , police said.

    It should not have been people in the buildings that burns, police said.

    Police were alerted to the fire bell 20.37 Monday night.

    – The fire developed rapidly. When we came here, smoke it vigorously. Suddenly flames through the roof, and the entire building was ablaze in a short time, says a witness to the fire to local newspaper Hitra-Frøya.


    Monday, December 29, 2014

    Five residents evacuated after Hitra-fire – impossible to extinguish – Aftenposten

    Five residents evacuated after Hitra-fire – impossible to extinguish – Aftenposten

    Five people had to spend Tuesday night in the hotel due to a fire at Fillan docked at Hitra in Sør-Trøndelag.

    The five were evacuated from their homes because of toxic fumes. Other neighbors volunteered to find other places to sleep for the night, said operations manager Ebbe Kimo in Sør-Trøndelag Police Adresseavisen.

    The nearest houses are located 40-50 meters away shop Alfo and an associated warehouse, where the fire started Monday night.

    The fire was powerful and it was heard bangs.

    It was not possible to extinguish the fire and fire crews pretended therefore store and warehouse burn down in a controlled manner, while they were running after extinguishing through the night. No people were injured.

    Equipment shop Alfo sell work clothes, fishing equipment, tools and boating equipment. It was much combustible material in the store, including fertilizers and

    petroleum products and great values ​​went probably lost in the fire. Stockroom associated store, storage for boats, campers and caravans.

    The fire must have started in the building’s second floor, but it is still too early to say what might be the cause, police said.

    – We stand on the pier and see that it burns down. It is terribly sad for those who own the store. It is obvious great value there, says neighbor Monika Glørstad.

    Police were alerted to the fire bell 20.37 Monday night. (© NTB)

    Published: 30.des. 2014 6:20


    Hear bangs from burning buildings on Hitra – VG

    Hear bangs from burning buildings on Hitra – VG

    Five people had to spend Tuesday night in the hotel due to a fire at Fillan docked at Hitra in Sør-Trøndelag.

    The five were evacuated from their homes because of toxic fumes. Other neighbors volunteered to find other places to sleep for the night, said operations manager Ebbe Kimo in Sør-Trøndelag Police Adresseavisen.

    The nearest houses are located 40-50 meters away shop Alfo and an associated warehouse, where the fire started Monday night.

    The fire was powerful and it was heard bangs. It was not possible to extinguish the fire and fire crews pretended therefore store and warehouse burn down in a controlled manner, while they were running after extinguishing through the night. No people were injured.

    Equipment shop Alfo sell work clothes, fishing equipment, tools and boating equipment. It was much combustible material in the store, including fertilizers and petroleum products and great values ​​went probably lost in the fire. Stockroom associated store, storage for boats, campers and caravans.

    The fire must have started in the building’s second floor, but it is still too early to say what might be the cause, police said.

    – We stand on the pier and see that it burns down. It is terribly sad for those who own the store. It is obvious great value there, says neighbor Monika Glørstad.

    Police were alerted to the fire bell 20.37 Monday night.


    Government wants all dead will be autopsied – NRK

    Government wants all dead will be autopsied – NRK

    On Sunday evening sat NRK spotlight on the number of forensic autopsies are almost halved in 25 years, after each police even had to cover costs. Where you live in the country also has a bearing on whether the police requesting an autopsy.

    The government has submitted a draft law on new rules for autopsy, said Undersecretary Hans J. Røsjorde.

    Photo: Eirik Hildal

    Monday says Justice and Public Security to NRK that the government has submitted a draft law in December about new rules for autopsy, where the partly proposes to legislate a duty to consider the autopsy on all deaths and an obligation to prove that the assessment is done.

    This will help to increase attention that it is important to conduct more autopsies and about which deaths should be considered more closely, said State Secretary Hans J. Røsjorde (FRP) of the Justice and Public Security to NRK.

    DRASTIC REDUCTION: Tall NRK has collected shows that autopsy numbers dropped drastically shortly after expenses were moved from a centralized fund to the individual police in 1992.

    Photo: NRK

    – A more comprehensive legislation on autopsies

    After Justice on 31 December 1991 removed a central fund that covered all expenses at autopsy and transport, were spending responsibilities assigned each police district. This led to autopsy numbers plummeted.

    Autopsy figures fell from over 3,000 in the peak year 1989 below 2000 in 1993. This year’s figures were 1712 autopsies in mid December. Figures NRK has collected also shows that there are major differences in how many being autopsied by police district to because of economic priorities.

    Head of Communications in the justice and emergency ministry, Gunnar A. Johansen, says that the purpose with the proposals is to achieve a more comprehensive legislation on autopsies and increasing autopsy rate by determining a requirement to consider autopsy at all deaths.

    – Although the proposed new legislation does not directly go on forensic autopsies, will by increasing the number of medical autopsies also likely uncover more unnatural deaths requiring expert likundersøkelse, Johansen says to NRK.

    /serum/render?id=1.12119399&size=10&perspective=RICH&alignment=AUTO&caption=FRYKTER+DRAP+G%C3%85R+UNDER+RADAREN%3A+Grete+Lien+Metlid+frykter+at+noen+drap+blir+oversett+fordi+vi+gjennomf%C3%B8rer+for+f%C3%A5+rettsmedisinske+obduksjoner%2C+og+mener+at+den+lave+obduksjonsraten+er+en+trussel+mot+rettssikkerheten.&parentSize=10 --->

    FEARS MURDER GOING UNDER RADAR: Grete Lien Metlid fear that some murders are ignored because we carry too few forensic autopsies, and believes that the low autopsy rate is a threat to legal certainty.

    – A danger of legal certainty

    Both Section Grete Lien Metlid by violence section of the Oslo police and coroner Torleiv Ole Rognum Institute of Forensic Medicine at Rikshospitalet in Oslo said NRK that they fear that some murders are ignored because we conducting forensic autopsies get, and believe that the low autopsy rate is a threat to legal certainty.

    – There is an economic problem here. Transport is expensive, and the autopsy rate decreases substantially with increasing distance from the forensic centers. Since a low autopsy rate increases the likelihood that one can overlook criminal acts, then this constitutes a danger to legal certainty, said Rognum NRK.

    He was supported by Lien Metlid, who believe that the time is ripe for a new funding.

    – The best would be if we got a centralized funding, which enables the individual police district economy has nothing to say about the conduct autopsies, said Lien Metlid NRK.

    BIG DIFFERENCES: Tall NRK has collected shows that there are large geographical differences on whether police requisitioning forensic autopsies.

    Photo: NRK

    Performs far fewer autopsies than the recommended

    There is a distinction between legal / forensic autopsy and clinical / academic autopsy. In the latter it is the treating physician requesting autopsy while the police or the courts crave forensic autopsy. This applies unnatural deaths where the cause is unknown and death have occurred suddenly and unexpectedly.

    State Health recommends autopsy of 40 percent of those who die. The number of autopsies is ten percent of the total number of deaths in Norway, while Finland is tight up to 30 percent.

    First Attorney Katharina Rise by Attorney General’s Office wrote in an email to NRK that they are familiar with the decline in the number of forensic autopsies and that they repeatedly have been in dialogue with Justice and Public Security and expressed concern about the decline.

    Ministry of Justice announced last week that they do not have plans to change the funding 2015.

    SE fixture in Dagsrevyen ABOUT autopsy: The experienced Coroner Torleiv Ole Rognum are concerned about the large differences in the number of autopsies petitions from police district to.
