Saturday, August 15, 2015

Government will save radioactive waste somewhere else – OBI Online

– It is not appropriate for the government to overrule NOAH and Langøya. However, there are so NRPA believes that Langøya had a license to store this type of waste. But we relate therefore that NOAH not want to accept the waste, says Mæland said.

She said the government will never overrule or instruct a private company.

– But it Nevertheless, so that the state must take responsibility for this waste and finding good solutions on how it can be saved. We have therefore requested an assessment of the waste, and that we work with, says Mæland.

VG reported on Friday that the government will save radioactive waste in the Oslofjord outside Holmestrand. The news led to strong protests from NOAH, who believes that such storage is unjustifiable because the waste can leak into the sea.

According to the newspaper would not Mæland accept NOAH no, and the newspaper wrote that she had started a work for if possible to overrule the private company.

The Norwegian Radiation Protection, which has given NOAH permission to take mine waste, said Friday evening to NTB that the government can not force the private company NOAH to accept radioactive waste.

– They are free to reject what they feel like. When it is a private company, it is limited in what we can push them. Then Industry and Fisheries Ministry, which is responsible for waste, consider other solutions, says adviser Marte Holmstrand in NRPA said. (NTB)


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