Saturday, November 12, 2016

Promillemistenkt vogntogsjåfør thrust of the out of control NRK

We reputation out with a patrol after the message from the Norwegian public roads administration, informs the police to NRK Saturday afternoon.

the Incident happened on kontrollstasjonen on E16 by Håbakken, where it seems the general is the control of tungbiltrafikken between Austlandet and the west coast.

the Police got the message about the incident a little after the clock 12. And had personnel from the Norwegian public roads administration managed to stogge vogntogsjåføren.

– The fatta suspected promillekøyring, and we reputation you out of the place, informs the police.

The foreign driver in the Norwegian vogntoget had to blow into the police their alkometer, and now the driver is taken to the blood collection.


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