Thursday, November 3, 2016

- Was part of the Prophet’s Ummah-the environment in record time – the Newspaper.en

(Dagbladet): – He had frequent meetings with the Ubaydullah, and was part of the Prophet’s Ummah-the environment in record time, ” says district attorney, Frederik G. Ranke in the Oslo city court.

unable to travel

Ranke will show the court that a terrortiltalt 19-year-old from Oslo was referring to The islamic state (IS) in Syria, but was cut off from this when he was arrested in Gothenburg last summer.

The young convert’s defenders on their side will prove that he should join a different militant group, who are not in the Un terrorliste.

He does not dispute that is is a terrorist organisation, and that he was going to Syria. But he rejects that he should join ICE, ” says defender Javeed H. Shah.

19-year-old refuses straffskyld.

Over 1,000 different groups

Ekstremismeforsker Lars Yellow to testify as expert witness in the case. He believes prosecutors have a task to prove that the young Oslo-the man actually was going to Syria to fight for IS.

TO WITNESS: Ekstremismeforsker Lars Yellow to testify in the trial. Photo: Tomm W. Christiansen / Dagbladet Show more

- There are over 1,000 different militias in Syria, of which the most famous is The free syrian army, says the Yellow face of the Newspaper.

Approx. 90 norwegians have traveled to Syria to fight in the conflict, and converts are overrepresented among those who have joined the Yellow call the most extreme groups. He warns against to draw hasty conclusions from this.

- It is easy feilkonklusjon; because others who have traveled have joined the extreme gruper, need not all to have done it, ” he says.


19-year-old has been varetekstfengslet since the arrest in June of last year, and is, according to the defender Nils Christian Nordhus characterized by this. He planned to start his explanation in the afternoon.

- He thinks it's a great påacquaintance å sit down the prison så long

Oslo, norway-the man is prosecuted under penal code section 147d, which describes the participation in terrorist organizations. He risks six years in prison if he is found guilty.

Ubaydullah Hussain (31) is accused of having recruited 19-year-old and a now deceased Halden-man to the ICE. In addition, he is indicted for having kept a stun guns and threatened a witness.

Also Hussain refuses straffskyld, with the exception of the point about elektrosjokkvåpenet.

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