Monday, September 5, 2016

TV2 evacuated after bomb threat –

(Dagbladet): Monday afternoon were TV2′s offices in Oslo and Bergen evacuated after a bomb threat. It confirms police told Dagbladet.

At 15.40 o’clock it was called in a bomb threat to TV2 in both cities. This led to the employees in both cities were asked to leave the buildings.

tHE RISK oF: After about 30 minutes they could TV2 employees return to their offices in Oslo. Photo: Jesper Nordahl Finsveen / Dagbladet more

The time 16.40, people start moving back into the building. It was around 30 minutes after the message about the evacuation came.

Penalty Bart

It is called in a bomb threat in both Oslo and Bergen. It is called a non-specific threat and crime guard in the police are on the case.

– This is a crime, then the case is followed up, says operations manager Christian Krohn Engseth Dagbladet.

He continues:

– it’s always serious when such a thing happens and it’s TV2 themselves who have chosen to evacuate and crime guard is now in contact with TV2.

it was BergensAvisen who first publicized case .

STUDIO: TV 2 news anchor Rune Kjos was iStudio when the alarm went off in TV2′s premises in Oslo. He was told in the ear of the building to be evacuated. Photo: Jesper Nordahl Finsveen / Dagbladet more

Set in studio

According to police bomb threat have been called in directly to the channel, type NTB.

the threats should be dialed in from a foreign number, but the caller spoke Norwegian, it writes 2 TV on their websites.

News Anchor of TV 2, Rune Kjos, was right in a transmission when the bomb threat came.

He was told on the ear that TV2′s premises should be evacuated.

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