Saturday, November 5, 2016

Just over three years left to Viken replaces the counties of Akershus, Buskerud and Østfold, NRK

1. January 2020 goes Akershus, Buskerud and Østfold together in the new storregionen, according to the agreement.

the Premise is that each county assembly adopts the plan in their meetings in December.

The pairing request must also wait on the government’s proposal for a new municipality and regionsstruktur, which is expected in spring next year.


  • the Government has urged the county authorities to make decisions regarding structural changes at the regional level in the autumn of 2016.
  • the Ministry will provide support to the counties that make binding decisions on whether to investigate the merger. There will be a support of 200 000 per study (project support).
  • When kommunereformen was treated in Parliament in June 2014, asked a majority in Parliament that it was carried out a review of the tasks to the county authorities in parallel with the efforts to give more tasks to the municipalities.
  • the Government plans to submit proposals to the Parliament about the new kommunestruktur and new regionstruktur in the spring of 2017.
  • Sammenslåingene that is adopted by the Parliament, as a rule, to take effect 1. January 2020, after the municipal and county council elections in the autumn of 2019.

Source: the Government

” I am very pleased that we have arrived at the finish with the negotiations. This is a good deal for both the county of Østfold and the other two counties, ” says Østfolds fylkesordfører Ole Haabeth (A).

Fylkesordfører Anette Solli (H) from Akershus are happy that they have been agreed.

We have fixed our mission in a good way, ” she says.

– For Buskerud is this a good deal, ” says a relieved fylkesordfører Roger Ryberg (A).

– But it is also a good agreement for the whole region. The special for Buskerud is that we have got an agreement where the counties shall have equal administrasjonssentre. It means that for Buskerud its part, we get over 130 new jobs in the first round. It is very good, continue Ryberg.

What happens in the Creek?

the Politicians have big plans. The creek will lead the way in the green shift. The cities in the region to be developed. Several tasks within the transportation, business development and management of natural resources should be moved from the state and to the region.

In Buskerud, there have been questions about what happens with the county’s comprehensive income and rights from power generation. There are not all clarified yet.

– We’ll review all the ownership and all companies, and we will collect these in a separate device that is common to all, ” says Roger Ryberg.

– How big this is and how much each county has to spit in the checkout that we have no final agreement on. But the intention is that we should have a common management and a common collection of all the values that are built up through several years.

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today, The brand Oslo the three counties that will turn together. The counties of Akershus, Buskerud and Østfolds dealers will all have the capital in the new storregionen.

Oslo: Inside or out?

One thing remains to clarify: If Oslo is a part of storregionen or not. All three counties want that Oslo is with, and shall try to get the Parliament with it.

It has yesterday Raymond Johansen (A) in Oslo rejected, but a large majority of the mayors of Akershus has a joint petition said that it is pointless to not have Oslo.

If the Oslo changes his mind, then there is no thing that is better than that, “says Akershus’ fylkesordfører Anette Solli.

– do you Want the Parliament to use coercion to get Oslo?

– It is Parliament that must take the decision, if Oslo is that they do not want it.

If Oslo is not: do you Have a plan?

When we attach to reason that we expand the cooperation with Oslo. If Oslo choose to be left alone, we need to create even better networks to Oslo than what we have today, ” says Solli.

Administration spread

If the Oslo expires is Lillestrøm seat for the Vikens political leadership and administration. Transportation will also be added to Lillestrøm.

Education will be directed from Drammen, while Sarpsborg or Lower Glomma region is the headquarters of the plan on the environment, and næringssaker. Fylkesmannsembetet will also be added to the county of Østfold.

In addition, all three of today’s counties departments that deals with the day to day operations related to secondary education and transportation.

It is also great skoleinvesteringer in the years ahead in all three counties, and a sammenslåingsprosess shall not lead to changes in these projects.

employees in today’s fylkesadministrasjoner guaranteed against layoffs the first five years, but they need to take height for that site can be changed.



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