Monday, March 23, 2015

PST chief: – An uncertainty hides Norwegian Syria warriors – Aftenposten

Deteriorated threat situation against Norway. There was something of the main message when Benedicte Bjørnland, chief of the Police Security Service (PST), presented the latest threat assessment against Norway in a lecture in Oslo Military Society Monday night.

Islamic extremism is the biggest threat in a situation where the threat has evolved in a negative direction and where Norway and Norwegian symbols have been given a central place in the enemy image to extremists.

– Dark figures on Syria warriors

Bjørnland says that about 70 people have traveled from Norway to join the warlike actions, especially in Syria. Approximately 15 to be killed. 25 is returned.

– It is unrecorded that hides the real number. It has surprised many, many young people have traveled to join the IS in Syria. It is not automatic for anyone traveling to Syria being terrorists. But participation in organizations lowers the threshold for later violence, she said.

Bjørnland said that the increase in terrorist lately is worrying.

– Where and when new attack comes, we do not know. But all countries’ security services believe attacks are coming. They are very difficult to prevent. We must be prepared for new actions could be undertaken, also in Norway. A number indikatorerer have pointed in the wrong direction.

Russian intelligence

When Bjørnland early February presented the major threat assessment for 2015 named her Russia and China as examples of countries with large intelligence organizations and that Norway has not collaborate with on this front.

– That large states spend huge resources on intelligence, we have seen in decades. Russian intelligence constitutes the largest damage potential for Norway, according Bjørnland.

– We note that Russian etteretningstjenste seeking information about

Norwegian defense and NATO’s plans and strategies. It can serve Russia and weaken the West. Information can be used in sabotage purposes, if the need should arise.

Aftenposten asked Bjørnland after the lecture about PST has registered increased Russian intelligence operations against Norway after Ukraine conflict?

– What we have seen is a shift of attention towards Russian Norwegian energy planning and energy policy, she said.

– Scary

– Norway has a frightening high number foreign fighters in relation to the Muslim share of the population. Government Action Plan contains 30 specific measures against radicalization and violent extremism. Where is imperative that the plan is followed up, says Conservative member of the Justice Committee, Hårek Elvenes Aftenposten.

– When young people begin to advocate totalitarian ideas, isolate themselves and change behavior and dress – then there reason to be wary. The local community must be vigilant. The struggle against violent extremism is not just PST responsibility, he said.

Published: 23 March. 2015 5:49 p.m.


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