Thursday, May 12, 2016

Russ (19) critically injured in the night, should have been on the roof of the bus in tunnel – Bergens Tidende

A Russian (19) is critically injured after an accident with a russebuss in Arnanipatunnelen in Bergen on Thursday.

“Arna kl. 0237: Serious accident with a russebuss. Emergency services are on site and working. “

Such is the message that was posted on the police’s Twitter page on Thursday.

The clock 05.20 Thursday reported Helse Bergen about a 19 year old man which is critically injured after an accident in Arna. Police operations manager Terje Magnussen confirmed to BT that this is the same person as in Russian accident.

– Head injuries

– We have received notification from AMK stating his head injuries and was critically injured. Preliminary investigations indicate that the person has been on the roof of a russebuss and hit something in the tunnel ceiling, lighted operations manager Terje Magnussen in Western Police NTB in the night.

For BT says Magnussen that 19-year-old probably have hit something inside the tunnel, but that it is currently unclear how.

the injured man was flown by air ambulance to Haukeland university hospital.

Talking to witnesses

the message to police in the night, said Operations Officer, was that a person was found seriously injured in connection with a russebuss.

– They may have been standing on the roof of the bus in the tunnel. We have spoken to both the driver of the bus, the Russians on board and witnesses; that is what we rely on.

When BT was on site at 05 o’clock, the tunnel closed. Police informed when the bus was removed.

The county and municipality notified

– We have notified both the county and the City of Bergen. It is considering the Russians who may need follow-up should it be needed, says Magnussen.

It is not clear exactly how the accident should have happened, but Magnussen says the bus was heading towards Arna.

– Was the person on the bus?

– we do not know yet. It is part of the investigations. We have a good number of names on the block and are working on it.

It should be according to Operations Officer have been “a great deal” Russians in the bus. There were no reports of other injuries.

District Administrator: – Sad and tragic

Fylkesrådmann Rune Haugsdal of Hordaland County Council says to BT that they were notified of the accident last night.

– It was I who received the notice. We have put staff, so-called crisis management, in order to facilitate information and monitoring schools. We are currently preparing the reception of students and what information they get, says Haugsdal.

He says there is currently no publicly available information on which school or student involved.

– we are in contact with several Houston schools so that they could prepare the reception of students. The accident is sad and tragic, says Haugsdal.

– We will take the initiative now to make contact with Russian directors and school leavers even considering the impending graduation celebration this weekend. We will encourage a reasonable implementation of the celebration, so that we avoid tragedies like this.

– Will assist

Eva Hille, Director of Bergen, said they are following the situation.

– We are going to contact the county and work with them on this. Bergen municipality will assist if the county wants it. Such accidents are terrible tragic, says Hille.


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