Thursday, May 12, 2016

Thursday adopted the prohibition of “stalking” – Agder

Unlike the other Scandinavian countries, Norway has not had a specific ban on such persecution, and it has therefore been difficult to prosecute, newspaper Dagbladet reports.

– Now we get it finalized. It’s a great day for those who have been subjected to stalking, says Minister of Justice Anders Anundsen (FRP).

So far, under Section 166 of “reckless behavior” has often been used to punish stalking, but now added persecution in the legislative text. In addition, a new paragraph 166a which states that “whoever repeatedly threaten, follow, observe, contacts,” punishable by up to four years in prison.

– This provision affects the most serious form of stalking, which is happening to freedom of movement and can be extremely troublesome, says Anundsen. (© NTB)


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