Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The minister of defence: – Very happy for the consensus – Folkebladet

Oslo (NTB): – This means that the government can continue its efforts to strengthen the operational capability. This is a great victory, ” says defence minister Ine Eriksen Søreide (H) if a consensus on the Defence long-term plan.

the coalition parties ensures a majority for the langtidsplanen for the Defense together with the Labor party, and receive budget support from the KrF and Left.

the Government put forward an ambitious long-term plan with major initiatives and several difficult options to strengthen the defensive capacity. I am very happy for the consensus on langtidsplanen, and the government will get full support for retningsvalget and the necessary financial deepening, says Søreide in a comment to NTB.

Initially, when we started this work, was an under-funded defence with significant operational challenges. Langtidsplanen and the agreement represents a clear change of direction, and I am glad that the Labour party is to take responsibility for investing in the Defense in a security policy troubled time, she continues. (©NTB)


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