Monday, March 23, 2015

- Responds to stricter punishment for the killing of dog than child molestation – NRK

– We must stop looking at this as only “somewhat ufin fun.” Those who download images of sexual abuse that are being committed against children are actively involved in maintaining an industry, says ombudsman Anne Lindboe Aftenposten.

She reacting to a man who carried assault against children 2009 only got five months in prison, including two conditional, while a person who drowned her dog this week was sentenced to six months imprisonment.

– nonsense

– When get as much punishment for committing sexual offenses against children as one does to drive with animal cruelty, then something is nonsense, says Lindboe.

She believes that child abuse is among the most serious crime we have, which destroys the lives of children.

– Low penalties and low penalty levels causes the police prioritize the investigation. I therefore believe we must look at whether the penalties and penalties is at the right level in relation to how rough this crime really is, says Lindboe NRK.

She shows that not only animal cruelty but also other serious crime as street violence or economic crime punishable harder than child abuse.

– Like seriously?

– I think it is wrong that I should be punished harder than sex offender, says the man who Moss District Court asserted that he believed the killing method was humane, when he drowned his dog.

He argues that he could not afford the vet and had firearms available.

– To kill one dog may well not be compared to ruin your life for a child ?, he says to Aftenposten.

When he

got his sentence was an entirely different matter started in Drammen District Court. There sat a 34 year old man on trial in one of Norway’s gravest abuse cases against children.

He has previously been convicted of assault. In 2009, this person was sentenced to five months in prison, where two months of the sentence was suspended.

In principle, he was a free man after eight weeks. His misdeed was partly sexual abuse against a twelve years old child.

23.03.2015, at. 09.18


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