Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Several people have opted out of the Right, the Labour party and conservative party – Vesterålen Online

Andøy Right, almost continuous had the mayor of Andøy since 1979. The exception is Kjell-Are Johansen (Ap) who was mayor for four years. But now is the party to discuss his future.

– Currently, there are two that have opted out, but we have received signals from more that it is utmeldelse if a shutdown of the island of Andøya air station is the result, ” says Laukslett.

membership meeting

He says that the party now will have a membership meeting to discuss the future.

– We and the Andøy Fremskrittsparti have sent a joint letter to our partiledelser central where we expressed strong concern for the process and, has been. At the last minute, it has appeared strange arguments behind closed doors. It makes democracy in a bad light. It becomes difficult to drive the local partiarbeid when the trust up in the system is so poor, ” says Laukslett.

He has not received any written response to the letter from the Right central, but have had a conference call meeting with the Conservative secretary general John-Ragnar Aarset and state secretary Øystein Bø.

– Need to discuss the future

– We now discuss whether it is possible to have a local branch Right in the Andøy in the future. At the same time, we have had a very good backing locally. There is no difficulty to represent the Andøy Right. This is solely an issue about how we should relate to Nordland Right in particular, and the Right central. We have presented good arguments, but have not gotten anything back. And it is the out that about the Labour party locally has the same problem, ” says Laukslett.

at the same time he says that someone must continue the work internally in the party.

– it Is opting out the best thing to do we can do now?. It is not at all in the Right that think this is okay, ” says Laukslett

– Lokallagene important

Einar Åbergsjord in Andøy Party says that Ap has been utmeldelser.

I have been given an opt-out locally, but there are many who are talking about opting out. It has also been utmeldinger other places in Nordland justified with the closure of Andøya air station, says Åbergsjord.

He is aware that this is not the thing to do now.

– Lokallagene is more important than ever. There are many things that will be discussed ahead. Now efforts are being made to salvage it as salvaged can and get hold of new government jobs. We need all lokallagene in Andøy, also Right and Fremkrittspartiet. So you get to decide which ballot to use at the parliamentary election in september next year, ” says Åbergsjord.

– Sorry

Lisbeth Berg Hansen in Nordland Workers seem utmeldingene is sad.

I think That’s sad, but as I’ve said to both leaders in the Andøy Ap and the mayor; I and my partikolleger here in Parliament will continue to fight for the Andøy. At the same time I have a great understanding of people is both sad and angry, ” says Berg Hansen.

Frp will continue

Also Andøy Fremskrittsparti have received utmeldelser because of the proposal to lay down the Andøya air station.

We have had several utmeldinger, but the board of directors in the Andøy conservative party is going to continue. The Andøy municipality have many, both positive and negative challenges in the years ahead. Then we need to use the contacts we have acquired in np, and use them for all it is worth. We know that there are people located in the party that listens to us, even if it has not happened in this case. And all hope is not out. Look on the Back. It should be down, but see what happens now, ” says the party leader Kolbjørn Dahle.


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