Saturday, November 12, 2016

“A cohabitation arrangements which the church cannot support the” – NRK

When Helene Langeland was new more than did the reactions from the boss because she chose to not marry. No hope that she that the church will soon display a greater diversity and more tolerance.

– the Church should be a place where all feel welcome, she says.

After a divorce and found Langeland again love four years ago. As a priest in the Hauge church raised the response from the bishop that she did not wanted to marry the man she now had been together with.

Was reproving

– I was called in on the carpet and told that I would not live so it is fit that a priest should live, she says.

Hauge church belong to Each bispedøme, and previously bispedømet stated that cohabitation arrangements are relevant to who they will employ and not.

I sit back with a feeling of not being good enough, and it’s a sensation that don’t belong in the church.

Sharp letter from the boss

Shortly after that she was together with a new man she heard this letter from the bishop Halvor Nordhaug that samlivsforma her was not in keeping with the church:

Langeland experienced any support from the other prestekollegaer, but from bispedømet she heard little understanding.

When I separated me looked like that something went broken in me, and when I finally found love again, had it been nice if church was a place I could get support, she says.

SUPPORT the NOT. The bishop of Bjørgvin support not that the priest has chosen to be lived.

Photo: Kathrine Nygård / NRK

Have withstood the pressure

Although she has known of the pressure to marry, but has withstood. She would rather not that young, nyutdanna priests feel compelled to have to marry just to fit in.

– It is easy to be insecure as a human being, and it should not be necessary for people to get married just to do it. I know of several that have two different addresses, and hides that they live in the layers, just to avoid to be looked down on in the church, she says.

Priests should marry

Bishop Halvor Nordhaug think it was right to send a personal letter to Langeland.

– There was a clear written irettesetting, and according to my opinion, it is a right reaction from me as a bishop and somewhat of Langeland should have expected, he says.

LEAVE of absence. If the priests are cohabitants should they take leave for a while, think bishop Halvor Nordhaug.

Photo: Presse

Nordhaug explains how the church understands from the word of God, and out of a total ethical consideration is marriage the right scheme for cohabitation. He add that the priests are førebilete of the church and that the church therefore expects, that they see clearly before to live in sambuarskap.

– If a priest is lived with a man and unsure of whether he or she desires to get married should be one in the first place seek leave for a time, he says.

Saturday evening came Nordhaug with this presiseringa:

“the Church understands from the word of God and out of a total ethical assessment of marriage as the best and the right scheme for cohabitation. Here give one another a public and binding commitment trufasthet. Thus, the parties are also a different form of security and protection than in sambuskap. The priests are førebilete for the church, and the church expects therefore that they ordnar their cohabitation as marriage. It has always been. This is an attitude that biskopane is agree and which is confirm by the decision of the Bispemøtet.”


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