Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Severe gas accident during recording of children’s television – Adresseavisen

Recent Total 18 people have come to St. Olav’s Hospital says the hospital clock 21. Recent arrivals get the same oxygen treatment Tues the 1st, and is also admitted for observation. It shall include in particular two from the fire brigade, two police and six ambulance workers.

– Rescue personnel have not been inside the tunnel, but when several reported symptoms such as itching and nausea, we took no chance. It is likely that they are exposed to the gas because of the wind, says Rune Brandmo, operations manager in Trøndelag police.

The clock 18.30 Wednesday says St. Olav’s Hospital in Trondheim that two children and eight adults get oxygen treatment after accident by Franzefoss ballast, and that they are on the mend. Everyone is admitted for observation.

There is talk of two employees at the gravel plant, two children, a television team of four people from NRK and a firefighter.

All emergency services worked long on-site to ensure the site. Photo: Jonas Bjørkli

Sigrid Gjellan, regional director in NRK Trøndelag, confirms that it was a team from NRK Super that first marked the dangerous gas inside a tunnel.

– It was an NRK team of four and two children, both born in 2008, from childrens series program “bit of a job!” that first marked gas leak. “Bit of a job!” Is a documentary where children can try themselves in various professions, and this time they should work in a quarry. When they were moving from one place to another, they went into a tunnel, and there was only one child badly. A NRK employee and another helped first this baby out and then would also the second child out of the tunnel. Since most were out again knew all his bad and they called 113 and got help on the spot, says Gjellan.

– Had NRK something about the blast that should have triggered the gas leak?

– now others are to take care of causal search and then we’ll focus on being employees, and not least the two children who were with NRK team, says Gjellan.

police to manage Jomar Sjøhagen and duty fire chief Ole Anders Holmvåg led the work on site. Photo: Jonas Bjørkli

Barred area

– All is out of the plant and the fire department makes continuous assessment if they can implement pinpointing in tunnel, but this work is associated with risk, says efforts manager on site, Jomar Sjøhagen.

it’s set up two security zones outside the facility, and at 18 measured the still high concentration of methane at the site.

– the main thing now is to get the cordoned off area in a proper way, so that no damage on the gas will ignite, says duty fire chief Ole Anders Holmvåg.

It’s a challenge to get drowned out of the tunnel, since there are no air locks in the tunnel.

– we must consider how we airs out. Something will ooze out of themselves, and maybe we need to insert negative or positive pressure to get out all the gas, says Holmvåg.

Multiple gases

– fire department got impact on methane , ammonia and chlorine. Methane is explosive and the other two are harmful to ingest, says Rune Brandmo, operations manager in Trøndelag police.

According Jartrud Skjerdal by Poison methane is a gas that displaces oxygen in the air and can cause symptoms oxygen deficiency, while chlorine and ammonia can cause irritation for slimhimmer.

– but it depends on the concentration, says Skjerdal, which does not comment on the accident, but a statement on a general basis.

The people who were exposed to the gas were on site in conjunction with a tv recording for NRK. Photo: Christine Schefte

not more casualties in the area

the accident occurred at the plant area of ​​enterprise Franzefoss in Brøttemsveien Heimdal in Trondheim on Wednesday afternoon.

– There have been a gas accident at Franzefoss. We have three units on site, lighted duty manager Frank Hansen in Trøndelag Fire and Rescue Service to Adresseavisen.

Police suspect not a crime in connection with the accident. They reported on Twitter that the fire department now has made pinpointing the tunnel, and it should not be more casualties from the area

TV recording for NRK

According to CEO Henrik Bager Franzefoss aggregate was all the persons who were exposed to gas production tunnel in conjunction with a television recording for NRK.

– Earlier today, there has been a disruption in aggregate plant, and gas from this blast has gradually filtered down through a shaft and into the production tunnel. Where some have been exposed to the gas, explains Bager to Adresseavisen.

– All people are now out of the tunnel, and everyone is talking to, he continued.

Region Editor for NRK Trøndelag Sigrid Gjellan, confirming that there were a tv recording on site, but says she does not have an overview of the situation.

the roads in and out of the area were blocked by police after the accident. Photo: Christine Schefte

Evacuees adults and children

The gas leak occurred in a tunnel that is 140 meters deep.

– There should be no danger to the surrounding areas. Gas stays locally, says Hansen.

Amk notified first about that several people were unconscious, and that five people would be injured. The number was eventually adjusted.

Your message did clock 16.50 Wednesday. Police, ambulance and fire brigade arrived quickly to the spot.


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