Saturday, November 5, 2016

The car slept in the brand new BMW when the thieves came – Adresseavisen

the Case is updated.

BMW-thieves have raided in Trondheim the last week, and the night of Friday, they were once again in the air on Jakobsli and Charlottenlund in Trondheim.

Adresseavisen has been in contact with a BMW owner who had taken their precautions. He feared that he would be hit.

I got my new BMW 225xe on Tuesday and since I had not installed the gate at the garage, I decided to sleep out in the car the night the garage was open, ” he says.

Eirin Walnum on Jakobsli was BMW-leader victim number 13 in Trondheim, norway

- Turned and ran away

on the Night of Friday, he lay in the back seat of his brand new car. He woke up by a sound and stood up.

then I saw two people who were on their way into the garage. The two people saw me, and then they turned and ran. Full fireplace, telling the car owner.

the car owner quickly found the phone, called the police, and they came after only a few minutes.

I managed not to follow after them, ” he says.

READ ALSO: BMW-the thieves struck just outside your bedroom window

Had with tools

the BMW-the owner assumes that there were two men, one appeared as a very powerful, but may also have been well dressed. They had the tools in the bags, and the jingling when they put on ran.

Although the police were quickly at the address in Olderdalen, was the pursuit fruitless.

Jon Inge Skånøy prepared that BMW would be ribbed. Nevertheless, he was rundstjålet.

Install the alarm

We controlled vehicles in connection with the search, told operasjonsleder Kirsten Bergstrøm in Trøndelag police district to Adresseavisen early Friday morning.

Friday came the gate at the garage in place, and the car owner hope that he now gets to be in peace.

- We will set up alarm and camera surveillance. I hope it is safer now, ” he says.

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