Thursday, November 3, 2016

Convicted of hate speech against Ap-deputy chairman – NRK

at the same time, he must pay 10.000 dollars in fines, alternative prison in 15 days unless the fine is paid.

the Background is that in april commented on an NRK article that was on Facebook. In the article the deputy leader of the Labour party, Hadia May favour a republic in the Uk, According to the indictment from the Statsadvokatene in Nordland shall a man have written the following:

“I will have her shot. Bounty of 50 million will be paid if I get sent griseørene her. To cook muslimsuppe on them.”

Police in Helgeland were tipped off about ytringen, and created even criminal proceedings. Sørhelgelendingen was prosecuted for violation of penal code section 185, “intentionally public to have set forth a discriminatory or hateful speech.”

– do Not hateful

the 64-year-old acknowledged not straffskyld during the trial in Brønnøysund in the previous week.

the Defendant explained that he did not have anything against Hadia May, and that he is opposed to discrimination and racism. At the same time, he confirmed that realized that what he himself perceived as a joke, could be perceived as a derogatory comment. He also stated that the comment should have been written in a different way.

the Defendant further stated that he experiences that the people cannot tolerate a joke, and that May as a politician should be able to withstand such.

the Prosecutor Olaf Rynning Veum was of a different opinion, and maintained that the comment was a clear violation of penal code section 185 of discriminatory and hate speech and got the court upheld in its assertion about the 16 days of prison and a fine of 10,000 dollars.

Brønnøy district court found no mitigating circumstances in the case.

the Defendant’s explanation and justification to refuse straffskyld gives the impression that he does not regret the content of their statements, it is stated in the judgment.

A growing problem

– the Defendant’s statement has not only affected one person, but the value of human life to an entire group, and represents a growing social problem. More and more minorities trying to find their place in society. These needs for protection against the intolerance and xenophobia that it often unnamed nettroll-phenomenon helps to support, writes judge Magnus Hovind Rognhaug.

the Man’s defender Tore Walle-Jensen, says to NRK that he has not had time to speak with his client, and therefore has no comment to the judgment.

NRK has also not been able to get comment from the prosecutor.

the Higher the number in Sweden

Hatkrim include criminal acts, motivated by negative attitudes toward religion, ethnic background, sexual orientation and expression, homosexual orientation, and disabilities.

In Sweden exposed 100,000 people each year for hate speech, according to the Nationella trygghetsundersökningen. It reported some 6,500 cases a year, according to the, while in Norway is the number at between 250 and 300.

Ask more report

We want to get all of these matters forward in the light, and encourage people to report racist violence and speech. There is reason to believe that mørketallene is big, ” says commissioner Steve Barmo in hatkrim group in the Oslo police.

The past year, several media outlets put harassment, racism, threats, verbal abuse and hate speech on the internet in focus. Barmo would like to clarify that hatkrimsaker given high priority by the police and that it is important to report cases to illustrate the problem.

– Nevertheless, we believe many refuse to report such cases to the police. Partly because they do not want attention drawn to their own person. Others because they have little faith that it is possible to review, ” says Barmo to NRK.


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