Friday, November 4, 2016

– Get more me – Daily

today, KrF leader Knut Arild Hareide on the podium at the KrFs landsstyremøte to come with some clarification about who This will work with after the election.

Now runs a number of Frp-politicians out and point out why it is unwise to close the door for the progress party. Not only is it unrealistic to get the bourgeois majority without them, but the spikes point out how Better get more by cooperating with the progress party on the issues where they have common values.

Among them, the deputy chairman and conservative party-the minister Ketil Solvik-Olsen.

Both the Progress and the progress party is concerned that individuals and families should have freedom of choice. We believe that the family and the individual to have greater influence over their own choices, rather than venstresidens believe that the state should override and ensrette, says Solvik-Olsen of the Daily, and adds:

I think many in the Sector remember well how the trade unions and the left have carried out protests against many of the KrFs verdimessige felt in the regjeringsforhandlingene in Nydalen.

Common values

When the Progress won through with a reservasjonsrett against abortion in the Oslo negotiations made the wide protest in the country, which finally ended with the fact that the government turned to in the question.

the christian democratic party has also got the green light for that religionsfaget RLE again have received K for christianity in name, and that half of the course will be about christianity.

I’m not so sure that the other side would have done, ” says The leader Bjørn-Kristian Svendsrud, and adds:

– There is no drømmesituasjon for the Sector to cooperate with the progress party, but this is about to take the reality in. Better get through more of their policies with us than by going over to the Ap, says Svendsrud.

member of parliament Erlend Wiborg (Frp) also points out that the two parties share views on the importance of having options within the school and the care of the elderly.

– We believe both that it is a strength and not a threat to the welfare that the private and non-profit organizations is a supplement within the welfare system, ” says Wiborg to Dagsavisen.

Health and care

member of parliament Bård Hoksrud (Frp) points out helsefeltet as an area where KrF and Frp are close to each other.

” We are very agree with both when it comes to the care of the elderly and strengthening of pasientrettigheter. Also when it comes to rusomsorgen I would say This is closer to the conservative party than the Labour party, says Hoksrud to Dagsavisen.

Svendsrud agree.

– Helsekøene increased during the Ap, and they have not just a significant family policy.

I realize that This feel that they must choose between two evils, but it is important now that we have a clearly right wing in Norway up to a large Lab, ” says Svendsrud.


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