(Dagbladet): To år gammel jente ble påkjørt i Halden i kveld.
Politiet skriver på Twitter at de fikk melding om hendelsen 20.38. Nødetater og Sea King-helikopter ble sendt til stedet.
21.20 melder politiet at jenta er tatt hånd om av helsepersonell, og fløyet til Ullevål sykehus med helikopteret.
- Det siste vedrørende barnets tilstand er at hun er våken, skriver politiet på Twitter.
Politiet har 5 enheter på stedet. De jobber nå med å ta seg av og avhøre vitner og gjøre tekniske undersøkelser.
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Med vennlig hilsen John Arne Markussen, sjefredaktør
Using police helicopter arrested police in Southern Buskerud Thursday night, two men in early 20s. The two East Europeans were arrested while they tried to hide in the terrain on Darbu in Øvre Eiker in Buskerud.
Police suspect that they may be behind a number of burglaries in the area during the summer.
Discovered person with ladder
Before the hunt, the police had received a tip from a neighbor who saw a man put a ladder up to an open window in the neighborhood. The neighbor gave himself known, and the person with the ladder were alarmed.
Police in Southern Buskerud were tipped off about the incident clock 01.30 and took action together with politihelikopterets crew.
thermal imaging camera
Using police thermal imaging camera were two people found lying motionless in the terrain close by. On the police’s own video will be accompanied by the plan they put to surprise and arrest the men.
Among other things, it was emphasized that no one had to drive into the area, it would the people who tried to hide, probably discover.
In the video at the top you can see and hear the police action of the night.
When the men were arrested they had according to Drammen Tidende gloves, crowbars and screwdrivers lying beside it.
Burglary Wave
The two East Europeans was on Friday remanded for four weeks due to the destruction of evidence.
Dagbladet reports that since July 1, police have been notified of 21 residential burglaries in the district, and will probably figure could rise as people return from vacation.
– If we compare this summer with the previous three, four years, we’ve seen an increase in the number of burglaries, said operations manager Erik Gunnerød in Southern Buskerud Police District to TV 2.
Several of burglaries has clear similarities.
– We see for example that in many of the burglaries they have chosen to take into bedroom windows, says Gunnerød.
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(Dagbladet): The well-known Islamist Arfan Bhatti will be involved in an assault case and should have been arrested after the incident.
According to TV2 is he charged with domestic violence, but it rejects his lawyer, John Christian Elden.
– Tv2 told me that they had been tipped off about an arrest, but it was unknown to me. I have now spoken with Bhatti and police and confirmed that he is charged with actual bodily harm under the Criminal Code Article 228, first paragraph, and that the police want questioning. There they will get, writes Elden in a text message to Dagbladet.
– He is not accused of anything specific or questioned, but said he has not done anything wrong, he knows, writes Elden.
Oslo police have so far not been available to answer questions about the case. It is unclear whether Bhatti is in police custody.
Arfan Bhatti was in March sentenced to ten months’ imprisonment, of which four months were suspended, for repeated violence against two of his children.
Bhatti was sentenced for domestic violence section 219 of the Penal Code.
It confirms Bhatti’s lawyer John Christian Elden NTB.
– More we do not know, but police say they want an interrogation in the afternoon, and there shall they be, writes Elden in an SMS. Bhatti says he does not know what it comes, says Elden.
Bhatti was arrested at 2 am on Friday and is charged under Penal Code section 228, first paragraph.
TV2, which first publicized case, reported that Bhatti is charged with domestic violence, something Elden rejects.
– He is not charged with domestic violence, writes Elden.
Bhatti was in Oslo District Court in March this year sentenced to ten months in jail for domestic violence, of which four months were suspended. He was convicted of beating her son and daughter a number of times in connection with that they were reading from the Koran.
Bhatti was also accused of having been violent towards police during an arrest in 2012, but this point, he was acquitted.
600 of them counted as unemployed, while 1900 is different measures to get them back to work.
Believe it gets worse
A total of 85,400 people registered as unemployed – 5,700 more than the same time last year. While the proportion of unemployed was 3.0 percent a year ago, it increased to 3.1 percent today.
Nav has no belief in an imminent recovery. According to knowledge director Yngvar Åsholt the number of unemployed is likely to rise to over 92,000 next year.
– We are in a period now where labor gradually deteriorates. It is largely due to the oil sector and what has happened there. We expect the labor market will continue to deteriorate gradually over the year and next year, he says to NRK.
Large demand
The development means that more and more Norwegians contact Nav to get help finding a job.
In all, registered about 1,000 new job seekers with Nav each working day in July. It includes unemployed, partially unemployed, job seekers on measures and other job seekers.
Not since the financial crisis, the supply of new jobseekers been as great as now.
The oil industry is suffering
People from the ICT industry, engineers and industrial workers have had the greatest increase in the number of new unemployed.
2000 several industrial workers have lost their jobs over the past year, which is an increase of 22 percent. 2500 more from ICT and engineering are registered as unemployed. And it is particularly those who have worked in the oil industry which is now without work.
However, although unemployment for this group is increasing sharply, the total unemployment rate for engineers and IT workers still far below the national average.
– Tidskostnadene er det verste. Usikkerheten knyttet til Når vi kan sette and gang med et prosjekt, om det ar lish, neste år etter eller earrings, dangle mye koster bones. Prosessen med ago bygge 1000 Stasjonen and bowling ved Grefsen Oslo, tok elleve år, Kjell forteller Kvarekvål, Direktor and markedskommunikasjon for JM in av Nordens største boligleverandører, til Dagsavisen.
Mye mye detaljregulering koster også utbyggerne Peng , ifølge For Jæger, and administrerende Direktor Boligprodusentenes Forening. They nevner forbudet word bowling uten å bygge nye på dette radonsikring we ett eksempel.
– Statens strålevern villa has slik radonsikring uansett eller ikke om det er radonstråling and området Bolig Hvor BYGG, påpeker Jæger.
They reagerer Kravets også på på om in snusirkel 1.50 meter and for rullestoler og bad bargain.
– Wine Hadde klart oss med 1.30 meter. Det ville vi Sparta Noen kvadratmeter på, og det nye ville has gjort billige bowling.
Forbrukerrådet at det har sagt koster 30-40000 Kroner kvadratmeteren å bygge nytt.
– Red Light regnestykket ikke det opp til GA, sier Jæger.
Hans regnestykke, basert cut fra på på Okern in pågående boligutbygging, tilsier in pris på om lag 53,000 Kroner kvadratmeteren Når Tomta, Infrastruktur og er Selve boligene inkludert.
– Unemployment continued to rise in July. The fact that many started in labor market caused the unemployment rate no higher, said Acting Labor and Welfare Director Kjersti Monland in a statement.
The unemployment rate is now at 3.1 per cent of the workforce, compared with 3.0 percent in July last year.
This is the highest unemployment rate recorded in July since the financial crisis.
The number of unemployed increased by 600 people from June to July. Gross unemployment, which is the sum of the unemployed and job seekers on measures increased by 2,500 during the same period.
Increases in Rogaland
Unemployment increased most in Rogaland. Downsizing in the oil sector has meant that unemployment has increased by 3,500 people over the last year, representing an increase of 65 percent. 3.5 percent of the workforce in Rogaland is now unemployed.
But falls in Oslo
In Oslo, unemployment at 3.7 percent. This is just Aust-Agder that has higher unemployment than Oslo. Over the past year, unemployment in Oslo fell 1 percent.
Unemployment increased most among brokers and consultants, and for people over 60 years. The figures show that unemployment is increasing in all age groups.
The percent increase from 2014, over 50 percent more than inflation.
According to this year’s report from the House Owners Association of municipal water and sewage fees, garbage collection fee and sweep fee, the average increase per household 3.2 percent. The overall inflation in Norway from 2014 to 2015, only 2 percent.
– As single year there undramatic, but if we look all the way back to 1992, when we started with these statistics, as have fees increased 50 percent above inflation each year. Då starts getting dramatic, says study director Dag Refling in Huseiernes Association said.
Part of the reason for the increase is above the level of inflation in Norway is that municipalities are gearing up water and sewers. The excuse is still not good enough, according Refling.
Just before the clock 17 pressurea fire department again out of the city center after notification of smoke and flames in Kong Oscars gate.
– Strong winds caused the fire in beams inside on fire page flare up that and caught fire, says Ole Jakob Hartvigsen by 110 exchange.
The time 4:30 on Thursday morning alarm sounded då ein large fire swaggering out in three of the houses on fire my neighborhood Kong Oscars gate and Lower Hamburgersmauet.
After several hours of intense work could fire service report that the fire was extinguished at 8:50.
Eight hours later flare fire up again.
Held duty at night
Hartvigsen at 110 exchange says that fire brigade quickly arrived at this page after it caught fire in the area again.
– Me fekk doused fire this page with lakes and has Vore there since and sought by heat and smoke on this page, victory Hartvigsen.
Read also: Half of fires starting in stoves
After that it flared up again certain fire department having duty hald on fire this page through the night.
– There are many things wind, and relatively large areas that have burned, therefore will me be on the safe side.
Veit not the cause of fire
Section Leader Knut Ellertsen by tjuveri- and fire section at Bergen Police says that the police have avhøyrt a number of persons on Thursday.
– Friday tomorrow we will get ein status after avhøyra, victory Ellertsen.
So far, not police someone theory about why it starting your fire.
Read also: Half of fires starting in stoves
– Me hoping to get crime technician all abilities in place Friday tomorrow. If the audience has seen or Torres had flicked something suspicious and we ask they notify the police.
Just before the clock 17 pressurea fire department again out of the city center after notification of smoke and flames in Kong Oscars gate.
– Strong winds caused the fire in beams inside on fire page flare up that and caught fire, says Ole Jakob Hartvigsen by 110 exchange.
The time 4:30 on Thursday morning alarm sounded då ein large fire swaggering out in three of the houses on fire my neighborhood Kong Oscars gate and Lower Hamburgersmauet.
After several hours of intense work could fire service report that the fire was extinguished at 8:50.
Eight hours later flare fire up again.
Held duty at night
Hartvigsen at 110 exchange says that fire brigade quickly arrived at this page after it caught fire in the area again.
– Me fekk doused fire this page with lakes and has Vore there since and sought by heat and smoke on this page, victory Hartvigsen.
Read also: Half of fires starting in stoves
After that it flared up again certain fire department having duty hald on fire this page through the night.
– There are many things wind, and relatively large areas that have burned, therefore will me be on the safe side.
Veit not the cause of fire
Section Leader Knut Ellertsen by tjuveri- and fire section at Bergen Police says that the police have avhøyrt a number of persons on Thursday.
– Friday tomorrow we will get ein status after avhøyra, victory Ellertsen.
So far, not police someone theory about why it starting your fire.
Read also: Half of fires starting in stoves
– Me hoping to get crime technician all abilities in place Friday tomorrow. If the audience has seen or Torres had flicked something suspicious and we ask they notify the police.
Customs reviewing this as a significant seizure at a Norwegian airport.
The man had with 54.6 kg dried khat on a flight from the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa via Copenhagen to Oslo, where he arrived on Wednesday night.
He also had 126 grams of fresh khat. Police have imposed 35-year-old a fine of 15,000 crowns for smuggling.
Customs overview of seizures in 2014 shows that the number of kilograms of seized khat has dropped sharply, from over 13.5 tons in 2013 to just over 7, 5 tons last year. The decline is probably related to that khat is banned in both the Netherlands and the UK, which has been the main transit countries for khat smugglers.
– I was up on the roof. It was full of fire and extremely hot. I am reasonably ready for a shower, to put it that way, says Tviberg to Bergens Tidende.
He was among the first to come out to the Great Fire of Bergen center when the alarm went off at 4:30 o’clock in the night. The flames eventually got hold of three of the houses on fire my area.
Tviberg says that it was hectic at the start.
– I have worked as breathing for 22 years, but this is probably the most demanding fire I’ve been involved in.
– A horror scenario
Tviberg, which has been in place since he arrived in the night, says that the fire department used lift and sent in smoke divers when they arrived at the scene.
Watch video: Here burns the heart of Bergen – again:
Video: Here burns the heart of Bergen – again
See the dramatic video images from the fire in the city center on Thursday morning. 40 people were evacuated in fire.
– We had several BA operations while we flushed water down the areas where smoke divers were not, he said.
The buildings made it very difficult conducting fire fighting.
– It is a horror scenario with such fires, he said.
The weather was luckily on the fire service’s side.
– It was pretty calm, says Tviberg.
Getting praised
Also, duty manager at Bergen fire, Frode Bødtker, says that this is the toughest fire he has been involved.
– The was very difficult access to the buildings, and we did not come good with lift. Therefore we had to focus on smoke diving. It has been a very demanding job for firemen, says Bødtker.
The fire in Kong Oscarsgate and Lower Hamburgersmauet was reported extinguished at. 08.50.
Just after 10 o’clock was the fire department finished after quenching.
After the intense hours of work they receive now praise from several sides. Governing Mayor Martin Smith-Sivertsen was briefed on the fire Thursday morning.
– It seems like the fire department once again has done a fantastic job, and saved the city from a major disaster, he said.
– Unique
Also on social media shoots people of effort.
– Once again an invaluable contribution, writes Kenneth Hereid on Twitter.
– Bergen fire is unique, writes user Harald Asker.
– Well done – as usual! Printer Svein Amundsen on Facebook.
– It is good that Bergen has so adept firefighters and women, writes Kjell-Åge Løland.
– It is horrible
Mayor Trude Drevland were awakened by the big fire in the center.
– I woke up and knew that it smelled smoke, and so on BT what had happened. I went to brief me, said Mayor Trude Drevland.
In May there was a large fire in the same area.
– It is terrible that this area should be so exposed. It creates unease among those who live here. It being unsafe in this city is the worst, Drevland.
It was Romsdals Budstikke who first publicized the case.
Arnstein Nilssen politimeister in Nordmøre and Romsdal Police says that the economic situation in the police is very difficult.
– Eg has Vore police long, but I have never experienced ein then funneled economy that we have right no, says Nilssen told NRK.
deficit in several millions
Nordmøre and Romsdal police her again with EiT deficit in several millions after they had to purchase new patrol cars to satisfy last year.
– These new the vehicles was a necessary heit. Fleet ours was in miserable condition and had to be upgraded. It was simply necessary, says Nilssen.
The government has previously notified of major cuts in the police. During 2015, police in total land cut 105 million. A third of truncate reindeer overtime. It has gotten smaller police to fear for the future.
– We are allocated funds, but most of the funds go to large central projects. Dei unrestricted funds that we shall have to operate, we see not as much of, victory Nilssen.
He believes that the situation is no very serious.
– We must tighten into travel, overtime and holding positions vacant, says Nilssen.
Can go beyond the investigation
Politimeisteren fear that the bad economy may go beyond the investigation.
– We try to avoid it, but it is not to see away from that we must consider what we are going to investigate and not, says Nilssen.
– Cases debt life and health, violence and fornication is area that we prioritize over other things, holding it up.
Nilssen believes that the situation is similar in many locations in the country, and that it must introduce new healthy middle.
– WestMidla the daglege husbandry shortcomings, most of the budget goes to Husla and salaries of the employees, he says.
fear for the future of sheriff kontora
Jenny Klinge representing the Centre in Parliamentary Standing Committee on Justice, feared that the struggling economy may lead to increased centralization in police.
Jenny Klinge representing the Centre Party in the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Justice, feared that the struggling economy may lead to increased centralization in police.
Photo: Alf-Jørgen Tyssing / NRK
When police reformation will be implemented can the consequences be fewer sheriff’s office, think Klinge.
– Centralization pressure is large enough from before of, and attempt to put down the sheriff’s office is going to be there, she says .
Klinge says that Sp wish to retain the neighborhood police and believes it is important to ensure dei local sheriff’s office.
– If so, then we must ensure that the police receive good enough finances to carry out the process of police reform in a positive way, she says.
Wednesday afternoon, it happened again, the fourth wolf attacked the magazine. This time, five ewes killed and one ewe had to be euthanized because of major damage.
In the course of a month has probably Østmarka-wolves killed over 50 sheep in Enebakk, just outside Oslo.
Sheep Farm Trond Mjønli thought it’s always bloody that his sheep were killed by wolves.
Photo: Vivian Stensrud / NRK
The last three days have farmer Trond Mjønli sat guard on the pasture to look after his sheep. But during a guard change Wednesday slid wolf to recover within the acceptable predator fence.
– My son was here at twelve o’clock, and then everything was quiet and calm. When I came back again three o’clock I found the first ewe. We trawled the pasture and found a total of six animals, say Mjønli.
– I have no words. I can not say what I think once. This is absolutely always bloody.
Can be killed in self-defense
Norwegian Nature has been on the farm and verified that there are wolves behind the attacks. In last week asked several landowners for permission to trap the wolf, but the county governor of Oslo and Akershus rejected the application. They buttress branch including that Østmarka located within wolf zone.
– We should not ignore that wolves can be killed in self-defense, says Arnkjell Johansen in the Norwegian Nature Inspectorate.
In the Biodiversity Act section 17 a states that if predator comes within a predator fence, approved by the County, and there is reason to believe that it will attack livestock, then livestock owners kill predators.
In 2007, a farmer in Engerdal in Hedmark sentenced for having shot a wolf he claimed was in self-defense.
Fearing new attacks
Bonde Trond Mjønli fear it only a matter of time before the wolf strikes again, and have the whole night sitting guard at pasture. He will continue throughout the day.
– The wolf turns the midday, and he cares nothing about the people. He is not afraid of people once said Mjønli.
According to county miljøvernsjef Are Hedén they have not concluded whether it is Østmarka-wolves or a drifter who is behind the attacks. DNA samples were taken after the first attacks are probably ready week.
At 4:30 o’clock Thursday morning received emergency in Bergen notice smoke in the center of Bergen.
Great Fire
FIRE: It was clear smoke and flames in Kong Oscars gate. PHOTO: Tips / TIPS@TV2.NO
Just after notified the fire department of a major fire.
– It burns in urban wooden buildings in Bergen. We are looking with all the crews, but has no control over the fire, says guard operator Torkjell Helle at 110 exchange.
It is in Kong Oscarsgate it burns. There are a lot of wooden buildings in the area and have been a number of large fires earlier. Latest in May this year burned nearby.
EXTINGUISH: fire department driver extinguishing in the city center on Thursday morning, after it broke out a large fire. PHOTO: EIVIND FUNDS / TV 2
The time was 6:15 three buildings on fire. The block is cordoned off. According to police area consists of both commercial premises and residential houses.
Screamed to get people out
Nathaniel Nesse is evacuated from one of the neighboring buildings.
– I awoken by sirens and felt smoke smell. I saw the fire stand tall from the ceiling, says Nesse to TV 2.
– I started screaming to get people out. We got all up, also neighbors. It looked pretty jævelig out, he said.
The evacuees were quickly transported away from the place by bus.
17-year-old to the hospital
A 17-year-old is sent to Haukeland University Hospital with minor injuries in connection with the fire, said the hospital NTB .
According to the police should be about smoke damage.
– A person is taken to hospital with smoke damage, said operations in Hordaland Police District, Arve Samsonsen, to TV 2.
There is currently no reports of other injuries in the fire.
Risk of spread
There is a risk of spreading, and the fire is related to fire my area of Bergen.
– We are doing everything to gain control, says Helle.
James Home Country living 100-150 meters away fire.
– The fire looks pretty powerful out. There is a lot of smoke and flames, he said to TV 2.
Police said to TV 2 shortly after 6:30 that 49 people have been evacuated.
At 4:30 o’clock Thursday morning received emergency in Bergen notice smoke in the center of Bergen.
Just after notified the fire department of a major fire.
FIRE: It was clear smoke and flames in Kong Oscars gate. PHOTO: Tips / TIPS@TV2.NO
– It burns in urban wooden buildings in Bergen. We are looking with all the crews, but has no control over the fire, said guard operator Torkjell Helle at 110 exchange.
It was in Kong Oscarsgate it burned. There are a lot of wooden buildings in the area, and there have been a number of large fires earlier. Latest in May this year burned nearby.
At 6:15 stood three buildings on fire, and the entire quarter, comprised of both commercial space and residential building, was cordoned off.
Shelves smoke divers
Around an hour later notified the fire department that they had the fire under control. It is now run by extinguishing in buildings.
duty fire chief in Bergen, Frode Bødtker, highlights the smoke divers’ efforts. Bødtker says smoke divers have been particularly important because of the demanding working conditions in the fire area.
– There have been massive efforts by smoke divers on the roofs, and inside the buildings. Here it is very challenging, because we are not going from the streets. We need to go into backyards. It is too far into why we get along well with height implements, says Bødtker to TV2.
Was proliferation danger
The area is considered part of fire my area in Bergen and it was a long time widely spread risk. The fire department moved out early with large crews, and says it has been crucial to prevent the spread.
– In these areas we are very quickly on the spot, and has plans making sure there will be more crews to immediately. We do not wait for more messages, here it is just to see worst case right away, and we do always. That we succeeded this time and says fire chief Bødtker.
BY EXTINGUISH: fire department driver after blanking on the roof of buildings. Photo: Torbjørn Brand Eggen / TV 2
Bergen fire also got great support from relevant authorities in Askøy, Lindas and Haakonsvern in extinguishing work.
– The fire was huge, and it demanded massive breathing efforts, says acting duty officer in Bergen fire, Leif Linde, to TV 2.
Heavy damage
STORE INJURIES: how it looks on the roofs of the fire-stricken buildings now. Photo: Torbjørn Brand Eggen / TV 2
A 17 year old boy was sent to Haukeland University Hospital with minor injuries after the fire. Police should be about smoke damage. 17-year-old was released from the hospital this morning. There were no reports of other injuries.
The material damage is however large, said fire department.
– There is significant material damage. There is damage to the part of it that has not burned too. In the beginning we had to do outside fighters, and then it becomes very much water. It’s probably a few buildings that have not burned that has received major water damage. The buildings have burned is very injured, said fire chief Bødtker.
Screamed to get people out
burnout: It’s only coal residue left on parts of roofs. Photo: Torbjørn Brand Eggen / TV 2
There are many private homes in the dense wooden houses, and police reports TV 2 that 49 people were evacuated.
Nathaniel Nesse live in one of the neighboring buildings, and was one of those had to leave his home.
– I awoken by sirens and felt smoke smell. I saw the fire stand tall from the ceiling, says Nesse to TV 2.
– I started screaming to get people out. We got all up, also neighbors. It looked pretty jævelig out, he said.
The evacuees were quickly transported away from the place by bus.
Several fires in the area
Also in May there were two dramatic fires in wooden houses in the same area. Thus was this morning’s fire the third in a short time in the same area.
– I realize that people are concerned, said the acting head of the desk Linde.
Police have arrested a man for stabbing in Storgata in Oslo. The illuminated cops on Twitter at 01 am on Thursday.
When the police for several hours eases after what was described as a tall, dark-skinned man in his early 30s, dressed in red shirt and jeans.
He should have been seen consistently from the scene.
Discovered by police patrol
Around 21.30, a squad that was out on another mission over the badly wounded man in Storgata in Oslo, says operations manager Line Scotland. It was VG who first described the stabbing.
The man was so severely damaged that the police drove him directly to Oslo University Hospital where he is being operated on tonight.
– Police on-site assessment that he was so severely injured that they drove him up to Ullevål itself. His condition is per now described as critical, says Skott NRK.
Busy area
The area where the stabbing occurred is close by Oslo Central Station and the shopping center Oslo City and is a place where it normally walk a lot of people a regular Wednesday night.
When NRK was on site Wednesday night were several criminal technicians started to make tracks. Police also confirm that they are talking with several witnesses who may have seen the stabbing.
– It’s part testifies on site which is safeguarded by the police. Crime Guard is also on site, said operations Line Scotland to NRK.
According to NTB police are also in the process of obtaining images from surveillance cameras in the area.
Article continues below the video.
Stake Director Erik Hestnes says that the condition of the injured man is critical.
Bet Director Erik Hestnes says that the condition of the injured man is critical.
Used knife
It was initially unclear what kind of object that had been used to cause the victim the critical damage. Skott says to NRK just before 23:00 that witnesses at the site has seen a knife, and that the police are based on this in the further investigation .
– We have all the available crew out to look for culprits, says Scotland.
It is not clear what relationship the perpetrator and victim has to each other, if any, or what has lead to the stabbing.
The IRS recognized today not about people who apply for a tax deduction has a residence permit. Foreigners get these tax cards with both real and false identity, reports TV2.
– We have in connection with immigration controls uncovered persons without legal residence, but who have a tax and who have taken work. It is illegal under the Immigration Act, says Ane Kvaal, head of the Joint Management Unit in Hordaland Police to TV2.
Do you get a tax deduction, you also get a so-called D-number. It opens for that one can acquire bank and credit cards, and social security rights. There are examples of persons without legal residency, but with tax, have received unemployment benefit up to 17,000 crowns a month from Nav.
The reason that it is possible to obtain a tax deduction, even when residing illegally in Norway’s Directorate of Immigration (UDI) police and the IRS communicates for bad.
– Today, we not good enough updated information on the status of these individuals to refuse people a tax, in our assessment, says tax director Hans Christian Holte to TV2.
Holte says UDI has developed a new solution that will provide Tax Administration better view.
– I believe that the solution to UDI has developed will give us updated information which means that we can also deal with this with a residence permit when tax shall be issued, says Holte.
The Ministry of Justice says yes to continue temporarily arming of police. The permit is valid until 20 August.
The assessment is based on an updated threat assessment and Police Directorate’s assessment of the measures necessary to implement it , informs Ministry of Justice on Wednesday.
The threat assessment is unchanged from the last time the consent was given.
READ ALSO: Police asks for continued armament
Police Directorate (POD) asked the Ministry of Justice for permission to remain temporarily arming of police. Directorate has conducted a risk and vulnerability to identify measures that can reduce or eliminate the need for temporary armament but has no suggestions for alternative measures.
READ ALSO: Police: – The security is not good enough
– I am concerned that the police action in the difficult situation we are going to be satisfactory and ensure citizens and police best against terrorist attacks. Based on the threat PST conveys and the clear recommendation from POD, I believe it is important that the temporary arming continues, says Justice Minister Anders Anundsen (FRP).
READ ALSO: Police officers will still carry weapons
According to the minister still considered measures other than temporary armament.
In November last year, the Ministry authorized a temporary arming of police. The reason for Armament is that Police Security Service (PST) believes uniformed police are potential terrorist targets.
Reklamemannen Ingebrigt Steen Jensen slår tilbake i feiden mot Finansavisens redaktør Trygve Hegnar.
Det begynte som en kommentar i Finansavisen 8. juli, og har fortsatt som en sommerføljetong på Facebook-siden til Ingebrigt Steen Jensen.
Og i dag braket partene sammen, da Trygve Hegnar klinket til med en bredside: – Ingebrigt Steen Jensen lyver så det renner av ham.
Les saken: Hegnar i ellevill krangel med Ingebrigt Steen Jensen
Spørsmålet er om Hegnar spådde et krakk, slik Ingebrigt Steen Jensen hevder og Hegnar benekter. Siden Trygve Hegnar skrev sin kommentar, har aksjekursene ved Oslo børs steget med 3,5 prosent.
Trygve Hegnars kommentar stod på trykk i Finansavisen 8. juli. Dagen før slutten børsen (OSEBX) på 615,76 poeng. Akkurat nå står den i 637,38 poeng – altså en oppgang på 3,5 prosent.
Oslo Børs
«Rødglødende raseri» Nå har Ingebrigt Steen Jensen besvart bredsiden i en gjestblogg, med tittelen «Trygves trauste tips og rødglødende raseri».
Steen Jensen innrømmer at han synes det er morsomt å erte Trygve Hegnar av og til, men skriver at han forsøker å holde seg for god for personkarakteristikker: – Vi har verken kalt ham «oppblåst», «kunnskapsløs», «livsfarlig» eller «en mann med et betydelig mindreverdighetskompleks», og vil fortsatt holde oss for gode for den slags, skriver Ingebrigt Steen Jensen på gjesteblogg og på sin Facebook-side.
Delte meninger På Facebook-siden henger flere som har fått hard medfart i Kapital og Finansavisen seg på, og støtter reklamemannen.
Den kjente kommentatoren og læreren på Markedshøyskolen, Trond Blindheim, mener at Hegnar har «uoffisiell norgesrekord i å skjelle ut folk».
Tidligere Arbeiderparti-politiker og NetCom-direktør Trygve Tamburstuen: – Veldig bra, Ingebrigt – dette gjør du godt og elegant.
Ole Henrik Werring, tidligere toppsjef i Ogilvy & Mather, sier at han koser seg av dette: – Hegnar er henvgjerrig og hissig og vil for all del ikke innrømme en eneste feil, mens Ingebrigt lener seg tilbake og ler av ham. – Kostelig.
«Fantastisk klokt økonomi-hode» I debattfeltet på Nettavisen er meningene mer delte.
- Hegnar har et fantastisk klokt økonomi-hode. En av få i Norge som faktisk vet hva han driver med. Ingebrigt er, vel, Ingebrigt, skriver en.
Og en annen tilføyer: – Har stor sans for Hegnar som redaktør og frittalende skribent. Han våger å kalle en spade for en spade.