Thursday, August 20, 2015

Boy (17) fell from the rope lanyard in Drammen –

(Dagbladet): Southern Buskerud Police District reported in 17 o’clock on a serious accident on Twitter.

– Emergency services come out for an accident at Intake Dam in Drammen (district in Drammen, editor.). A person has fallen from a rope lanyard, the statement said.

Police said the victim is a 17 year old boy.

Taking dam is a popular seaside resort, and boy were on site with a fellow gang.

– They had hung up a cable car over the water. Rope smoke, and the boy fell two to three meters down the mountain on the waterfront, explains police operations manager Tore Nuven Dagbladet.

He said that 17-year-old received lifesaving treatment on site before being transported to Ullevål Hospital in Oslo by air ambulance.

– The extent of damage is unknown, but he was in great pain and was conscious, says operations manager.

According to Drammen Tidende were several witnesses to the accident.


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