Saturday, November 19, 2016

Støre about gallafest in Bergen:– There is a certain misunning from us in the head – Bergens Tidende

Jonas Gahr Støre (Ap) was from the duel with Erna Solberg (H) to dinner with Bergen man of the year.

widget list

I was here last year also. It was an experience I had counted several times afterwards. Bergen is a combo of tradition and stoltheit. And strong patriotism. There is a certain misunning from us in the capital, says the Ap leader Jonas Gahr Støre.

On a long table he had been placed by the side of chairman Anne Gine Hestetun (Ap). And on his right side, partikollega Jette F. Christensen. And by the side of her again, Ole-Eirik Lerøy, styreleiar in Marine Harvest and styreleiar in Bergen, man of the year, which organises the annual conference banquet.

Check out biletgalleriet completely at the bottom of the case!

Party, play and fun

Just a few hours earlier, took Lerøy even space on the stage in the Hall and proclaimed more responsibility from a business which is now more or less is located on 500 chairs around the huge premises.

Fiffen in 2015: – It is the first time both the prime minister and the leader of the largest opposition party to participate and speak

the Business world must be a stabiliserande factor and contribute to positive change and development, he said in opningstalen to the annual conference, which this year had a particular focus on berekraft.

But now sit he around the table, ready for dinner, and ready to party with politicians, ex-politicians, direktørar, redaktørar, spinndoktorar, konsulentar, mellomleiarar, advokatar, financiers, a better half, or two, and large and small, and much more.

I have lived in Bergen for two years. It is always nice to be back, ” says Støre.

Before they sat down to the table, there was mingling and afterparty. In the foyer of the grieg Hall waited for the bubbles. And, just outside, a mini-brigades who stood and hammered on his drums. It was powerful, it was bergen, and everything is as it should be when Bergen man of the year invites you to dinner for 171. gong.

Fiffen in 2014: – We have a waiting list every year

Dinner on the 13. the year

And on the top of a stairway in the betongkolossen in the middle of Bergen city centre, photoshoot with Bergen man of the year his innleigde photographer.

We know the man fairly what we go to. And we are excited about who we will come to the table with. We are the sitting for a while, ” says Renate Hjortland, and idly flicking her way at her husband, kaffikonge, or the ex-kaffikonge and no investor, Herman Friele.

– It is well 13. the year I am here now, ” says Friele, and laughs. – This is the proper tradition and a erkebergensk arrangements. The e' fun!

– We earned net Hans Geelmuyden in the hallway here. He is the austlending …

– you Said Geelmuyden? You, it is a ektebergensk name, it. Just random that he the harbour in Oslo.

Doesn’t the menu

But Friele has the right. The conference banquet to Bergen man of the year really lit up the “tradition”. Though they do not drink the same, so a them at least the same.

– We have scheduled in some months, says Reidar Shield, project manager for festarrangement.

Almost 65 people are in motion during the dinner in the “new” premises, if not the anna of Bergen, norway, man of the year. The menu with four dishes on the other hand, it is as it always has been:

Aspargessuppe with couvertbrød. Poached flyndrefilet with vegetables julienne, hollandaisesaus, almond and dill. Lammesadel served with dampa broccoli, sautéed champignong, gulrotstavar, lammeglace flavored thyme and persillepoteter. And finally, a homemade karamellpudding with krokan, caramel sauce and wienerkrem.

– Always good

Many think that this is a sjølvhøgtidleg thing, but it is really the opposite. It is certainly a enjoyable evening, as it always tends to be, ” says member of parliament Erik Skutle (H).

In all the years the conference banquet was held in the premises of the Hotel Norge. It was impossible this year because of the renovations, and the election fell on the Hall.

The break with tradition. I’m excited about other traditions also host broken in the evening.


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