Wednesday, May 11, 2016

This is the List Haugs integration plan – VG

Immigration Minister Sylvi Listhaug (FRP) puts forward 69 Mainstreaming.

Immigration and Integration Minister Sylvi Listhaug (FRP) has already announced that it will be made more and tougher requirements for refugees in Norway. A white paper on integration, to be presented at the Centre in Oslo today, she describes how.

– Integration is no “quick fix”. Integration is hard work, says Listhaug from the scene.

The message contains 69 actions (see list at the bottom of the case), which is based on 64 measures of integration settlement as six of parliamentary parties (Conservatives, FRP , KrF, Left, Labor and Sp) joined forces before Christmas.

– the Government has not provided much, if anything, to all the 64 points of integration Settlement. Wednesday should things begin to happen, said Helga Pedersen, deputy head of the Labor Party, told VG yesterday.

& lt; p & gt; horror: Listhaug user Sweden  s & # xE5; called parallel societies such as  p & # xE5; unsuccessful integration. & lt; /  p & gt;

The worst case scenario: Listhaug user Sweden’s so-called parallel societies as an example of failed integration.

Photo: Helge Mikalsen / VG

Left: Cuts in more languages ​​

integration white paper contains proposals to cut Norwegian training in centers further, according to the Liberals. Already last autumn Norwegian education decreased from 250 to 175 hours.

Moreover, does not the government up to the municipalities to gain a greater share of child care expenses for unaccompanied minor asylum seekers covered. KS (local government organization) is disappointed by this.

– This can not be good integration policies, says QA Manager Gunn Halvorsen.

Additional grants to municipalities that receive unaccompanied minors shall be also be given next year next year.

2.5 bn. kroner for municipalities

today was also revised national presented. Here was proposed a number of cuts and grants ten asylum and refugee field.

The price tag on integration and immigration in 2017 is estimated to reach 28.5 billion. When it is assumed that there will be 25,000 asylum seekers both this year and next year.

The settlement of asylum seekers in the municipalities will cost 1.3 billion more, according to the government. The reason is that the pace goes up, and more people to get a home. Municipalities will get 2.5 billion to the asylum field, says the revised national budget. In integration message is proposed to spend 320 million more on asylum and refugee work in municipalities in 2017.

These are some of the integration measures:

• The government will create four to five so-called integreringsmotak with totaling 400 seats. Here asylum seekers to sign a contract that they accept stringent motivation and effort.

– I really believe in reward and requirements, says Listhaug.

The purpose of the “super centers” shall be to speed the entry to society in terms of employment and social participation. There will also be sought with bonuses for each target asylum seekers when these centers.

• Provide grants to SOS Children’s Villages to the development of a model for the settlement of unaccompanied minors seeking asylum.

• facilitate the municipalities offered free core time in kindergarten for two – and three-year who have been granted residence, while on still living in asylum centers.

• Simplify plan – and building Act to make it faster and less expensive to build new homes

• Identify asylum seekers’ skills and provide vocational guidance in the reception phase

• Free core of kindergarten for two- and three-year who have received a residence permit.

• municipalities receive 100,000 kroner extra per unaccompanied minors seeking asylum also in 2017.

• municipalities that receive more refugees than they have been asked, getting up to 50,000 kroner prize.

• Government sets of 97 million to municipalities to get immigrant women and -ungdom find work.

• Asylum seekers who have entered the ID and have a high probability of obtaining a residence, will be allowed to work. Today they must have completed the asylum interview at Immigration (UDI).

• Newly arrived immigrants who have been teaching or nursing in their home country will get approved his education in Norway.

• Participants (ie those who have been granted residence), will have more opportunities for work practice: they will among other things make lunch in school cafeterias, which is installed in four million, and working in a nursing home.

• Refugees in mum perm shall be required to take training while they are on leave.

• All asylum seekers needs “Norwegian folk customs” through a 50-hour course on Norwegian culture, laws and regulations. They must have completed the course and passed a test before they receive training in Norwegian language.

– In some cultures, it is customary to send children. It was also before in Norway. Now it’s illegal, and it is important to teach them, says Listhaug.

• 12.4 million will go to an anti-violence project, which dialogue groups to reduce violence inside and outside refugee centers .

• Refugees and asylum seekers must have lived in Norway for five years before they can receive cash.

• the government will expand the program Job Opportunity to give immigrant one additional school year. In addition, the introduction program could be extended for one additional year for some groups. NOK 97 million has been allocated to the program.


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