Friday, November 4, 2016

Ubaydullah Hussain in the court: – Pulled me from the Prophet’s Ummah – Aftenposten

Previously Ubaydullah Hussain met in court in traditional muslim clothing, which signals a conservative interpretation of islam. This time he meets in the Oslo district court, wearing ordinary western clothes and do not want to be photographed in court. On Friday, he started on his explanation.

In December 2015, I decided that I should no longer be a part of the Prophet’s Ummah. I have been with in the Prophet’s Ummah in four years, been in mediesirkuset in four years. It has been a hectic year, unpopular years, said Ubaydullah Hussain in Oslo city court.

the Prophet’s Ummah is described as an extreme Norwegian islamist group.

One of the country’s most high-profile islamists says that he will focus on education and family.

But now he is accused in a comprehensive terrorsak in the Oslo district court. Thursday this week began the trial for the first time to determine what lies in the recruitment to a terrorist organisation.

Two men sit on the ones in the dock in the Oslo district court, Ubaydullah Hussain (31) and a 19-year-old convert to islam.

PST: Recruited two people to the ICE

Ubaydullah Hussain is accused of having recruited members, including the medtiltalte 19-year-old, to the IS, a terrorist organisation that halshogger, kill, burn and bury people alive. The young convert was 18 years old when he the 8. June 2015 was apprehended at the Landvetter airport in Gothenburg, on the way to Syria.

Arslan Maroof Ubaydullah Hussain (31) is prosecuted under penal code § 147 d (until 30. september 2015) and the penal code (2005) § 136 a (from 1. October 2015 to 8. December 2015) “With imprisonment up to 6 years shall be punished with the who participate in an example, when your organization has taken steps to realise the purpose by illegal means.”

Hussain is tried (according to § 147 (d):”With imprisonment up to 6 years shall be punished with recruiting members an example, when your organization has taken steps to realise the purpose by illegal means.”

Hussain is tried (according to § 147 (d) “With imprisonment up to 6 years shall be punished with the who provide financial or other material support to an example, when your organization has taken steps to realise the purpose by illegal means.”

Hussain is prosecuted (§ 157 1. paragraph if. 263) “With imprisonment up to 6 years of age shall be punished whoever by violence, threats, vandalism, or other unlawful conduct towards a player in the judiciary or any of his immediate acts, so that it is likely to influence the actor to perform or neglect an act in connection with a criminal case.”

Hussain (§ 263) “With fine or imprisonment up to 1 year shall be punished the one who in word or action threatens with criminal conduct under such circumstances that the threat is likely to evoke serious fear.”

Hussain (section 33, first paragraph, first sentence cf.§ 31, first paragraph, first sentence cf. våpenforskriften section 9 “to have owned or possessed stun guns without a legitimate purpose.”

19-year-old from Oslo is prosecuted under penal code § 147 d, cf.§49 and §12, first paragraph, letter (3) letter a “With imprisonment up to 6 years shall be punished with the who are trying to participate in an example, when your organization has taken steps to realise the purpose by illegal means.”

the 19-year-old would to Syria

In the first part of the trial have 19-year-old explained for the right. Oslo-the boy left school because he was so totally immersed in the Syria war. He would travel to Syria to help with their own hands, and, if necessary, use the weapons against the Assad regime. There, he had decided a long time ago before he hit Ubaydullah Hussain the first time.

According to the Pst’s threat assessment 2016, published 9. February 2016, there was by the end of the year around 40 Norwegian fremmedkrigere in Syria and Iraq, mainly associated with the ICE.

A small number of women participating is probably not in fighting, but the driver radikaliseringsvirksomhet aimed at women in Norway.

About 30 people have returned to Norway, at least 17 people have been killed.

Eight people have been convicted for violation of terrorlovgivningen:

Two men was in 2012 convicted of terrorforbund. Four men were in 2015 sentenced for support of the ICE, one of them was not in Syria, but was convicted of material support. Two men were in the 2016 judged for IS support, this latest ruling is appealed.

(Source: PST)

– Plain, English person

Friday afternoon started Ubaydullah Hussain on his statement. In contrast to the earlier arbitration proceedings, including meetings Hussain this time without the muslim clothing, head covering and a beard, but barhodet, with short beard and plain shirt under a grey knitted cardigan.

he explained that He since January 2014 has collaborated with Curry Film about a film about themselves. It is the movie director Ulrik Imtiaz Rolfsen as stock film that was seized by PST in connection with the arrest of the then-18-year-old defendant.

the Movie will show society that even though I have had a political stance and been a part of the Prophet’s Ummah, I am actually a normal, English person, as do many normal things that normal citizens do, ” says Hussain who believes that the image presented of him in the media are often taken out of context.

– Fixes a lot

at the same time draws the 19-year-old is a completely different picture of his new friend, the much older islamist leader.

He said that Hussain gave the impression to be able to fix much, and that he assisted with advice and practical help in connection with the 19-åringens planned to travel to Syria. Together, they should have bought tickets, clothing, phones and other equipment for the trip.


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