Saturday, August 1, 2015

Two critically injured after car drove in garage in Vestfold – TV 2

At 3:37 on Friday night the police got a message about a traffic accident on Hedrum road north of Larvik in Vestfold. The accident occurred just north of Hvåra bridge on road 306 above Numedalslågen.

– A passenger car with three people have run out of road, said operations manager Merete Kvaal Martinsen in Vestfold Police to TV 2.

Two of these people, according to TV2 information being critically injured, but this can not police confirm.

GARAGE: A car should have run off the road and into a garage on the county road 306 at Hvåra bridge in Vestfold night to Saturday. PHOTOGRAPH PHOTOGRAPHER PEDER GJERSØE

Oslo University confirms that two people have been transported into the helicopter.

– One of the passengers is a 18 year old girl . She is seriously injured, says Nina Olkvam, press officer at the hospital to TV2 nine o’clock Saturday morning.

The third person is transported by ambulance to the hospital in Vestfold .

The police know nothing about the incident, except that the car should have run into a garage. Yet the reports on Twitter Saturday morning that high speed is most likely to have been the cause of the accident.

The police, fire, ambulance and air ambulance who managed the accident.



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