Friday, September 30, 2016

– The government is not near to follow up budsjettavtalen – Daily

It was a disappointed Breivik who met the press after the prime minister Erna Solberg (H) presented the proposal for a green skatteskift in the budget for 2017.

I am a little unsure on if the government realised the seriousness. Man-made climate change is the biggest samfunnsutfordringen that we face, ” says Breivik, who says that precisely why need to 2017-the budget to facilitate significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Read also: Hard against hard from Jensen and Solberg fees

Negotiate or go by

He said the government put forward is identical with the last offer that was given to the Left and the Progress earlier this month.

– It has Left already said no to, says Breivik.

Young Left writes on Twitter that the government has delivered an irresponsible proposal.

Erna have to negotiate or go out of require.

the Government has proposed a avgiftsopplegg that means 15 cents in increased bensinavgift, 35 cents in increased dieselavgift and 20 cents in increased mineraloljeavgift.

at the same time they will reduce the fee, cut some bompengesatser and increase pendlerfradraget.

Ask the Left and the Progress trap of the government

the SOCIALIST also believes that the government in their arrangements for bilavgifter violating the agreement with the Left Sector.

– the Government breaks it promise they have given to the Left and the christian democratic party has to put forward a miljøbudsjett with large reductions in emissions, and provides instead an ultimatum for continued pollution, says SV leader Audun Lysbakken.

– you Now need the Left and the christian democratic party has to take the consequences and overthrow the government. We stand ready to cooperate with them about the miljøbudsjett.

MDG on courting

Miljøpartiet De Green is also on the offensive after the government’s proposal for increased fuel surcharges. They invite the government’s støttepartier and the Labour party to budsjettforlik.

the Party believes there is a basis for that the four parties can find together, according to Aftenposten.

the Ap has previously said that the Left can get more attention with them. What we want the MDGS to now take seriously, ” says national spokesperson Rasmus Hansson of the MDGS.

the Government will put forward its proposals for the national budget next Thursday.

– Those Green prompts an alternative majority to take responsibility for a bilpolitikk that delivers utslippskuttene all has promised, ” says Hansson. (NTB)


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