Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Agder police district are reported to the police after cellebrann – NRK

the Case discussed in the last number of Politiforum and in Agderposten. Knut Lauvrak and forget that no schools Heggernes took on a smoky cell in order to rescue a man who had served in the cell in 2012. In retrospect got Heggernes major health problems and asthma, while Lauvrak has got COPD.

forget that no schools Heggernes took on a smoky cell in order to rescue a man who had served in the cell in 2012.


lung capacity my is 20 per cent. There is a 50% chance that I will be 18 months older, according to doctors. It is a struggle to live, ” says Lauvrak to Agderposten.

He believes the commanding officers in the Arendal had taken a calculated risk by sending friskluftsmaskene in jails for repair without having to have the other in the backup. Therefore, they had two intervene without protection to save the arrestanten when it began to burn.

Supreme leader at the Arendal police station, Jan Sverre Krogstad, will not comment on the case. Communications adviser Svein Enersen says that the police commissioner Kirsten Lindberg in Agder did not want to comment on the case because it is under investigation by the Spesialenheten.


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