Monday, March 23, 2015

Arfan Bhatti have traveled out of the country – NRK

Just months after Arfan Bhatti came back from an extended stay in Pakistan, the controversial Islamist again having left Norway.

Bhatti had last week meeting in Oslo District Court on charges of domestic violence. Defender John Christian Elden requested that the case would go behind closed doors during the presentation of evidence and the defendant’s statement, and was upheld in this by the judge.

On the first day of the trial acknowledged Bhatti having rod two of their children connection with Koran reading but denied having infringed the penal law.

It is expected that it will fall judgment on Wednesday or Thursday this week. The plan is that Bhatti himself will meet in Oslo District Court to get an optionally judgment preached, and state how he felt about the decision Friday.

– Announced even the police

NRK has been in contact with Arfan Bhatti lawyer John Christian Elden. Asked by NRK about Elden is aware that Bhatti again to have gone abroad, responding Elden in an SMS that “he is three days in Greece on holiday. Back before Easter. “

– This is something he has full opportunity to travel. He alerted the police about this yesterday and showed them tickets roundtrip, without that there was no problem, says Elden NRK.

Elden says Bhatti not imposed travel bans or exit ban and that he planned to be back in Norway before the decision by the Oslo District falls later this week.

– His plan is to come back, and receive what he expects is acquittal, saying Elden.

NRK has been in contact with the Oslo police, the press contact Unni Waterhouse. Waterhouse says that Oslo police have no comment to that Bhatti has traveled to Greece.

article continues below.

STRIKING: Arfan Bhatti has been a significant figure in the Islamist scene in Norway in recent years. In connection with domestic violence case in the Oslo District Court he should have removed the long beard that has been his trademark in recent years. This picture was taken in 2012, when Bhatti demonstrated against the film “Innocence of Muslims” outside the US embassy in Oslo.

Photo: Lien, Kyrre / NTB scanpix

Traveled to Pakistan

It was in January this year that Bhatti returned to Norway after Having spent almost two years in Pakistan. Bhatti traveled to Pakistan in late 2012, and eventually appeared several pictures where the controversial extremist posed with weapons.

After not having

made a sound for a long time, was Bhatti reported missed by family in January 2013. In September 2013, however, told Bhatti brother that 37-year-old had been in contact with the family, and that he was alive.

Later that year it was announced that Bhatti had been arrested by Pakistani security forces, accused the Taliban.

Wild remanding in custody

When Bhatti January 14 landed at Oslo airport, he was arrested by the police. They wanted to keep Bhatti custody for fear of evasion.

This did not police upheld either by the court or the Court of Appeal, and Bhatti was therefore released again on 16 January. Defender John Christian Elden said in this connection that Bhatti thus is “a totally free man.”

NRK has been in contact with Trond Hugubakken, communications director of the Police Security Service, who do not want to comment on this matter .

RIGHT: Arfan Bhatti had last week meeting in Oslo District Court on charges of domestic violence. Defender John Christian Elden says that his client is currently in Greece on holiday.

Photo: Braastad Audun / NTB scanpix

03.23.2015, at. 20.02

03.23.2015, at. 21.12


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