Thursday, July 31, 2014

- A woman should not be her husband Lord – NRK

- A woman should not be her husband Lord – NRK

Bibelskolerektor Per Bergene Holm startet med å sitere Bibelen da han skulle forklare hvorfor Norsk Luthersk Lekmannsmisjon ikke lenger vil la kvinner ha talerett og stemmerett i lærespørsmål.

– Der står det at en kvinne ikke skal være sin manns Herre, sa Bergene Holm. Det er alle klar over og det er ingen strid om det, sa han. Men så kommer spørsmålet om hvordan dette skal tolkes, sa han.

– Kvinner og menn er skapt til forskjellige funksjoner, forklarte han.

Bibelen er en gammel bok. Mange mener vel at vi burde være kommet litt lenger i 2014?

Vi er klar ovar at det er mange meninger om dette, og det er ingen stor sak for oss, men saken har vært oppe til vurdering flere ganger og nå har man bestemt at kvinner ikke bør ha tale og stemmerett i læresaker, sier Bergene Holm.

Slutt på kvinnelig stemmerett

Kvinner får dermed ikke lenger ha stemme- og talerett når det gjelder lærespørsmål i Norsk Luthersk Lekmannsmisjon. Misjonsorganisasjonen har bibelskole i Stokke og mange medlemmer i Vestfold. I mer enn 50 år har kvinnene i organisasjonen hatt stemmerett på lik linje med menn, men nå vil de yngre i organisasjonen ha en endring. En av dem, Konrad Fjell, sier til avisa Dagen at stemmeansvaret i lærespørsmål bare bør være pålagt menn.

– Urettferdig sammenligning

– Det er urettferdig å sammenligne oss med islamistiske fundamentalistiske organisasjoner, slik mange gjør på facebook, sier Bergene Holm. – Vi tar avstand fra bruk av vold. Folk skal vite at de kan være trygge sammen med oss. Det er også stor takhøyde for diskusjon og meningsutveksling, sa Bergene Holm.


Pst call off threat preparedness – Beautiful weather

Pst call off threat preparedness – Beautiful weather

  Oslo (NTB): Police Security Service (PST) adjust the required threat situation to the same level as before the response was accentuated last Thursday.

writes meteorologist police said in a statement Thursday.

 Justice and Public Security Minister Anders Anundsen (FRP), together with PST and Police Directorate summoned to a press conference on the threat situation Thursday at 18

 Police Directorate has ordered Salten police to liquidate the strengthened preparedness in the district. This means that the police are no longer to bear arms, and border control to normalize.

 As late as Wednesday the situation was described as “serious and unsettled” – an unchanged rating from the day before.

 When PST raised the alarm last week, it occurred on the basis of information about the existence of a specific and time-limited terrorist threat against Norway. The threat stemmed according to VG from a group of extremists who had traveled from Syria.

 Police presence on the public hubs, such as airports, ports and railway stations, will now be stepped down to normal levels, according Salten police district. It is currently unknown whether the normalization will also apply in other police districts. (© NTB)


Pst call off threat preparedness – Beautiful weather

Pst call off threat preparedness – Beautiful weather

  Oslo (NTB): Police Security Service (PST) adjust the required threat situation to the same level as before the response was accentuated last Thursday.

writes meteorologist police said in a statement Thursday.

 Justice and Public Security Minister Anders Anundsen (FRP), together with PST and Police Directorate summoned to a press conference on the threat situation Thursday at 18

 Police Directorate has ordered Salten police to liquidate the strengthened preparedness in the district. This means that the police are no longer to bear arms, and border control to normalize.

 As late as Wednesday the situation was described as “serious and unsettled” – an unchanged rating from the day before.

 When PST raised the alarm last week, it occurred on the basis of information about the existence of a specific and time-limited terrorist threat against Norway. The threat stemmed according to VG from a group of extremists who had traveled from Syria.

 Police presence on the public hubs, such as airports, ports and railway stations, will now be stepped down to normal levels, according Salten police district. It is currently unknown whether the normalization will also apply in other police districts. (© NTB)


Pst call off threat preparedness – Fædrelandsvennen

Pst call off threat preparedness – Fædrelandsvennen

evaluation to the Police Security Service (PST) is that it has not been possible to produce additional information that supports the specific threat against Norway. Police will therefore continue to downscaling of the increased response to a level in line with PST’s last general threat assessment from February 2014.

preparedness was raised last Thursday because data indicated that there was a specific and time-limited threat Norway.

– It is the total information picture now suggests that this is not going to happen, says the PST-chief Alana Bjørnland.

When PST raised the alarm last week, it was because they had received information that a group of people were on their way from Syria to Europe. The purpose was to conduct a terrorist act, and Norway was mentioned as a possible target.

– information about the threat was not verified. We did not know if they were completely or partially correct. There was also no information about where, how or why a possible terrorist attack would be carried out, says Bjørnland. (© NTB)


Pst call off threat preparedness – Fædrelandsvennen

Pst call off threat preparedness – Fædrelandsvennen

evaluation to the Police Security Service (PST) is that it has not been possible to produce additional information that supports the specific threat against Norway. Police will therefore continue to downscaling of the increased response to a level in line with PST’s last general threat assessment from February 2014.

preparedness was raised last Thursday because data indicated that there was a specific and time-limited threat Norway.

– It is the total information picture now suggests that this is not going to happen, says the PST-chief Alana Bjørnland.

When PST raised the alarm last week, it was because they had received information that a group of people were on their way from Syria to Europe. The purpose was to conduct a terrorist act, and Norway was mentioned as a possible target.

– information about the threat was not verified. We did not know if they were completely or partially correct. There was also no information about where, how or why a possible terrorist attack would be carried out, says Bjørnland. (© NTB)


Anundsen regrets – Sunnmørsposten

Anundsen regrets – Sunnmørsposten

Police Security Service (PST) confirms that the threat response will be scaled down to the same level as before the response was heightened last week.

evaluation to the Police Security Service (PST) is that it has not been possible to produce additional information that supports the specific threat against Norway. Police will therefore continue to downscaling of the increased response to a level in line with PST’s last general threat assessment from February 2014.

preparedness was raised last Thursday because data indicated that there was a specific and time-limited threat Norway.

– It is the total information picture now suggests that this is not going to happen, says the PST-chief Alana Bjørnland.

Would do it again

– I would no doubt have done the same again, says Anundsen said.

criticism from party colleague Jan Arild Ellingsen, he has little sense. The longtime FRP representative believes openness about the terrorist threat has contributed to noise and public concern.

– It’s like crying wolf-wolf. Next time there is a risk that residents do not take such a message as severe, said Ellingsen VG this week.

Armed police were the result of the heightened threat level, but this was not the only reason Attorney General chose to go out to the public and inform.

– No, a number of factors played into said Anundsen, who refuses to go into further detail.

Continued terrorist danger

A week has passed since the response was increased because of information about “a specific and time-limited threat to Norway.”

– The probability that the original information was correct is reduced. The threat of an imminent terrorist attack in Norway has decreased, said the chief of the Police Security Service Benedicte Bjørnland during Thursday’s press conference.

She does not preclude an actual terrorist attack has been averted as a result of the preventive measures that the police initiated.

– But we’ll probably never answer, she says.

preparedness level is now re-adapted PST last general threat assessment from February 2014.

– It involves that there will still be a risk of terrorist attack on Norwegian soil. We must live with an increased threat situation is normal, says Anundsen.

Bjørnland states that Norway faces a significant “residual risk”, although the current threat is toned down.

Great resources

Justice and the underlying agencies have started an evaluation of how the terrorist threat was handled. But even now the police director Odd Reidar Humlegård establish that the stringent response has had its price.

– There is no doubt that this has required significant resources, but what it has cost, we do not know yet, he says.

Finance Minister Siv Jensen (FRP) have all stated that the government intends to cover the extraordinary costs.

When PST raised the alarm last week, it was because the service had been informed that a group of people were on their way from Syria to Europe. The purpose was to conduct a terrorist act, and Norway was mentioned as a possible target.

– information about the threat was not verified. We did not know if they were completely or partially correct. There was also no information about where, how or why a possible terrorist attack would be carried out, says Bjørnland.

Lot not verify

When PST raised the alarm last week, it was because they had received information that a group of people were on their way from Syria to Europe. The purpose was to conduct a terrorist act, and Norway was mentioned as a possible target.

– information about the threat was not verified. We did not know if they were completely or partially correct. There was also no information about where, how or why a possible terrorist attack would be carried out, says Bjørnland.

– A possible effect of publicizing the threat may be that a terrorist attack has been thwarted, but this we will probably never answer, she adds.

May orient society

Bjørnland emphasizes that the general risk of terrorist attacks and politically motivated violence still exists.

– The democratic our society is vulnerable, and although the current threat is toned down, we are faced with a significant residual risk, she says.

When PST chose to tell the public about the threat, it was partly because the stringent response would be visible in the street scene with armed police.

– The most visible measures were more uniformed and armed police, and our assessment was that it was impossible not to inform the community about it, said Police Officer Odd Reidar Humlegård.

Wednesday was the maritime security level is lowered to level 1 in the less vulnerable port facilities, while other ports still had security level 2

time 16.30 Thursday it was reported that the Police Directorate had ordered Salten police district to liquidate the strengthened preparedness in the district. This means that the police are no longer to bear arms, and that border control will return to normal, said police district.


PST suspected that people linked to an extreme group in Syria had intends to carry out a terrorist attack in Norway. According to VG group had left Syria.

PST should have been informed that people had fake Norwegian identity papers, according to journalist and terrorist expert Kjetil Stormark. He said that he has gotten this confirmed by several independent sources.

– If there are more links to Norway, or if this is the only one, I do not know, said Stormark NTB earlier this week.

According Stormark authorities know the identity of one person in the group alleged to have traveled to Europe.

As late as Wednesday the situation was described as “serious and unsettled” – an assessment unchanged from the day before.


Man charged in old murder case in Ensjø – NRK

Man charged in old murder case in Ensjø – NRK

Hendelsen skjedde mandag 13. august 2012. Øyenvitner hørte flere høye smell rundt klokka 22.30 ved Shell-stasjonen på Ensjø. Da politiet kom til stedet var en 31 år gammel mann skutt.

Han ble først kjørt til Ullevål sykehus, men livet stod ikke til å redde.

Nå har politiet siktet en portugisisk mann i 30-årene, skriver VG. Portugiseren er siktet etter straffelovens paragraf 223, drap eller medvirkning til drap.

Han fremstilles for fengsling i Oslo i dag og politiet vil be om fire ukers varetektsfengsling.

– Politiet har gjennomført en omfattende etterforskning siden forholdet skjedde, og ser pågripelsen som et stort gjennombrudd i saken, sier politiadvokat Tina Bjarkø Helleland i en pressemelding.

Ikke tidligere straffedømt

– Han vil samtykke til fengsling, sier forsvarer Cathrine Pryser Grøndahl til VG.

Den drapssiktede kom til Norge i mai 2011 omtrent ett år før drapet fant sted og skal ikke være straffedømt tidligere, ifølge VG.

Kvelden 31-åringen ble drept søkte store politistyrker etter en sølvgrå bil som forlot åstedet. Politiet pågrep først tre personer, men disse ble senere sjekket ut av saken.

I følge VG siktet politiet en 27-åring med medvirkning til drapet i 2012, dagen etter det skjedde. Mannen satt fengslet i Bastøy fengsel.

Etter det NRK kjenner til knytter politiet skytingen til en konflikt i det pakistanske gjengmiljøet. Skuddofret skal ha vært en kjenning av politiet og knyttes til en av de kriminelle gjengene i hovedstaden.

Politiet opplevde økning i konfliktnivået i gjengmiljøet de siste ukene før drapet i 2012.

Hørte syv skudd

– Jeg gikk forbi bensinstasjonen, og sto rett nedenfor da skytingen begynte. Jeg ble veldig overrasket da det første skuddet kom, og tittet opp. Da kom det to skudd til, og jeg så en bil som det kom røyk ut av vinduet på, fortalte et vitne som ønsket å være anonym til i 2012.

Vitnet anslo da at det ble avfyrt rundt syv skudd og at væpnet politi kom til området like etter skytingen.

– Jeg så at de løp mot baksiden av stasjonen, og hørte flere rop etter skytingen.

Flere politipatruljer ble sendt ut for å avhøre vitner på stedet. Kriminalteknikere og en hundepatrulje ankom åstedet ved 23.10-tiden.


Man charged in old murder case in Ensjø – NRK

Man charged in old murder case in Ensjø – NRK

Hendelsen skjedde mandag 13. august 2012. Øyenvitner hørte flere høye smell rundt klokka 22.30 ved Shell-stasjonen på Ensjø. Da politiet kom til stedet var en 31 år gammel mann skutt.

Han ble først kjørt til Ullevål sykehus, men livet stod ikke til å redde.

Nå har politiet siktet en portugisisk mann i 30-årene, skriver VG. Portugiseren er siktet etter straffelovens paragraf 223, drap eller medvirkning til drap.

Han fremstilles for fengsling i Oslo i dag og politiet vil be om fire ukers varetektsfengsling.

– Politiet har gjennomført en omfattende etterforskning siden forholdet skjedde, og ser pågripelsen som et stort gjennombrudd i saken, sier politiadvokat Tina Bjarkø Helleland i en pressemelding.

Ikke tidligere straffedømt

– Han vil samtykke til fengsling, sier forsvarer Cathrine Pryser Grøndahl til VG.

Den drapssiktede kom til Norge i mai 2011 omtrent ett år før drapet fant sted og skal ikke være straffedømt tidligere, ifølge VG.

Kvelden 31-åringen ble drept søkte store politistyrker etter en sølvgrå bil som forlot åstedet. Politiet pågrep først tre personer, men disse ble senere sjekket ut av saken.

I følge VG siktet politiet en 27-åring med medvirkning til drapet i 2012, dagen etter det skjedde. Mannen satt fengslet i Bastøy fengsel.

Etter det NRK kjenner til knytter politiet skytingen til en konflikt i det pakistanske gjengmiljøet. Skuddofret skal ha vært en kjenning av politiet og knyttes til en av de kriminelle gjengene i hovedstaden.

Politiet opplevde økning i konfliktnivået i gjengmiljøet de siste ukene før drapet i 2012.

Hørte syv skudd

– Jeg gikk forbi bensinstasjonen, og sto rett nedenfor da skytingen begynte. Jeg ble veldig overrasket da det første skuddet kom, og tittet opp. Da kom det to skudd til, og jeg så en bil som det kom røyk ut av vinduet på, fortalte et vitne som ønsket å være anonym til i 2012.

Vitnet anslo da at det ble avfyrt rundt syv skudd og at væpnet politi kom til området like etter skytingen.

– Jeg så at de løp mot baksiden av stasjonen, og hørte flere rop etter skytingen.

Flere politipatruljer ble sendt ut for å avhøre vitner på stedet. Kriminalteknikere og en hundepatrulje ankom åstedet ved 23.10-tiden.


Latest: Female (48) life-threatening injured after house fire – TV 2

Latest: Female (48) life-threatening injured after house fire – TV 2

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Man arrested – woman injured in house fire – TV 2

Man arrested – woman injured in house fire – TV 2

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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Hold your breath, you have a chance – Firdaposten

Hold your breath, you have a chance – Firdaposten

What happens to the human body without suit in space? The question often appears in conjunction with the new sci fi movies, writing CNET , who has explored the issue further.

Do not hold your breath

There is a reason that astronauts use solid protective suits when they step out into space from the International Space Station. Without it, they often had great chances to survive.

Should you end up in that situation ever (?), It might be nice to know that you will remain conscious for a little while after exposure of the naked space.

It is indeed crucial to not hold your breath. Doing so will your lungs expand lynkjapt and let air into the circulatory system (blood, blood vessels and heart). Then it’s over in about 15 seconds, because your body will use up all your oxygen reserves.

other hand, you should allegedly have a highly theoretical possibility to survive for up to two minutes If you instead start breathing out, according to CNET, but this is explained somewhat closer.

spacesuit is essential for survival in space.

swelled up

Meanwhile, after about 10 seconds, you will know that the skin and the tissue begins to swell. This is because the body water evaporates. The skin is still so strong and resilient that it will keep the organs and entrails some. Here writes CNET that if you come back quickly in a pressure chamber, the skin and the tissues ready to normalize itself again.

During a failed test spacesuits in 1965 , received NASA test person Jim LeBlanc find that his tongue began to swell, when it was a hole in his suit while He was in a pressure chamber. He fainted after 14 seconds, but came from the event without lasting physical injury. It was because NASA quickly restored cabin pressure.

Finally, we mention that despite the low temperatures in space, you will not freeze to death without a protective suit and oxygen supply. You are in fact strangled before the body has time to dissipate heat.

website HowStuffWorks also mentions that you are exposed to extreme temperatures between minus 100 degrees C to plus 120 degrees C. They also write that a trip outside the space shuttle no suit would also prone astronaut to large amounts of radiation. Micrometeor moving at high speed may also be a threat.

Eternal graveyard?

But what happens if an astronaut dies in space? That question did research department University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) . They envision that if the body is close to a heat source, it will be mummified – that look like a mummy. With space suit on, but away from a heat source, it will happen composting body, about as fast as the earth. It is estimated, however, that the skeleton will survive forever, as long as it would not fall down to a planet.

Without spacesuit will all water bodies evaporate lynkjapt, thus stopping all biological processes. Ergo no composting. It also means that the body in theory can float around in space for almost forever, at least for a short time. (ANB)

Not exactly a common charter trip.
company Worldview will lift tourists 30 km into the air


Six out of ten councilors will team up with the Joneses – OBI Online

Six out of ten councilors will team up with the Joneses – OBI Online

While there are few who are willing to say a clear no to the merger, has 38 percent selected “Do not know” or “Do not want to answer.” The figures are based on the responses of 162 councilors, ie 38 per cent of the country’s councilors, writes Municipal Report.

result is about the same as a year ago.

survey is not anonymous, some councilors said the issue of merging is so politically difficult that they do not want to take public positions.

One of those both goods and deepens his vision is Rune Shur Gard, who is the administrative head Volda municipality. He is positive to go along with Ørsta, a process that stranded some years ago, but is now current again. It may also be necessary to merge several municipalities in the region, but Shur Gard believes the process of municipalities form begins at the wrong end.

– Municipalities should identify whom to team up with until they know how the future system will turn out, and before they know how big they need to be to cope with the tasks. Income system is essential for the municipality types that will be viable, said Shur Gard adding:

– I lack a comprehensive management review where one sees the state, counties and municipalities in context, and what responsibilities they have. (© NTB)


Six out of ten councilors will team up with the Joneses – OBI Online

Six out of ten councilors will team up with the Joneses – OBI Online

While there are few who are willing to say a clear no to the merger, has 38 percent selected “Do not know” or “Do not want to answer.” The figures are based on the responses of 162 councilors, ie 38 per cent of the country’s councilors, writes Municipal Report.

result is about the same as a year ago.

survey is not anonymous, some councilors said the issue of merging is so politically difficult that they do not want to take public positions.

One of those both goods and deepens his vision is Rune Shur Gard, who is the administrative head Volda municipality. He is positive to go along with Ørsta, a process that stranded some years ago, but is now current again. It may also be necessary to merge several municipalities in the region, but Shur Gard believes the process of municipalities form begins at the wrong end.

– Municipalities should identify whom to team up with until they know how the future system will turn out, and before they know how big they need to be to cope with the tasks. Income system is essential for the municipality types that will be viable, said Shur Gard adding:

– I lack a comprehensive management review where one sees the state, counties and municipalities in context, and what responsibilities they have. (© NTB)


More women are working full-time – newspaper Agder (Stain Fjords Times)

More women are working full-time – newspaper Agder (Stain Fjords Times)

<- Article Stripe ->

Number of full-time employed men increased by 27,000 from Q2 2013 to Q2 2014, while there were 9 000 fewer part-time employed men. Much of the decline in the number of part-time workers came among young people in education. This was true for both men and women. In Q2 2014 there were still many more men than women were employed full-time, respectively 86 and 61 percent, according to figures from Statistics Norway (SSB)

Fewer employed in retail trade
Labour Force Survey (LFS) shows that the number of persons employed in retail trade fell by 12,000 from Q2 2013 to the same quarter in 2014. During the same period, the number employed in technical services and property up to 10 000 and mining and quarrying, which is dominated by the oil and gas industry, the LFS shows an increase of 8,000 employees from Q2 2013 to Q2 this year. In other industries, there were only minor changes in the number of employees.

Small changes in labor force participation
In Q2 2014, the vocational activity or labor force as a percentage of the population 15 -74 years, 71.3 percent. This is a decrease of 0.2 percentage points from the same quarter the year before. The decline came among those under 25 years, where fewer combined part-time work with education. Among people aged 30-66 was however an increase in labor force participation from 2nd quarter 2013 to the same quarter of 2014. Biggest increase was in the age group 55-66 years, especially among women. Labour force participation among women aged 55-66 years increased from 61.5 percent in Q2 last year to 63.5 percent in the same quarter in 2014. Among men in the same age group increased labor force participation by 0.9 percentage points over the same period, to 71 , 8 percent in Q2 2014.

Stable of precarious work
In Q2 2014 amounted to temporary employees 8 percent of employees in all, unchanged from same quarter the year before. In public administration, the proportion of temporary employees down from 8 percent in Q2 2013 to 5 percent in Q2 2014. Among the industries that are dominated by the private sector, the use of temporary staff most prevalent in accommodation and food service activities. Where worked 13 percent of the employees temporarily in the 2nd quarter. Among the industries dominated by the public sector such work is most prevalent in the health and social services and education. In each of these industries worked 12 percent of the employees temporarily in Q2 2014.

Stable share of long term unemployed
LFS shows that there were 91,000 unemployed in 2 quarter of 2014, and that 31 percent of them were long-term unemployed. In Q2 2013, the proportion of long-term unemployed 32 percent. Long-term unemployed are people who have been unemployed for more than 26 weeks. The average time an unemployed person had been unemployed at the time of measurement, was 28 weeks in Q2 2014, one week longer than in the corresponding quarter last year.



Accident The driver will be at the hospital – NRK

Accident The driver will be at the hospital – NRK

Tolv av de sytten personene som var i ulykkesbussen som kjørte utfor E6 i Namsskogan tirsdag reiste onsdag kveld hjem til Sveits.

Dette skjedde i samråd med medisinsk fagpersonell ved Sykehuset Namsos og representanter for sveitsiske myndighetene som befinner seg i Namsos. De overlevende har bevist blitt skjermet fra offentligheten.

Tre personer omkom og en ble kritisk skadd da en turbuss med 17 sveitsere kjørte i en fjellvegg på E6 i Namsskogan.

Buss og charterfly

Ifølge informasjonsansvarlig i Helse Nord-Trøndelag, Svein Karlsen, vil ni av de tolv bli kjørt med buss fra Namsos til Værnes. Derfra vil de bli fraktet i et charterfly til hjemlandet.

– De tre som har blitt behandlet for litt alvorligere skader vil reise fra Værnes med ordinært rutefly og blir ledsaget av medisinsk personell, sier Karlsen.

Flyttet fra intensivavdeling

Sjåføren av ulykkesbussen har ligget på intensivavdelingen ved Sykehuset Namsos til i formiddag. Han er nå flyttet over på vanlig sengepost.

– Han vil bli liggende her et til to døgn før han blir overført til et sveitsisk sykehus, sier Karlsen.

En av passasjerene i ulykkesbussen er fortsatt innlagt på intensivavdelingen ved St. Olavs sykehus. Mannen, som er i slutten av 40-åra, er kritisk skadd.

De omkomne identifisert

De tre som omkom i ulykka er ifølge etterforskningsleder hos politiet i Nord-Trøndelag, Kjetil Ravlo, en 56 år gammel kvinne, en 72 år gammel mann og en 78 år gammel mann.

De tre hadde alle nære familiemedlemmer blant de andre passasjerene. To kvinner mistet sine ektemenn og en kvinne mistet sin søster.

De vil gjennomgå en rettslig obduksjon ved St. Olavs Hospital før de blir transportert til Sveits i samråd med den sveitsiske ambassaden.

Ønsket å reise hjem

Passasjerene som har vært innlagt ve Sykehuset Namsos har gitt klart uttrykk for at de ønsket å komme hjem så raskt som mulig.

– De ønsker å komme sammen med sine nærmeste og er svært glade for at sveitsiske myndigheter har kommet hit og organiserer hjemtransporten så raskt, sier informasjonsansvarlig i Helse Nord-Trøndelag, Svein Karlsen.


AIBN: – Too early to say the cause of the accident – NRK

AIBN: – Too early to say the cause of the accident – NRK

Politiet og Statens havarikommisjon skal i løpet av dagen gjøre tekniske undersøkelser av bussen som kjørte av veien seks kilometer nord for Trones med 17 sveitsere om bord.

Tre personer omkom og en er hardt skadet etter at turbussen fra Sveits med 17 personer om bord kjørte inn i en bergvegg og veltet på E6 i Namsskogan i Nord-Trøndelag. Ulykka skjedde ved 12-tida tirsdag formiddag. Den tyske sjåføren er siktet for uaktsom kjøring.

Vitner skal ha sagt at bussen kjørte vinglete og at det virket som om bussen hadde vært utenfor asfaltkanten før ulykka.

Da ulykka inntraff ved 12-tida, var bussreisen kommet til dag 10, og var på vei fra Mo i Rana til Trondheim.

Fortsatt kritisk

Tilstanden for mannen som ble sendt til St. Olavs Hospital med meget alvorlige skader, er fremdeles kritisk, opplyser sykehuset onsdag.

Avdelingsdirektør i veiavdelingen i Statens havarikommisjon Rolf
Mellum sier til NTB at det er for tidlig å si noe om årsaken til

– Vi vet at det er en utforkjøring og er ute etter å finne faktorer som kan ha bidratt, sier Mellum.

– Det vi jobber ut fra, grovt sett, er å avklare om det er en teknisk svikt eller en menneskelig svikt eller en kombinasjon, sier etterforskningsleder Kjetil Ravlo i Nord-Trøndelag politidistrikt til NTB.

Vitner avhørt

Politiet har avhørt fem-seks vitner til ulykken, forteller Ravlo, men han ønsker ikke å gå inn på hva som har kommet fram i disse avhørene.

I løpet av onsdag og torsdag regner politiet med å komme langt med ytterligere avhør. Bussjåføren er foreløpig siktet for uaktsom kjøring.

– Vi har hatt en innledende samtale med bussjåføren, men har ikke startet avhør ennå. Vi tar det så snart det er tilrådelig.

– Vi må ta hensyn til hvordan det går med ham, sier Ravlo.



AIBN: – Too early to say the cause of the accident – NRK

AIBN: – Too early to say the cause of the accident – NRK

Politiet og Statens havarikommisjon skal i løpet av dagen gjøre tekniske undersøkelser av bussen som kjørte av veien seks kilometer nord for Trones med 17 sveitsere om bord.

Tre personer omkom og en er hardt skadet etter at turbussen fra Sveits med 17 personer om bord kjørte inn i en bergvegg og veltet på E6 i Namsskogan i Nord-Trøndelag. Ulykka skjedde ved 12-tida tirsdag formiddag. Den tyske sjåføren er siktet for uaktsom kjøring.

Vitner skal ha sagt at bussen kjørte vinglete og at det virket som om bussen hadde vært utenfor asfaltkanten før ulykka.

Da ulykka inntraff ved 12-tida, var bussreisen kommet til dag 10, og var på vei fra Mo i Rana til Trondheim.

Fortsatt kritisk

Tilstanden for mannen som ble sendt til St. Olavs Hospital med meget alvorlige skader, er fremdeles kritisk, opplyser sykehuset onsdag.

Avdelingsdirektør i veiavdelingen i Statens havarikommisjon Rolf
Mellum sier til NTB at det er for tidlig å si noe om årsaken til

– Vi vet at det er en utforkjøring og er ute etter å finne faktorer som kan ha bidratt, sier Mellum.

– Det vi jobber ut fra, grovt sett, er å avklare om det er en teknisk svikt eller en menneskelig svikt eller en kombinasjon, sier etterforskningsleder Kjetil Ravlo i Nord-Trøndelag politidistrikt til NTB.

Vitner avhørt

Politiet har avhørt fem-seks vitner til ulykken, forteller Ravlo, men han ønsker ikke å gå inn på hva som har kommet fram i disse avhørene.

I løpet av onsdag og torsdag regner politiet med å komme langt med ytterligere avhør. Bussjåføren er foreløpig siktet for uaktsom kjøring.

– Vi har hatt en innledende samtale med bussjåføren, men har ikke startet avhør ennå. Vi tar det så snart det er tilrådelig.

– Vi må ta hensyn til hvordan det går med ham, sier Ravlo.



Nini Stoltenberg is dead – Aftenposten

Nini Stoltenberg is dead – Aftenposten

Nini Stoltenberg var søsteren til Jens Stoltenberg Camilla Og Og Og Karin var datter av Thorvald Stoltenberg. Hun døde etter lengre tids sykdom.

– Nini et var fantastisk menneske Og debt er en stor SORG at hun na er borte, sier hennes lighthouses Thorvald Stoltenberg til NRK.

Nini Stoltenberg blue 51 AR gammel. Hun var utdannet jurist, Og jobbet Som programleder by 1990-tallet.

Stoltenberg satt i blant annet Bondevik-regjeringens ekspertgruppe for narkotikaspørsmål. Blant forslagene hennes var heroin by Og resept online avkriminalisering av Cannabis Noah hun også jobbet med arena of Internet systems, skriver NRK.

barely urn problemene

Two Internet systems arena av book sitt var Stoltenberg opptatt av å påvirke narkotikapolitikken i Norge.

Stoltenbergs historie med rusmisbruk blue kjent da hun sammen med familien snakket offentlig urn problemene i 2001, skriver NTB.

Det skjedde i forbindelse med at UT selvbiografien pappa Thorvald ga «Det handler urn mennesker». Siden denier gang var hun Badè Og familien apnea urn rusproblemene Og situasjonen for misbrukeres pårørende.

– Nini Stoltenberg var modig Som STO fram. Hun bidro til større åpenhet rundt rusproblemer i samfunnet Og dermed forsvant Noah tabuet av. Hun viste dessuten at også ressurssterke mennesker HRF hjem camp FA Cup rusproblemer, sier fagsjef Stein Magne Berglund i Blåkors.


2013 døde Nini Stoltenbergs forlovede Karljohn Sivertzen, 61 AR gammel.

Uberørt program

Jens Stoltenbergs politiske rådgiver Randi Ness sier til NTB at denier påtroppende generalsekretæren i er by NATO ferie Og at søsterens dødsfall derfor ikke noen FAR praktiske konsekvenser for Stoltenbergs program.

Når debt gjelder detaljer rundt begravelsen, city familien komme tilbake til debt.

class=”date”> Publisert:


AIBN: Can take a long time to get answers to the cause of the accident – Aftenposten

AIBN: Can take a long time to get answers to the cause of the accident – Aftenposten

Havariinspektør Sown Lian Hansen ved Statens havarikommisjon er dagen etter den tragiske ulykken i Namsskogan nøktern not hvilke funn of Har gjort not ulykkesstedet.

– Formal undersøkelsene for her life gjør Na er å samle inn movers. Det tar vi med til OSS Lillestrøm, der skal analyseres debt, Lian Hansen sier til

12 måneders Frist

Han forteller at two i GAR kveld jobbet not ulykkesstedet. I Dag skal de vurdere urn er behov debt for a blanket for a tilbake kvalitetssikre informasjonen two samlet inn i GAR.

– Lifestyle GAR UT this bredt Som mulig Og sjekker veien, kjøretøyet, infrastrukturen not stedet, organisatoriske forhold Og gjør også med andre undersøkelser this åpent Sinn Som mulig.

Fristen of Har for war rapporten er 12 måneder.

– Det camp would pean languages, but denier camp komme for debt , sier Lian Hansen.

UAG ferdig urn milked måneder

Statens vegvesen Har også vært not stedet med deres ulykkesgruppe. Informasjonen two samler inn town senere bli av undersøkt ulykkesanalysegruppen i Vegvesenet.

Two ferdig er med rapporten innen milked måneder.

City released reports

Statens havarikommisjon gjør debt Na kaller forundersøkelse online. Selv urn of gjør debt debt er ikke selvsagt at two city reports released online.

– Lifestyle drar not forundersøkelse by 10 til 15 ulykker. Av disse lager view reports jiggly sex til i ulykker edge, sier Rolf Mellum, Som er ved avdelingsdirektør Veiavdelingen i Statens havarikommisjon.

Han forteller at two derimot allerede er sweetened by at two city reports released HRF bussulykken.

– Når view vurderer urn skal vi med release relates Har debt hendelsesforløp, sikkerhetspotensiale Og skadepotensiale. Denne ulykken er godt innenfor two kriteriene, med tre omkomne, sier Mellum.

Fortsatt kritisk skadet

Tre personer mistet livet i ulykken Og bussjåføren er siktet for uaktsom kjøring.

Skadene Tile members i 50-arena Som i GAR blue fløyet til St. Olavs Hospital etter den dramatiske ulykken by E6 i Namskogan beskrives Som meget alvorlige.

Tilstanden hans er kritisk Og mannen Har siden i GAR blitt behandlet not intensiven not sykehuset.

Det opplyser St. Olavs Hospital is a pressemelding onsdag Morgen.

class=”date”> Publisert:


20 people have drowned so far in July – Aftenposten

20 people have drowned so far in July – Aftenposten

– July is always the worst month, but from the preliminary figures, it appears that in July this year will be worse than in previous years, says communication Torunn Aaslund the Norwegian People’s Aid said.


The preliminary figures show that 20 people have drowned in July this year, compared with 17 persons the same month last year, 12 people in July 2012 and 18 people same month in 2011.

Before July figures came maimåned year was the worst, with the highest number of drownings, when 12 people died. 11 people drowned in June.

Both in 2013 and 2014 are men over 40 who tops the statistics. Throughout 2013 killed 55 men in the age group, while the number nine months have passed 30

When it comes to geography, the Hordaland and Nordland counties where most lives have been lost by drowning this year.

Fall from shore and boat

From January to July 2013 a total of 59 people died in drowning accidents. Even in June this year, 49 people died, and when in July included the number will reach nearly 80, according to preliminary figures.

In 2013 a total of 119 people died in drowning accidents across the country.

Fall from shore or dock into the water with a fall from or accidents involving recreational boats reasons why most die in drowning.



Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The car impaled in the middle share – Bergens Tidende

The car impaled in the middle share – Bergens Tidende

– Here we are talking about more than englevakt. The median went straight through the car only ten to fifteen inches from the driver’s head. Yet he appeared almost as unharmed, said operations Johs. Nysæter at Vestfold Police told Aftenposten.

fireman first came to the scene said he almost did not believe his own eyes:

– The driver was a little dazed, but stood outside and waited wreck for us when we arrived, he said.

the median had gone right through the car and stuck out through the rear window.

It was a little before 21 o’clock Tuesday evening that the man was wrong kjørebanenen against Frodeåstunellen in Tønsberg when he came from E18 and Semsbyen.

After running almost 300 yards on the wrong side of the median he hit the median that with great power was pushed right through the car.

The lawyer has decided to confiscate your license. The driver was rushed to hospital in Vestfold, Tønsberg of control, so we take it further from there, says Nysæter.

Semslinja between Tønsberg and E18 was reopened to traffic in both directions at 21.30 o’clock Tuesday.

driver was born in 1929.


- Can tear guesthouse in the search for Per Vålnes – TV 2

- Can tear guesthouse in the search for Per Vålnes – TV 2

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Hundreds of passengers still without luggage – NRK

Hundreds of passengers still without luggage – NRK

Tordenvær førte til strømbruddet på Oslo lufthavn i går. Det gjorde at bagasjebåndet var ute av drift i over 13 timer, og førte til det totale bagasjekaos på flyplassen.

Først ved 02.00-tiden i natt begynte båndene å rulle igjen.

– Vi hadde noen strømbrudd på grunn av et lynnedslag. Vi har nødaggregater, men det var noen blink som gjorde at it-systemene i bagasjeanlegget ikke klarte å kommunisere med hverandre, forklarer Lasse A.Vangstein, pressetalsmann ved Oslo lufthavn.

I går kveld sto det 6000 kolli i ankomsthallen. Bagasjen ble stablet i store hauger på gulvet.

– Denne bagasjen var sjekket inn. Passasjerene hadde vært her og vist ID, og fått bagasjelapp. I tillegg hadde vi vektere som ivaretok sikkerheten til bagasjen som lå der, sier Vangstein.

Flere hundre uten bagasje

Både Norwegian og SAS sier til NRK at de ikke har full oversikt over hvor mange som fortsatt står uten sin feriebagasje.

Men ifølge Norwegian er det fortsatt flere hundre reisende som ennå ikke har fått tilbake bagasjen sin.

– Når Oslo Lufthavns systemer er slått ut sier det seg selv at det blir vanskelig å levere bagasjen som vanlig. Det vi i Norwegian gjør nå er å bruke alle tilgjengelige ressurser på å lokalisere og sende bagasje til passasjerene så fort som mulig. Hvis du mangler bagasjen din, ber vi deg ta direkte kontakt med oss, sier Lasse Sandaker-Nielsen, informasjonssjef i Norwegian.

Også SAS forsikrer om at de jobber med å få bagasjen levert tilbake til de reisende.

– Ikke godt nok

Nå vil Oslo lufthavn gjøre det de kan for at dette ikke skal skje i igjen.

– Vi kommer til å gjøre en veldig grundig evaluering i etterkant for å se hva som gikk galt og hvorfor systemene ikke kom opp igjen innen rimelig tid. Dette er selvfølgelig ikke godt nok, sier Lasse A.Vangstein, pressetalsmann ved Oslo lufthavn og legger til:

– Hvorfor det skjer er for tidlig å si på nåværende tidspunkt.


Threat assessment is unchanged (kl.13 44) – Bergens Tidende

Threat assessment is unchanged (kl.13 44) – Bergens Tidende

– We are still working full time with the matter. The assessment of the threat remains unchanged, says senior adviser Martin Bernsen PST said.

He says police have received large amounts of tips, and that they are working to review these.

– We has a large supply of information that we are going through and have some information we are trying to verify. There are still unanswered questions, as we try to find answers, said Bernsen.

He would not comment on whether pst know who is behind the threat, or where they reside.

PST said Sunday that the terrorist threat against Norway is still serious, but “slightly reduced”. Tuesday police began a phase of their increased readiness.

Police Directorate has called for a press conference on the threat situation clock 16

– Normal staffing

Police decreases from today contingency in connection with the terrorist threat, lighted police director Odd Reidar Humlegård at a press conference yesterday afternoon. He then informed that the police districts received a new operation orders Monday at 18

– There are still arming of the police, but we provide guidelines for the visible presence of police shall be taken down and reduced, said police director.

Police chief Geir Gudmundsen in Hordaland Police say it will be less visible armed police at the Bergen International Airport and railway station.

– We are moving towards a more normal staffing. But travelers should still expect more stringent entry checks than normal, he said.

Cost million

Humlegård stated that the increased response has cost tens of million just within the police. Gudmundsen says he does not have a figure on what the response has cost here locally.

– The economy we take when this is resolved. Police Directorate has said that this should be treated in the middle, so we’ll see. We are not promised money, he said.

Mobile Police may still be used in police districts to guard, patrol and observation, something they have been used for the past few days.

– We turn the focus the police more of the intelligence and analysis and border and immigration control, says Humlegård.

He points out that the police should be able to step up again quickly if threats change. Police national emergency resources, such as police emergency squad, sniffer dogs and the police helicopter, kept at the same level. Also assistance resources from defense maintained at the same level.

Continues border

Police are now considering threat level lower than before the light of the recent threat assessment PST presented. It will still be made border controls.

– The message is that people must travel as normal. If it takes control, it may take some more time, says head of section for international police cooperation in the Police Department, John Ståle Stamnes.


Three of the crew blew red – express boat to be docked – Aftenposten

Three of the crew blew red – express boat to be docked – Aftenposten

– Det var i toppledelsen rederiet boreal Som natt i would give OSS urn online alkotest mannskapet av. Promillen viste seg å være this debt var Hoy at all grunn til bekymring, sier fungerende politistasjonssjef i Harstad, Oddmund Nilsen, til Aftenposten.

Nilsen bekrefter at skipperen urn tucks er av av de tre politiet Tok med sec for would blodprøver:

– Etter debt of blue dimittert. Two city senere bli kalt inn til avhør Som et ledd forberedelsene til i straffesaken, sier Nilsen.

Ifølge Nordlys blue også styrmannen Og online matros tatt med promille.

Maskinisten Og kioskverten blåste «grønt.”


Two darts er foreløpig siktet for brudd not straffelovens bestemmelser urn pliktmessig avhold for mannskap urn tucks by fartøy Som GAR i passasjertrafikk.

18 passasjerer blue med bussen boreal fremskaffet mot Finnsnes Og Og kunne sette kurs Tromsø ved 07.30-tiden tirsdag.

Anløpsstedene Engenes Og Brøstadbotn city ikke bli betjent, opplyser Troms fylkestrafikk .

– Mannskapet var “by by’n»

Daglig leder i boreal transport Nord, Per Hansen, sier at two fikk tips urn at mannskapet var observert ute not quite natt til tirsdag :

– Siden tunnel view Broker til å would stikkprøver av mannskap var by ferie, måtte view denne gang eBay politiet hjelp urn. Two darts debt gjelder blir Na fulgt OPP av rederiet, sier Hansen.

Two darts UT av er tatt tjeneste til prøveresultatene foreligger, trolig Ohm et par ukers pean.

Imens forsøker rederiet å FA tock i erstatsningsmannskap slik at «Kistefjell» camp would returen HRF Tromsø Harstad til i ettermiddag Som planlagt.


I pressemelding skriver rederiet online at « borealis Har nulltoleranse for bruk av alkohol i tjenesten Og avventer Na resultatet av de endelige prøvene. Borealis beklager two ulempene debt medfører for horned passasjerer. “

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class=”date”> Publisert: 29.jul. 2014 11:47
