Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Dobbeltdrapet in Oslo: – Terrible that he really should not have been in Norway – the NRK

A 56-year-old man from Tunisia is accused of having killed Catrine Røthe (42) at Manglerud and Fathi Rzaiguia (50) in Greenland in December last year.

Catrine Røthe was only 42 years old. She was stabbed and killed by 55-year old man at Manglerud in Oslo in 2015.

Photo: Private

Both were stabbed and died shortly after. The killings happened about 40 minutes. Røthe was the man’s ekskjæreste and Rzaiguia was the defendant’s friend.

At a parking garage at Manglerud is Catrine Røthe stabbed with a knife repeatedly.

– It is terrible to think that he should have been out of the country. Had the government done its job, so he had not been in here, and this cruel that had never happened, ” says the mother of the deceased, Torill Røthe, to NRK after she has explained herself for the right.

Expelled four times

the Defendant came to Norway in 1988, but in October 2014 was tunisieren formally expelled from Norway for the fourth time.

despite utvisningsvedtaket he was registered with the employer, got the money from NAV and went to regular appointments with distriktspsykiatrisk center at Mortensrud.

For us who are affected by this, it is completely unfathomable. He gets WELFARE support, but the police know somehow not where he is, ” said Arne Røthe, the father of the deceased.

the Man has been married and has children with a woman, but have not even legally stay in Norway. According to the defendant he did not know even that he was thrown out of Norway.

56-year-old is also judged several times in the past, including for drug offences.

Light and flowers were laid down at the place where Catrine Røthe was stabbed and killed at a parking garage at Manglerud in Oslo.

Photo: Bendiksby, Terje / NTB scanpix

– Very jealous

the Son of the deceased, Patrick Røthe (21), testified also in court today. He describes the accused man from Tunisia as sickly jealous.

– When the police came to our home after the assassination, I pointed out the defendant with a time. He was very captivated by my mom, but in a very unhealthy way. He was threatening and very jealous, ” says Røthe.

legal aid Lawyer Siv Hallgren, Patrick Røthe and Torill Røthe in Oslo district court Tuesday.

Photo: Kaja Perennial Mikalsen / nrk

Acknowledge not straffskyld

the Defendant did not acknowledge straffskyld. He says he was psychotic in gjerningsøyeblikket and not sane.

the Evening before the murder telling him that he was very scared and couldn’t sleep. He slept with a knife under the mattress. He tells us that he also had voices in his head at the time.

I heard voices on the blood. I tried to chase them away all night.

After he parked his car on the Manglerud to run Røthe to work the day after, everything is black.

I remember nothing after that, ” he says in court.

Mentally ill

the Accused has a lengthy psychiatric pasienthistorie. He was a patient at the South side of Oslo distriktspsykiatriske center at Mortensrud in Oslo when he committed the dobbeltdrapene.

– I’m not jealous. I have many Norwegian friends, and I have never been threatening.

He has been admitted to the Dikemark since the murders happened 9. December of last year.

In the indictment it says that the killing was done in a psychotic state.

the Prosecution has, therefore, taken out prosecution where the alerts claim of transfer to forced mental health care

It was here in Breigata on Greenland that Fathi Rzaiguia (50) was knivdrept in December of last year, roughly 40 minutes after that Catrine Røthe was killed in Manglerud.

Photo: Poppe, Cornelius / NTB scanpix


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