Sunday, November 30, 2014

Threw stones through stained glass in the cathedral in Stavanger – Aftenposten

Threw stones through stained glass in the cathedral in Stavanger – Aftenposten

Police was notified about the case from a witness clock 1.50.

– We came out and talked with a man who was designated of witnesses, but he refused to be left behind, says operations manager Kurt Løklingholm Rogaland police.

– But the case is not closed from our side, he adds.

Inside church, police found four stones that have made several holes in glass painting. It is not the first time glass painting are exposed to vandalism. Last time was in


The stained glass is injured was made by Victor Sparre in 1957. (© NTB)

Published: 01.des. 2014 5:46


The three accused after death Christmas is released – Aftenposten

The three accused after death Christmas is released – Aftenposten

– We have questioned all three, as well as the most important witnesses and considers that there is no danger of destruction of evidence. Therefore we chose to set them free, says police attorney Mona Madsen in Middle Hålogaland police NTB Sunday evening. For reasons of further investigation she did not want to say anything about what they have explained in interrogations.

– They have not admitted guilt, but beyond that I will not comment interrogations, says Madsen. The charges on bodily harm resulting in death maintained against all three men.

Fight on Christmas

The death occurred early Sunday after police clock 2:45 got the message a drunk and troublesome person had sought a Christmas party in Melbu. Police were called in to remove the man.

– When police arrived at the place after half an hour, they found the man lifeless. Health professionals who came to the site shortly after police started resuscitation attempts, but without success, and the man was pronounced dead, said police prosecutor.

– We know that there has been a scuffle between the deceased and the three accused. The dead are filed autopsied at the University Hospital in Tromsø.


were several people present than the four involved when the incident happened.

Same business

It was Norway Seafoods department Melbu who organized the Christmas table Saturday night at the assembly hall worker in Melbu. The company was a closed event with over 80 employees from the company present.

– There was a situation where an external person died. The three who is charged in the case, employees in this business, confirms plant manager Martin Rasmussen Norway Seafoods department Melbu NRK.

He said the situation is tragic and a tough strain for the employees. Together with municipal crisis team opened Norway Seafoods Sunday afternoon canteen for employees

– Our thoughts are with the families and to our employees. It is our main task is to follow up the employees in this situation, says Rasmussen.

Published: 30.nov. 2014 10:18 p.m.


Saturday, November 29, 2014

Butcher aquarium for poor animal welfare – Nettavisen

Butcher aquarium for poor animal welfare – Nettavisen

Shopping med annonselenker

19 nåværende og tidligere ansatte har sendt et brev til ledelsen ved akvariet i Bergen hvor de kritiserer akvariet for dårlig dyrevelferd.

Brevet kommer samme uken som Akvariet i Bergen fikk kritikk fra Arbeidstilsynet, melder NRK.

De 19 som har skrevet til ledelsen lister opp en rekke forhold de mener er skadelige for dyrene ved

attraksjonen på Nordnes. Blant annet har verken pingvinene eller selene noen skjulesteder, og flere skader og dødsfall knyttes til utformingen av den nye pingvindammen, heter det. De kritiserer også arbeidsgiveren for å mangle fasiliteter til karantene og til syke dyr.

– Ledelsen er mer opptatt av hvordan dammene ser ut enn dyrevelferd. Det koster å holde opp kravene til dyrevelferd, men det er viktig at dette blir tatt på alvor, sier en av dem har underskrevet brevet. Det rettes også kritikk mot direktør Kees Ekelis lederstil.

Ekeli selv tror kritikken er uttrykk for at de ansatte føler seg for lite involvert i beslutningsprosessene.

– Vi har stort fokus på dyrevelferd og har alltid hatt det. Mye av kritikken som blir reist er vanskelig å forstå. Vi har veldig sunne og friske pingviner, så det oppleves helt feil å peke på at de har det dårlig, sier Ekeli. Han presiserer samtidig at den gamle seldammen trenger moderniser og sier det er en prioritert oppgave. (©NTB)


Arrested for perjury after death – Aftenposten

Arrested for perjury after death – Aftenposten

On Thursday, a man in his 30s made for imprisonment for having given false testimony in connection with the investigation of the death of Veronica Heggheim Step fence, newspaper Bergens Tidende.

– Based on the information we are sitting on, we believe that man has given false testimony in the witness interrogation, says regional sheriff Asle Karoliussen Sogn og Fjord Ande.

It was NRK Sogn og Fjordane who first publicized indictment.

Read also: Police: The case is completely open

– Important with proper explanation

In a ruling from Sogn District Court Friday, the man in custody until December 7th. He was arrested earlier in the week.

– It is immensely important that witnesses give correct information. When the witness has given false information, we believe it is right to go to detention, says Karoliussen.

The charges also include violation narkotialovgivningen.

– This part of the indictment concerns a minor drug offenses related to cannabis. He acknowledges guilt for this relationship, says defender Trygve Staff.

Continued role as witness

Karoliussen emphasizes that man still has role as a witness in the investigation of the death.

– There are

currently no circumstances suggesting that the man should have had something with the disappearance to do, says regional sheriff.

The police will not yet go into what the man has explained in interviews.

The man is domiciled in Indre Sogn.

Worried misunderstandings

accused defends says that man is now concerned about the misunderstandings indictment could result.

– The struggle for him that newspaper readers may get the impression that he is indicted in Veronica’s case. He is not, he is accused in his own case, Staff says.

Police also stressed in a statement that the false statement is a separate offense.

The defender says that the accused is prepared to help clear up any confusion about their explanations.

– He thinks it’s okay that he now gets explained again Staff says to

Read more: Police: – Not clear answer about Veronicas death

Published: 29.nov. 2014 11:12


Friday, November 28, 2014

Dramatic tax proposal from Scheel range – HegnarOnline

Dramatic tax proposal from Scheel range – HegnarOnline

The committee, chaired by Statistics Norway CEO Hans Henrik Scheel, should have concluded that corporate and personal tax must be lowered to 20 percent. It confirms several key sources to Bergens Tidende.

In the state budget for 2015 in comparison both corporate and personal tax set at 27 percent. To finance such a powerful cuts must taxes be increased in other areas.

After that Bergens Tidende has reason to believe, is a state property tax one of the central elements of the tax reform to Scheele Committee.

The committee was set down by Stoltenberggovernment in March 2013 after it was broad bipartisan consensus that a tax settlement must be done.

The committee submits its conclusions on Tuesday, and then report be sent out for consultation. So the government will eventually come with a White Paper.

The first changes will hardly be able to come into force until at least 2016. (© NTB)


Basketball Coach gets tougher rape sentence with three additional years – Aftenposten

Basketball Coach gets tougher rape sentence with three additional years – Aftenposten

He is convicted of five rapes, one attempted rape and two counts of having exploited his position to obtain sexual favors.

The two youngest victims were only 16 and 17 years old when the abuse happened.

The penalty for eleven years unconditional prisons is three years more stringent than the one he got in Court of Appeal before the summer, but still four years lower than it Oslo District Court said was an appropriate punishment.

The reason is that the jury answered “no” in six of the twelve charges, which meant that they also almost half verte penalty.

Read also: Rape Convicted basketball coach back in court


– My client is obviously degraded the result. Now we will study the Supreme Court grounds carefully, says the man lawyer, Johnny Veum.

The judgment of eleven years in prison in line with the statement from Attorney Carl Graff Hartmann:

– We are well satisfied with avgjørlesen says Graff Hartmann.

– My clients are very happy today. They are pleased that the Supreme Court says so clearly from how serious it looks at this kind of abuse, says counsel Trine Rjukan.


years in detention

36-year-old has now been sitting 738 days – or just over two years – in custody at Ila Detention and Security Prison. He will now be transferred on Atonement.

The Court of Appeal considered that redress amount should be set at 185.000 million for the two youngest because of their low age and because they were exposed to a gross breach of trust. Judges therefore went beyond the Supreme Court’s standard norm of 150,000 kroner compensation in rape cases.

The Court ruled 36-year-old to pay compensation of 150,000 kroner to the three other women he is convicted of having raped.

These indemnities remain.

The Supreme Court has only looked at sentencing.

* Also read: – The feel condemnation from people around them

Published: 28.Nov. 2014 3:40 p.m.


Ivar (100): – I have smoked for 85 years – Rome Blad

Ivar (100): – I have smoked for 85 years – Rome Blad

[Telemarksavisa] – Dad, you have received a letter from the king. You are probably the first in the family who has received it, says daughter Sissel Tveitan Brekke, who adds that the letter is signed Harald R.

– Then you can answer “Thank you, sincerely Ivar T.” , it comes instantly from the jubilant, who almost seems it gets a little too much attention since local press popping up in his apartment over Gulset Centre in Skien.

– How is it to be 100 years?

– I have not thought about it. As long as I feel fresh, so it’s okay, says Ivar Tveitan.

It is an established fact that smoking is risky, but Tveitan makes it clear that he has no plans to stop.

– I have smoked for 85 years. During the war we leave green tobacco leaves on the stove until they were brown, so we smoked it in newsprint. It was the tobacco we had during the war, says Tveitan, which thrives in the apartment at Gulset.

Nine siblings

– There are quiet and calm. I have no better place to stay – here I thrive, says Tveitan.

Among congratulators was obviously little brother Georg William Tveitan as humorous says that big brother is not the only one in the family to get a letter from the king.

– I intend to get a letter like that too, laughs Georg William, who explains that they were nine siblings.

– People had many children before, adding to the jubilant.

Around the World

When asked where he originally comes from, the answer is that he is Gjerpensdalen boy. A home maids who know Tveitan well, reveals that he has countless great stories from around the world, from their time as a sailor in foreign trade.

– Can not you tell when you

were outdistanced ? asks one of the guests.

– It happened several times, says Tveitan, which also experienced being imprisoned two months without reason in Hamburg, during WWII.

Much has naturally changed since Tveitan was young, and they would not freeze store and refrigerator.

He says he age of 15 worked to cut blocks of ice, which he drove on a horse and sleigh.


– I worked for Jespersen and drove horse. We went to Norsjø and sawn blocks of ice weighing between 70 and 100 kilograms. They let the sled and we went off, telling Tveitan.

– We let the blocks in sawdust in a warehouse, and the blocks held throughout the summer, tells Tveitan, which itself has no definitive answer on how he has achieved the high age.

In youth he played football at Skotfoss AIK (Workers’ sports club) and in 1935 became the circuit masters at Notodden. Tveitan has framed team photo with the names of the players written behind. The team were also two of his brothers.

Dattera Sissel Tveitan Brekke says that his father also rode a lot over the years.

– He rode until he was a few and 90 years and he rode through here (from Gulset) and out to Downtown to shop, she says.

– Anything was better before

Georg William believes that some things were actually better before, although they had not so many material goods as now.

– It was quieter and cozier before, he says.

– It was not the wealth but Now people have got a very prosperity, but they complain too much. And those who complain are usually to blame himself. (ANB)


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Shotgun Man on Vinstra indicted for attempted murder – Aftenposten

Shotgun Man on Vinstra indicted for attempted murder – Aftenposten

On Wednesday night police received a message from a doctor’s office in Vinstra, where a 69-year-old among others should have tried to turn his doctor. When police arrived at the doctor’s office, the man was gone.

When two police officers then attempted to contact him at home, he came out with a shotgun. 69-year-old shot one policeman and hit him in the back. The police officer was probably saved by protective vest he wore. He was also allegedly tried to shoot the other policeman, but missed.

Police in Gudbrandsdalen has now indicted 69-year-old attempts willfully attempted murder, reports local newspaper

Man shall be subjected to imprisonment at 13h30 on Thursday. He has previously been described as unstable and disruptive.

Deprived hunting weapons

Police have previously considered that the man’s health situation dictates that he should not have weapons, and have taken hunting weapons from


– There was no expectation that he should have a weapon, but it is clear it is possible to have unregistered weapons or to acquire weapons that are not registered, says police chief Bjørn E. Bergundhaugen Lillehammer said.

Is the hospital

According to GD police have secured the scene and will make further inquiries during the day. Police have started mapping of witnesses and preparing questioning them.

Police would not say whether the man is able to let themselves interrogate now, but says that he is in the hospital in Lillehammer. He will not be physically damaged.

Published: 27.nov. 2014 10:35


Missing man found dead – Romsdals Budstikke

Missing man found dead – Romsdals Budstikke

Geithus (NTB): En 89 år gammel mann som har vært savnet i Geithus i Modum kommune i Buskerud siden torsdag ettermiddag, er funnet omkommet.

Mannen ble funnet ved 23-tiden torsdag kveld, skriver Drammens Tidende.

Siste observasjon av mannen var ved 15-tiden, og han ble meldt savnet fire timer senere.

Mannskaper fra Nordre Buskerud politidistrikt, Røde Kors og fem hundeekvipasjer fra Norske Redningshunder har søkt etter mannen.

Også dykkere fra brannvesenet bisto i letingen (©NTB)

Savnet mann funnet død

Geithus (NTB): En 89 år gammel mann som har vært savnet i Geithus i Modum kommune i Buskerud siden torsdag ettermiddag, er funnet omkommet.

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Missing man found dead – Aftenposten

Missing man found dead – Aftenposten

The man was found at 23 o’clock Thursday night, writes Dram Tidende.

Last observation of man was at 15 o’clock and he was reported missing four hours later.

Crews from Northern Buskerud Police District, Red Cross and five dog carriages from Norwegian Rescue Dogs have searched for the man.

Also divers from the Fire Department

assisted in the search .

Published: 28.Nov. 2014 0:34


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Policeman shot at Vinstra ** Emergency squad assists ** Police: – Very dangerous … – TV 2

Policeman shot at Vinstra ** Emergency squad assists ** Police: – Very dangerous … – TV 2

The 69-year-old man who shot at police, and hit a policeman, spent shotgun.

– The injured policeman was first transported to Lillehammer for treatment, but later moved to Ullevål, said police chief Bjorn Bergundhaugen TV 2.

Neither the police nor Ulevåll hospital wants to go out with any information about the man’s health.

The incident to the shooting started Wednesday night, when the man was in Vinstra doctor’s office a consultation. Doctor perceived as unstable man, and called police.

Stack of

– Before we came to the place the man had run off and was briefly Soon after localized in their own residence. When police tried to contact him we fire at, tells Bergundhaugen.

Interview with director Bjorn Bergundhaugen Lillehammer Police:

Police searching with large forces by the perpetrator. According Gudbrandsdølen Dagningen journalist who is onsite participate at least 15 armed policemen in the search, along with a dog squad.

The offender accompanied police 69 years and is little known by the police. He is 180 cm tall, has blond hair and is wearing dark clothing. The man should be armed.

– Police consider him very dangerous and urges people to stay inside behind locked door. The police must be informed immediately by observations, writes Gudbrandsdal Police at midnight.

TV 2 are on site and have run around the streets of Vinstra. It is clear that the police are concentrated around the residence. It is not police cars to look elsewhere in the area. Police and ambulance personnel are lined up around the house where police believe the perpetrator abides.

The house is located in a small housing estate on Vinstra.

Mayor: – Dramatically

Mayor of Nord-Fron municipality, Olav Rossum, calling the situation dramatically and he says never experienced anything like this before.

– Based on what I know the police will take care of the situation now, I reckon I will be informed when it is time for it, says Rossum TV 2 .

Editor of newspaper Dolen, Bjørn Sletten is in place in the center of Vinstra to cover the event. He says that there is much visible police and that they too should have surrounded the residence of the offender.

Worried neighbor

Synnøve Sletten’s neighbor to the house where the offender lives.

– Since we are talking about so small distance, so we are obviously very frightened, says Sletten who possess not dare to go out.

She says she can see very many cars in a long queue outside his window. – The cars, which are well from the police is facing the house, she said.

TV 2 update the case.


Fire at Bryggen – Aftenposten

Fire at Bryggen – Aftenposten

The fire department received clock 22.45 notification smoke in Finnegårdsgaten 6 – Bryggen in Bergen.

– It is a residential building where seven people registered at the address. Some are evacuated, but we have no overview of how many and if everyone is out, said operations manager Kjersti Eidsnes police clock 23.

Just before midnight notified the fire department this on Twitter:

“The fire in Finnegårdsgaten is extinguished.”

– Worked hard life

Fire crews worked according guard commander Jan Henning Fossedal for dear life to extinguish what he describes as a huge fire.

12 to 13 cars and nearly 30 men worked to get the fire under control. Now wait for fighters into the night.

The clock 23.36 lighted the fire department, according Operations Eidsnes, that they had control. 20 minutes later reported one that the fire was extinguished.

All the available equipment was in use at the site during quenching work.

– This is a fire my coat, so we take this very seriously, says guard commander Fossedal.

Do not fire the cause

Business Man and landlord Bjorn Hanevik says the five-story farm contains a restaurant and apartments.

– The building has damage. But right now I’m just

keen and happy that no people are injured, said Hanevik.

Efforts Leader Tom Øyvind Johannessen police say the apartment on the fourth floor are burned out.

– The is too early to say anything about the cause. We will now make interrogations, and built and the surrounding area will be secured going forward, says Johannessen.

Disable area

Two snorkel cars, more fire engines, police and ambulance came out in connection with the fire . Øvregaten is also blocked off during the work.

Just before kl. 23 police asked onlookers pull away. Firefighters were then about to take off into the apartment.

The street is a side street off the pier, not far from the funicular.

According to a witness in the neighboring building escaped several people from built after the fire started.

A woman told recounted violent smoke from several windows in the apartment where the fire.

Published: 26.nov. 2014 11:23 p.m.


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Majority in Parliament will have liquor stores in airports – Aftenposten

Majority in Parliament will have liquor stores in airports – Aftenposten

Both Labor, Center, Left and the Christian Democrats will namely voice to investigate duty scheme future, writes the class struggle.

One of points in the report will be about Vinmonopolet will assume duty sales from the private sector, which both Labor, KrF and Sp’d love to see happen immediately.

– Have taken completely

– Duty on airports have taken off. We believe the marketing might be more sober if Vinmonopolet acquires this, says Torgeir Micaelsen (Ap).

When Ap put into government in 2012 was the agreement on tax-free sales at airports renewed but now turns ie party.

– We are many in Labor who believe that the scheme is stretched too far. You must be a local Gardermoen to avoid ending up in liquor shelf, and sales of duty-free alcohol has become very big, justifies Micaelsen turnaround with.

Every fourth liquor bottle

According to figures from National Centre for Alcohol has duty-free sales by Norwegian airports has risen by 32 percent this year, and every four liquor bottle purchased in Norway is acted on duty.

According to Aftenposten, the company Travel Retail Norway – which stands for taxfree sales at Norwegian airports – had a surplus totaling 2 billion since it took over the duty free sales for SAS in 2005.

Published: 26.nov. 2014 5:49


LO strike is over –

LO strike is over –

Staff Unions and eight other unions were taken out in the strike. If it had not been agreed Tuesday night, would also employees of SV and Labor been taken out on strike on Wednesday.

The parties agreed full access to wage statistics, as well as salary increase of NOK 12,000 for salary grade 28 to 45 and a raise of 2.9 percent for people with salary grade 46 and above.

– Retail and Office has this strike demonstrated that we take the fight to our members, whatever

employer we meet, says union leader Bjorn MIETINEN .

– We have received cleared off the road disagreement about the strategic basis and how insight into wage for other groups to be practiced, says Chairman of Arbeiderbevegelsens Employers’ Association and LO secretary Trude Tin Lund in a statement.

The agreement shall reach out ballot among Commerce and office members.


Erik Andersen is released – Aftenposten

Erik Andersen is released – Aftenposten

– He was released late last week, when everything was paper work done, says 62-year-old defender Gunhild Lærum VG.

Andersen searched for parole after serving at least time in seven years by a forvaringsdom in ten years. For a month ago said Asker and Bærum District Court agreed to release on special conditions.

Now he is out of Ila and moved home to Hordaland.

– He has ongoing contact with

Correctional Services West says Lærum. She has not met or talked with 62-year-old after release.

Published: 25.nov. 2014 10:19 p.m.


Monday, November 24, 2014

Roadside full guy in Målselv – VG

Roadside full guy in Målselv – VG

A snack in Målselv in Troms burned to the ground on Monday night. A nearby gas station was evacuated and gas pumps connected down.

Troms Police said on Twitter that Veikro on Buktamoen was lit, but that no person shall had been injured.

According to NRK petrol station Located just meters from the roadside peace, evacuated. The owner has

disconnected pumps. Also three cottages situated nearby were evacuated.

Three fire engines from Bardufoss Air Station and all emergency services were on site.

It was conducted a controlled burning of the building.

Police reported the fire bell 22.40 Monday evening.


The trailer pushed the car into oncoming lane – there was the shattering of an oncoming car – Fædrelandsvennen

The trailer pushed the car into oncoming lane – there was the shattering of an oncoming car – Fædrelandsvennen

TVEDESTRAND : A Renault Laguna wagon drove from Tvedestrand against Arendal with a wagon train behind him. At the exit to Eydehavn was Renault hit from behind and pushed into the opposite lane, where it hit an Audi A4 who was driving in the opposite direction.

Deprived license

Renault was hit so hard that the passenger side is completely shattered. The man behind the wheel was stuck squeezed and is seriously injured. The damages shall not be life threatening.

Audi was driven by a woman, where the damage is characterized as not serious. She is taken to hospital for check.

– The driver of the wagon train is routinely deprived license, police efforts leader Lennart Johnsen.

He says that both Renault and Audi would swing by E18 in to Eydehavn when the accident happened.


Police Operations Ole Bjørn Kleivane states Monday night just before 21.30, after conversation with Southern Hospitality, the driver who was seriously injured, not life threatening damaged.

He also states that the female driver safety is seriously

injured, but that she was rushed to hospital for check.

– The driver of the wagon train has not extent of the damage betydening but was taken to hospital for check, saying Kleivane.

– What led to the seizure of his driver’s license?

– It was bitter scope first beslaglag. It is not suspected intoxication, he said.

The accident

Police got the message traffic accident clock 19.04

E 18 was closed. It originated long queues both ways. The clock 20.30 police began manual routing past the accident site, and 21.30 was E18 opened for regular traffic again.

Police said there was minimal queue just before the road was reopened.

It was rated detour.

– There was no detour. The planned road had been too long, and was therefore not signposted. The road was cleared faster than they thought, said Anniken Island by Road Traffic Management Centre.


At least 100 have to go in Store Norwegian – Fædrelandsvennen

At least 100 have to go in Store Norwegian – Fædrelandsvennen

The reduced operation comes as a result of low coal prices on the world market.

The company states that everything indicates that coal prices will remain at a low level in the future, and that it leads to substantial losses.

Monday’s decision is not sufficient to ensure Major Norwegian, and further measures are being considered, the company writes in a press release Monday night.

The company has 340 employees in mining operations in Svalbard.

250 can move from Svalbard

– This is a sad day for the Svalbard community. It is dramatic with such large cuts in business to Store Norwegian. And it’s especially bad that many are now going to lose his job just before Christmas, says local chairman Christin Kristoffersen (Ap).

According to local chairman, up against 250 of total 2200 inhabitants in Longyearbyen be affected by redundancies, about using a normal factor of 2.5 to bring family members of those who lose their jobs.

– 30 percent of those who work in the mines also have children in kindergarten or school, and the cuts are going to give repercussions for a variety of businesses here, says Kristoffersen.

Reduces the two mines

It will initially be implemented reduced operation in Svea Nord and Lunckefjell six mil south of Longyearbyen.

Currently, it will be held normal operations in Mine 7 just outside Longyearbyen, but Chairman Annette Malm Justad told Aftenposten that one can not rule out cutbacks also there.

– We deeply regret that we must terminate employees, but it is necessary to reduce operations and cut costs if the company is to survive. The alternative is controlled liquidation now. It is also important to be aware that the crisis in the Great Norwegian is not over with, she says.

Big gap profitability

When the new Lunckefjell mine opened in February, as first Svalbard mine for 14 years, was the

potential for profitable operation for a coal price of around $ 130 per tonne.

– Now the price dropped to 73-74 dollars per ton, and against all predictions, the price not increased during the autumn, but rather stagnated like the price of other commodities such as iron ore and oil, says Malm Justad.

– Is this the beginning of the end of coal mining on Svalbard?

– I have no ambitions to liquidate coal mining, but it is necessary to find a profitable operation. There may be new measures on top of the downsizing that has now been adopted, and we are also going to have to put in place new funding to improve the company’s liquidity, she said.

Need new loans

Malm Justad reports that Major Norwegian need increased borrowing to get through the crisis.

Major Norwegian was established in 1916 and operates three coal mines in Svalbard Svea Nord and Lunckefjell seks mil south of Longyearbyen, and Mine 7 Adventdalen right outside Longyearbyen.

Travel and research new pillars

According to local chairman Christin Kristoffersen has Svalbard community for a long time worked to build up strong complements to mining.

– The tourism industry has got a lot of good, and has become a year-round offerings with new visitors. Besides research activities a strong contributor to new activity, said she.

Got 200 million. New Port

Last year Svalbard also set up in the National Transport with a grant of 200 million million to construct new port in Longyearbyen.

The entire project is estimated to cost 400 million.

– Much of the development potential we see require an industrial engine, and Major Norwegian is an important player for port development, says Kristoffersen.


Sunday, November 23, 2014

Man picked up by the water after plane crash – NRK

Man picked up by the water after plane crash – NRK

– Klokken 14 at vi fikk melding fra et vitne om en hangglider, eller et mikrofly som hadde gått ned i sjøen, forteller innsatsleder Arne Knoff Næss, i Østfoldpolitiet.

Hovedredningssentralen sendte ut nødmelding via Tjøme Radio, som ble oppfattet av en fritidsbåteier som befant seg bare minutter unna. Båteieren dro til havaristedet og fikk reddet piloten.

Båteieren er Geir Johansen fra Halden. Johansen så ikke styrten, men fant piloten der han klamret seg fast til vraket av mikroflyet.

– Han var jo våt, så det var tungt å få ham om bord.

Geir Johansen var tilfeldigvis ute med båten sin i området

Foto: Martin Tangen Schmidt / NRK

Reddet liv

Politiets innsatsleder skryter av Johansen.

– Han har gjort en fabelaktig innsats. Alene klarte han å få piloten opp i skøyta, og inn til kai. Det står det respekt av. Han har reddet et liv i dag, forteller Knoff Næss.

Da piloten ble plukket opp

hadde han brudd i et ben og smerter i brystet. Han er nå fraktet med luftambulanse til sykehus i Fredrikstad.

Flyet hentet opp

Redningsskøyta Horn Flyer rykket ut for å hente opp mikroflyet. Flyet har en vinge som ligner på en hangglider og en kropp som ligner på en båt.

Alene i flyet

De første meldingen kom fra HRS Sør-Norge om at flyet hadde styret i kilen. Kort tid senere ble det opplyst at en fritidsbåt i området hadde plukket han opp.

Da redningsmannskaper kom frem, snakket de med mannen, som sa han hadde vært alene i flyet da ulykken skjedde.

Til tross for at mannen sa han var alene, dro nødetatene til stedet og søkte blant annet med Sea King.

UTRYKNING: Sea King og nødetatene dro ut til Svalerødkilen utenfor Halden etter at et mikrofly styrtet like etter klokka 14.

Foto: Andreas Utberg


Tightly basin led to hospital flood –

Tightly basin led to hospital flood –

(Dagbladet): flooded hospital in Kristiansand seems to be under control .

– There was a manhole that was close, but now we have control on the water, says CIO, Sørklandet hospital Rune Nesdal Jonassen Dagbladet around 22.30 on Sunday evening.

Civil defense, fire and engineering system has worked feverishly to gain control of the flooding that has led to a halt in the receipt of intensive care and radiology patients at the hospital.

Terje Syvertsen, emergency manager Kristiansand region fire

and rescue (KBR) told Dagbladet that a thirty people now working hard to remove the water as the last hours have flooded into the hospital.

-Ingeniørvesenet is here with excavators. There is a water that has overflowed on the upper side of the hospital. Now try grams machines to lead water away. We will continue to stay on for quite a few hours before we can say we have received cleared the water, but it goes in the right direction, said Syversen Dagbladet.


Car impaled by barriers in accident – VG

Car impaled by barriers in accident – VG

Amazingly, the Polish man in his 30s conscious after the accident in Kvinnherad Sunday night.

– It was a so-called single accident . He was driving on the road, and in some meeting he drove into the crash barrier and got it through the front and side pane.

– thankfully put no one in the passenger seat. And miraculously, the man was apparently not seriously injured, said operations Kjersti Eidsnes in Hordaland Police VG.

The accident occurred on road 551 in Ænes Kvinnherad. Police were alerted clock 18.03 Sunday night.

The accident happened at the exit to Ænes church, according to local newspaper Grenda.

Feared internal injuries

The driver, a Polish man in his 30s, was conscious when police arrived.

– The paramedics feared possible internal injuries, he was flown to Haukeland University Hospital by air ambulance, said Eidsnes.

Police have not received the latest news about the condition of man, but stated that they would have had close contact with the hospital if there had been signs that man was seriously injured.

The Pole ran a Norwegian registered company car. Police have notified the firm, which in turn shall notify any relatives.

Taking blood

Police suspect drunken driving.

– The reason for the witness information on the spot. We have taken an extended blood of man, but we can not answer this until later, said Eidsnes.

The accident should not have led to traffic problems.

– Personnel shall prepare at the site is notified. About the work is finished, I do not know. But accident car stood not so that it created traffic problems, says Operations Manager.

 & lt ; p & gt; SUSPECT PROMILLEKJ & # xD8; CALL: Police have taken an extended blood test & # XF8; woe of man after witnesses p & # xE5; instead said it smelled alcohol by him. & lt; / p & gt;

SUSPECT BLOOD DRIVE: Police have taken an extended blood of man after Witnesses at the site said it smelled alcohol of him.

Photo: Morten Nygård , hamlet


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Gunhild Stordalen seriously ill – Aftenposten

Gunhild Stordalen seriously ill – Aftenposten

In late October, Gunhild Stordalen have been discovered the potentially life-threatening disease, writes Dagens Næringsliv.

Systemic scleroderma is a connective tissue disease that can spread to the whole body, and attacks the skin and internal organs.

Stordalen says to DN that she did not know if she is healthy.

– I asked superior Rikshospitalet: “If I die, how come my life to be?” And then he said: “There we are not talking about now,” says Gunhild Stordalen the newspaper .

-Betydelig mortality

The prognosis for patients with systemic scleroderma is severe, depending on the spread and which organs are attacked.

At widespread disease, seen in about 40 percent of cases, the mortality during 5 years significantly, according to Major Medical Encyclopedia. The worst is that if the heart, lungs or kidneys are affected. For half of the patients stabilizes the disease itself and involves limited functionality, writes dermatologist Tor Langeland in Major Medical Encyclopedia.

At Gunhild Stordalen shall disease not yet have spread to internal organs.

Cancelled jobs

Both Gunhild Stordalen and husband Petter Stordalen has since October canceled meetings, lectures and public events.

– We have chosen to talk about this now, despite the fact that no one can know how this ends, said her husband told DN.

Getting experimental treatment

Gunhild Stordalen has been studied both at Rikshospitalet and with specialists in the US. Now she will go through a demanding, experimental treatment in the Netherlands. The next few months she will

undergo high-dose chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation.

The news Gunhild Great Valley disease has led to massive endorsements on social media. Saturday morning wrote Petter Stordalen on Twitter:

– I realize that I’m going to be infinitely ill and perhaps shamble down the grave’s edge with both feet until I’m through treatment. But I’ve resigned myself to the risk. The alternative is so much worse. For all I know, is that without stem cell transplant, I’m going to get worse. Much worse, she says in DN report.

Keen food and environment

Gunhild Stordalen is a medical doctor, but has in recent years worked with climate change and environmental protection, both through the foundation Stordalen Foundation , ZERO Conference and GreeNudge. She is also a board member of her husband’s companies Home Invest and Nordic Choice Hotels.

Stordalen managed in our gathering the world’s top scientists, business leaders and politicians to discuss food and environmental issues during the conference EAT Stockholm Food Forum.

Read also:

On the track for greener cities

Clinton comes at Great Valley environment meeting

– Food is the answer to the climate issue

Published: 21.nov. 2014 10:36 p.m.


Sandberg: – the Christian Democrats and Left rudder only that – NRK

Sandberg: – the Christian Democrats and Left rudder only that – NRK

– Jeg registrer at både KrF og Venstre ror som bare det for å komme seg vekk fra egen politikk. De må jammen meg stå til ansvar for inndekninga som nå skjer, sier Per Sandberg til NRK.

En milliard kroner skal nå hentes inn ved å ta 1,50 kroner i avgift for hver eneste plastpose og papirpose som du får når du kjøper noe i butikken i Norge. Derimot ble det full krangel om hvem som lanserte avgiften etter at regjeringspartiene signerte avtalen for neste års budsjett fredag.

Uenige om hvem forslaget kom fra

Trine Skei Grande mener Venstre ikke prioriterte poseavgiften under statsbudsjettforhandlingene.

Foto: Gorm Kallestad / Scanpix

Det var VG som først omtalte saken. Trine Skei Grande påsto da at Venstre ikke prioriterte avgiften under statsbudsjettforhandlingene. Og Siv Jensen i Frp hevder hun måtte gi etter for presset fra nettopp Venstre og KrF.

– Det var regjeringspartiene som først la forslaget om plastposeavgiften på bordet, ikke vi, sier Skei Grande til VG.

Per Sandberg på sin side mener Skei Grandes påstand er helt feil.

– Før vi startet forhandlingene stilte Venstre og KrF krav. Kravene var deres alternative statsbudsjett og der ligger poseavgiften, sier han til NRK.

Han mener partiene som har dette i sine programmer, og som har foreslått det i de alternative statsbudsjettene, bør ta æren for avgiften.

src="" title="Siv Jensen - For å finansiere lettelser på cirka tre milliarder kroner i formuesskatten, skal finansminister Siv Jensen kreve 1,50 kroner for hver pose man kjøper når man handler. - Foto: Siv Sandvik / NRK"/>

For å finansiere lettelser på cirka tre milliarder kroner i formuesskatten, skal finansminister Siv Jensen kreve 1,50 kroner for hver pose man kjøper når man handler.

Foto: Siv Sandvik / NRK

– Venstre har foreslått dette i sitt alternative budsjett med én krone og KrF har foreslått 1,50 kroner. At man ikke synes noe om å ta æren for sin egen politikk, det får KrF og Venstre svare for, sier han.

Sandberg måtte foreslå avgifta

Derimot var det Frp som måtte legge frem forslag om poseavgiften under forhandlingene om budsjettet.

– Det kom aldri en kravliste fra KrF og Venstre. Derfor måtte vi legge frem forslag som lå forankret i de alternative statsbudsjettene fra KrF og Venstre. Det var slik forhandlingene foregikk og derfor fikk de tilbud om å gjennomføre avgiften, sier han.

– Det var du som foreslo avgiften i referansegruppa, hvorfor måtte du gjøre det?

– For når KrF og Venstre lette etter inndekning for sine utgiftsøkninger, så mente jeg at den minst smertefulle inndekninga som Venstre og KrF har i sine alternative statsbudsjett, er nettopp plastposeavgifta. Det er tross alt en avgift folk kan velge bort.

Selv handler Sandberg med sekk, for å unngå plastposeavgifta.

Foto: Stein Roar Leite / NRK

– Men de andre avgiftsøkningene som ikke minst Venstre har, er direkte fiendtlig mot distriktene og meget smertefull. Derfor var det uaktuelt, sier Sandberg.

Tar gjerne æren

Sandberg mener Skei Grande fortjener å få bildet sitt på plastposen.

– Hvis KrF og Venstre ikke vil, så tar jeg gjerne æren for at det kommer en plastposeavgift i stedet for andre større avgifter.

Avgiften trer i kraft 15. mars neste år. Selv bruker Sandberg ryggsekk når han handler, for å slippe å betale for poser.

– Ryggsekk med mange rom, slik at man kan skille varene man handler, er veldig smart. Da blir det få avgifter, sier Sandberg.
