Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Most said no to the merger on Super Monday – NRK

Yesterday voiced inhabitants in 47 municipalities over whether they will join with neighboring municipalities. So far, only the majority of merging ten kommner.

In 35 municipalities the majority voted against the merger, while the result of two of the municipalities are not yet clear. Several locations around the country gathered residents to celebrate the results.

– We should celebrate the day grows lighter, but not gloat, says Odd Arne Brekstad and Mikal Tyskø to Fosna people.

They are part of a gang merger opponents who gathered at the club Barrock after it became clear that people in Orland said no to team up with neighboring municipality Bjugn.

the neighbors in Ashford – who in 2014 said no to team up with Orland – voted Monday for a merger.

No to storkommune Rogaland

ahead of superman day was particularly attached great excitement to the results of Stavanger and Sola, which citizens should decide whether they will join forces in the new large municipality North Jæren.

This plan now seems less likely after Stavanger voted yes but Sola and Sandnes voted no.

WILL SPEAKING WITH OTHER Mayor of Stavanger Christine Sagen Helgø (H).

Photo: Johansen, Carina / NTB scanpix

Sola mayor and yes-man Ole Ueland (H) had hoped for a different answer:

– I just wanted a different result but I’m glad for a clear answer, says Ueland.

Mayor Christine Sagen Helgø (H) in Stavanger admits she is disappointed that nab okommunene said no but now directs his gaze northward.

– We’re going to work with those who want to talk to us, that Finnøy and Rennesøy, she said.

More nO

Sunday was held referendums on municipal amalgamation in five municipalities in Nordland and Troms, who all said no to the merger.

Also last Monday was billed as a super Monday, when 32 municipalities voted on the merger. 21 of them said no, something civic Minister Jan Tore Sanner (H) would not call a defeat.

– There came a lot of good news Monday. 22 municipalities said yes and 27 municipalities said no when you see the results of referendums and citizen surveys collected, said Sanner.

Sanner has been clear that the referendum is not binding and only be used as one of several advice when municipal councils take their decision.

ultimately, it is Parliament that will draw the new municipal map, which is scheduled to take place next spring. They will also rely on the advice of the country’s county governors, who are in full swing with draw their own maps over which of the county’s municipalities they believe should merge.

Turnout in Monday’s referendum was very low multiple places, and in some places was the way down to the 20th century.

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